Station Garage, Knutsford
Ranked #65 of 137 in Cheshire
Services: MOT, Servicing, Tyres, Exhausts
King Street
WA16 8BW
Call 01565 633341
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"Will Always Take the Time To Solve a Problem Properly"
By meldrew, 15 November 2011
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I have been a customer of this garage for as long as I can remember. Even before my children were born and they are now car owners. My wife says that they are very female friendly and can take her own car there without being talked down to. Most of the time the need is for routine repair and servicing but if anything crops up out of the ordinary they have been known to spend their own time getting to the bottom of it. The main men there are constant although one of the owners recently retired. I just hope they keep going as long as I keep driving!