Eastbourne Motoring Centre

Ranked #15 of 108 in East Sussex

Services: MOT, Servicing, Tyres, Exhausts

103 Bourne Street


East Sussex

BN21 3SE

Call 01323 720681

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By Anonymous, 13 April 2019

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We needed to purchase a new car as a matter of urgency and after a great deal of research found that a Suzuki Vitara Allgrip ticked all our boxes. However we were unable to locate any suitable car on the Isle of Wight (our home), but instead heard that Eastbourne Motor Co (EMC) might be able to help. Sure enough, within a couple of weeks of telephoning the sales department, we were advised that a car meeting our precise requirement had been located -- in Scotland! We placed a deposit and the car was transported down to the South coast and made ready for us while we exchanged the necessary paperwork using email. Shortly after the final payment, the car was delivered from Eastbourne to our agreed meeting place in Portsmouth and our old car taken away in part exchange. At no point we did we need to leave the Island except to collect the car at the mainland ferry terminal and sadly we never met any of the helpful staff at EMC. Everything was done promptly, efficiently and good humour by phone, email and bank transfer. I have bought many new cars in my time, but never has it been this easy. I thoroughly recommend this Company as being honest, efficient, knowledgeable and genuinely helpful to anyone seeking a new or used vehicle.

Visited With

My vehicle

Visited In

Mar 2019

Visited For


Additional Services

Car cleaned, Itemised invoice, Great customer service, Pick-up and collection, Online booking

Good Points

Good communication and a flexible approach to our inability to visit

Bad Points

I have nothing adverse to report


Quality of Service



Value for Money



By grumpyr, 11 April 2019

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We needed to purchase a new car as a matter of urgency and after a great deal of research found that a Suzuki Vitara Allgrip ticked all our boxes. However we were unable to locate any suitable car on the Isle of Wight (our home), but instead heard that Eastbourne Motor Co (EMC) might be able to help. Sure enough, within a couple of weeks of telephoning the sales department, we were advised that a car meeting our precise requirement had been located -- in Scotland! We placed a deposit and the car was transported down to the South coast and made ready for us while we exchanged the necessary paperwork using email. Shortly after the final payment, the car was delivered from Eastbourne to our agreed meeting place in Portsmouth and our old car taken away in part exchange. At no point we did we need to leave the Island except to collect the car at the mainland ferry terminal and sadly we never met any of the helpful staff at EMC. Everything was done promptly, efficiently and good humour by phone, email and bank transfer. I have bought many new cars in my time, but never has it been this easy. I thoroughly recommend this Company as being honest, efficient, knowledgeable and genuinely helpful to anyone seeking a new or used vehicle.

Visited With

My vehicle

Visited In

Mar 2019

Visited For


Additional Services

Car cleaned, Itemised invoice, Great customer service, Pick-up and collection, Online booking

Good Points

Good communication and a flexible approach to our inability to visit

Bad Points

I have nothing adverse to report


Quality of Service



Value for Money

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