Can I have my Mercedes-Benz SLK200 serviced at an independent dealer?
I own a 4-year-old Mercedes-Benz SLK200. It recently had a service at a dealership and I was shocked and stunned when it cost £1060 (including two rear tyres). The level of service isn't that brilliant either, therefore I am looking to use an independent Mercedes-Benz specialist in the future. Will this affect the re-sale value should I choose to sell it?

If you plan on selling it sooner and especially if you decide to trade it in, then having a Mercedes-Benz service history will make a difference of probably a few hundred pounds. It seems silly, but unfortunately that's how people perceive a full service history. In our experience, independent specialists are not only better value, but also offer better service and have more expertise. After all, they can't merely rely on the main dealer badge above the door.
Answered by David Ross on