Central Tyre & Auto Services

Ranked #77 of 137 in Cheshire

Services: MOT, Servicing, Tyres, Exhausts

Mossrose Garage London Road



SK11 7SP

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"Incompetent!! After having to visit several times with a slow puncture , they didn't tighten the bolts up and the wheel was loose. Could have caused a serious accident. "

By Claire Henry, 24 September 2022

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So 4 weeks ago I went to get in my van to find I had a flat tyre. I have a pump so blew some air in it and took it to this place in macclesfield. After looking at the tyre they came back and said it had a nail in it and could be repaired 25 quid later off I goes. The following morning same tyre is flat again. Pumped some air in it and took it back thinking that they hadn't repaired the puncher properly to be told that there was nothing wrong with the repair but the tyre had another nail. Following morning yes you guessed same tyre down again. back I go to be told its a faulty valve and everything is sorted. Next day goes to get in my van to find the tyre is down. Back again to be told that there's a small hole in the side wall and a new tyre is needed. Last night after picking florrie up from school driving down the Silk Road in macclesfield which is a duel carriage way for people who don't live in macclesfield to find the tyre that this shower of shit was supposed to repaired and replace hadn't been tightened and was coming off but lucky managed to limp to another garage round the corner to be put on properly and tightened up. So people of macclesfield if your van or car is in need of a new tyre or service take it to a reputable dealer that knows what there doing and not these shit houses. All I got from the management was all I can say is I'm sorry .which I told them it doesn't change the fact that the muppets they have working for them can't repaire a tyre or replace it let alone tightened it up properly and they can stick there sorry up there arse. End of the day people save money time and trouble and go anywhere other than this shower of shit.

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Sep 2022


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