A & M Auto Services
Ranked #28 of 106 in Leicestershire
Services: MOT, Servicing, Tyres, Exhausts
1 Bowden Court Riverside
LE16 7PY
Call 01858 466805
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"First class service when asked to repair my wifes CRV"
By Anonymous, 8 April 2017
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The clutch failed on a Honda CR-V belonging to my wife. The AA brought it back to our drive from which A&M collected the vehicle and repaired it. A new clutch, flywheel and rear diff oil change later, and it's just like new. One very minor quibble I had was that calls were not returned, but it's because they are so busy delivering exemplary service. Oh and their price was approximately 30% less than the official Honda dealer who couldn't look at it until a week after Easter - total waste of time they were. A&M are the best we've found in this town