Llanwrtyd Wells Auto Services, Llanwrtyd Wells
Ranked #90 of 348 in Wales
Beulah Road
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"Friendly, efficient, accommodating, helpful, inexpensive, everything you could wish for in a local garage."
By myklo, 11 August 2012
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I have been using L.W.A.S for about five years now and have always found them to be very helpful and friendly. On one occasion my car broke down the day before I was due to go on holiday and they worked overtime in the evning to get the car on the road - and no extra charge incurred. They will always try to repair rather than replace a part if possible and their charges are very competitive indeed. A courtesy car is usually available but if not they will drive you home. In short I cannot praise them enough. If you live in Mid Wales, this is the garage to use.