Ross Garage Services

Ranked #243 of 440 in Scotland

Services: MOT, Servicing, Gearboxes, Tyres, Exhausts, Brakes, Clutches

3 Carsegate Road North




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"Disgusting "

By Laura Mackay, 19 March 2021

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My car was needing a repair, saw this place had excellent reviews, did 10% NHS discount and could also give me a courtesy car to get me back and forward to work in the mean time so decided to book in. However it was clearly a big mistake. When we collected the "courtesy car" and dropped off my car I initially noted that the car footwell was dirty but looked past it at the time as its easy for the footwell to get muddy. However, on arriving home I noticed that the rest of the car was absolutely filthy and it was more than just muddy feet. There was dog hair everywhere, sweet wrappers, the car itself was sticky despite them telling my partner "it's had a wipe down" and there was visible dirt, hairs and old half chewn up sweeties down the sides of the cup holders and as a wee added bonus there was the last car users cotton face mask left. I was absolutely appalled that in the middle of a global pandemic this is what they thought was acceptable because clearly the car hadn't been touched since the last person who was in it. When I called up the receptionist was quite rightly so very apologetic but couldn't tell me how the person who supposedly "wiped down" said vehicle thought it was acceptable to give to a customer- probably because the car never had a wipe down at all. I knew my car was needing possibly extensive repairs and I was expecting to pay upwards of £500+ for the car to be repaired but the way that no care or attention was taken with the courtesy car speaks volumes to me as to how their workmanship would be. Absolutely disgusting and needless to say I decided I would not be having my car sorted by this garage. I decided that I wasn't going to pay hard earned money to people who can't even bother themselves to clean a car in the middle of a pandemic before giving it to another customer. When I spoke to one of the mechanics, I assume he must have been the manager although he gave me no introduction, I asked if he would like to see the car to which he shrugged. His attitude was terrible. I opened up all of the car doors and the boot and showed him how filthy the car was to which he responded, "aye but you'll no be sitting in the back would you". I work full time as a staff nurse and I also have a toddler, whilst my car was being repaired I would have to use this car for that purpose so yes I would be using the back but it was a utterly inappropriate comment and I can only assume that he himself was embarrassed at the state of the car. It was also ironic considering the car came with a car seat in the back for some reason. The whole attitude was absolutely appalling and I'm honestly just disgusted. Do not waste your time.

Visited With

My vehicle

Visited In

Mar 2021




1-5 hours

Visited For


Additional Services

Courtesy car

Good Points

Absolutely nothing

Bad Points

Professionalism, cleanliness, attitude


Quality of Service



Value for Money

"Unexpectedly expensive, feels a little deceptive."

By Anonymous, 12 February 2021

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Recently purchased a vehicle and didn't have locking wheel nut keys. Took this vehicle to Ross Garage Services based on a local recommendation to have them remove the nuts, also asked for a quotation for an oil change while it was there. Quote for oil change was "around £100" which seemed fair, and they didn't call to advise any change of this. When collecting the vehicle the total cost was £150 for the oil change and £50 for the wheel nut removal which must be paid in cash. I commented that this was higher than I expected, and didn't have that in cash but they refused to add it to the card payment. I agreed to return with cash (which we did the next day) Later the proprietor accosted me and said he "didn't like the way I spoke to his receptionist" (all I said was it was "higher than I expected"), overall a quite confrontational experience and one that made my partner feel quite uncomfortable. Of course, the invoice (which includes "wheel nuts" listed on it) is only for the value of the card payment. Certainly not somewhere we'll be using again in the future.

Visited With

Family member's vehicle

Visited In

Feb 2021




1-5 hours

Visited For


Additional Services

Courtesy car

Good Points

Were able to do work at short notice, courtesy car provided

Bad Points

Part of the job had to be paid separately by cash, person I dealt with was a little confrontational.


Quality of Service



Value for Money


"Great service and very helpful on time"

By Anonymous, 1 June 2019

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Dropped my Land Rover Freelander off. As I was told my clutch slave cylinder had failed by another Garage. This garage fixed my problem which was air in the hydrolic system clutch. I am very happy with the vehicle and all appears well.

Visited With

My vehicle

Visited In

May 2019


Up to £100


1-5 hours

Visited For


Additional Services

Work explained, Itemised invoice, Great customer service

Good Points

Very friendly and helpful kept me well informed

Bad Points

Nothing I found there staff and everybody very helpful


Quality of Service



Value for Money

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