
My 2003 E39 530 Diesel Automatic owned from new is going in for service soon at 105,000 miles. (I need another 200k miles and it won’t owe me anything.) What is the latest thinking on Auto Gearbox Oil Changes? BMW says the Auto Boxes are "Sealed for Life". My local Official BMW Service people, (extremely helpful guys) say they have not had to replace any boxes. Individual BMW mechanics offer words of advice along the lines of they would "probably leave well alone". However, if it makes me feel better, just have the oil changed. Oil change is about £200 (if BMW do it). A new Autobox fitted by BMW is £5k or a specialist rebuild is £2k. I just don't what a catastrophic failure with no get me home functionality in the south of France. The Autobox Specialists say change the oil every 40,000 and, very worryingly, express incredulity that the box has lasted that long at all. What should I do? What would you do?
As car by car breakdown entry at hjuk. It has to be done at the right pressure and temperature, which is where the back street boys come unstuck and where the bad advice comes from (after they came unstuck). Best by a member of
Answered by Honest John on

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