What three wheelers does a car licence cover? - RaineMan

Apologies if this has been covered before but I am trying to clarify what three wheelers are covered by a full car licence. Obviously three wheeled cars like the Reliant, Messerschmidt, etc. are. I recall that when I was younger these could also be driven on a full motorcycle licence. Does this apply.

Beyond this though it seems unclaer. A friend told me that a car licence definately covers you for riding q three wheeled scooter - the ones with two wheels at the front. He then said it also covered you for a trike (the type with a motorcycle front end and car type back end) but was uncertain about motorcycle combinations (but felt they were if they had reverse - e.g. Ural).

What is the definitive answer?
What three wheelers does a car licence cover? - martint123
Check the classes on your licence against this DVLA list preview.tinyurl.com/whatcanIdrive
What three wheelers does a car licence cover? - Cris_on_the_gas
I think with a car licence you can drive any trike. With a bike licence it used to be any 3 or 4 wheeled vehicle up to 475 Kg, although the DVLA has made it more complicated recently so you would have to check with them
What three wheelers does a car licence cover? - RaineMan
From what I can make out it would seem that a car licence covers trikes (two wheels front or back) but not motorcycle combinations. I think I will pop into the local motorcycle shop as thay also arrange CBT/etc. and if they do not know definitely will knoew a man who does. Strangely I have two groups on my photo licence that were not on the list - L & N!