Chariots Specialist Cars

Ranked #52 of 82 in Northamptonshire

Services: MOT, Servicing, Tyres, Exhausts, Bodywork

Kettering Venture Park



NN15 6XE

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"Shoddy work not to manufacturer standards, refuse to take responsibility "

By Anonymous, 17 March 2023

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Sorry to have to write this review however having done some research my problem is not uncommon. You should all be aware: 1) When you buy a car and they claim it is serviced to manufacturer standards this is NOT true as they failed to check technical service bulletins which are a key part of manufacturer quality servicing. They also left the service light on. 2) In my case their failure to follow the manufacturer guideline means my front brakes are incorrectly fitted and now warped. (issue in 180mph capable 4x4) 3) Failed to follow guidelines on rear brakes 4) When a technical issue (wobbly steering and knock in suspension) was raised under warranty, insisted I had to resolve it myself and send the bill. Unfortunately 3 separate garages struggled to find the issue over a few of months until a full paid for diagnosis by myself discovered: Defective Tyres Incorrectly fitted brakes Failed suspension part No one at Chariot's acknowledged ANY correspondence. 5) Having waited for a response in January I raised a claim with the Finance Company @MannIsland they too have failed to resolve and referred it to the finance broker @carfinance247 who have literally tried every trick in the book to avoid taking responsibility. 6) Chariots response was to again to ignore it, before outright denying that this was anything to do with them. Some brilliant anecdotes from my conversation with the owner Franco where he was mostly abusive, dismissive and apparently it's all my fault. a) if I post a negative review he will sue me for slander b) that as a Christian this meant he had done nothing wrong (not sure what this has to do with an unroadworthy car! ) c) his chief mechanic has 35 years of experience and is brilliant and he rushed my car through the workshop because someone else was off and would have serviced it correctly. d) his non-response to the warranty wasn't his fault e) that I had driven the car f) that I may have driven the car erratically causing the brakes to warp g) that the inspecting garage had made up the allegation, let's just say that they have nothing other than 5 star reviews unlike Franco and friends. h) that I had never contacted them about any of this despite messages between service, Louis (salesman about service light and tyre issues) and a selection of emails entirely ignored until I threatened legal action. The fact is all faults were reported in month 1, again in month 2 of ownership, the car is allegedly under a warranty they provide (worthless right now), and the brake discs are still under warranty with their supplier. I could go on but check out similar reviews to mine by googling 'Car Dealer Reviews' current score 3.5 (mostly negative) 'Car buying advisor' 3.7/5 Auto Trader is quite good bizarrely. Common themes of poor service in aftercare, arrogant Franko, shoddy workmanship and above all taking zero responsibility. So overall thanks for the £40K paperweight on my drive! Please proceed with caution with Chariots Specialist Cars

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Mar 2023


£1000 plus


1-5 hours

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after care

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Taking payment for the car!

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Almost everything else


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