Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Hansz

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M011934. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Try 3706

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Hansz

Dear Galaxy, thank you very much. It is the right code!!

Regards, Hans

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Macca26791
M431953 could you check for my could please mate, thank you
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Antony Brotherton
Hi there - I’m trying to get the code for my radio. The one in the book doesn’t work for some reason. Serial number is M182605. Thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

I'm amazed no-one has yet answered this, or if they have, I've missed it.

The S/N M182605 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - AAkar

I have a 4500 RDS EON Ford Radio.After having the battery disconnected I need a code. The Serial No. is M628122. Can you help please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor
My records show this code to be. 6830.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - AAkar

That code worked for me. Thanks a lot mate!

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Airurandopaul

I have a Ford Fiesta with a 4500 RDS Eon. Similar story. Took out the battery and need the code . The serial number is M057347

Can you help?


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

Your code should be 1287

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - mcginto
Can anyone help me with my radio code, my serial number is M041202

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The code for your radio should be 3771

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Aaron Rutherford

Hi I'm also looking for a radio code for my.mother-in-laws first

Serial is m583673

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - shilaros

  • hi there got a code for a serial number m572000 was given 2095 i think when i bought it however it does not work can anyo0ne check it for me please

  • thanks ahead

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

It's 2065, actually. Give that one a try!

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Gzim
Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M188393 . Many thanks in advance!!
Help me plzz:( galaxy
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4051

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Ryan doherty
Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M059889. Many thanks in advance!!
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Josh Hollands
Hey there, please could you assist me with my Fiesta radio code too? The serial number is M329793. Thank you ??

Edited by Josh Hollands on 12/07/2018 at 13:44

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N M329793 should have the code


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - hiswife

Can someone please help with my code Fiesta 4500 serial No. M023143 thanks.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 6593

(Must be the quickest code I've ever done!)

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Tp503

Hi can I get the code for M418597 please?

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9392

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Andrei Rosca

Hi , can you please tell me what is the code for M101824 radio from my ford fiesta? thanks. Much appreciated ??

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct coe for your radio should be: 3108

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Jesper9876
Hello can you help me with radio cd 4500 ford fiesta code?serial number m023499

Please help me with a code number
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 4972

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Jesper9876
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

You are very welcome!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Radio code ford fiesta

Hello i need the code for M172324,thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 9700

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Wba50
Can I have the code for a Ford 4500RDS EON radio please?

Serial no. M007401
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Luke henderson
Hi, have you got the code for fiesta serial number M077639
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Mark rose

Could you please help me with mine? M027181. Cannot find the thread. Cannot even find the reply to I sent you on your reply to another question lol. So could you please email it to me or inbox on here if its available. Thanks in advance

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

On this site, there is no Inbox or PM, nor direct contact to your e-mail - you just have to check back here.

The S/N M027181 should have the code


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - sylvvia
I have te same problem with the radio, locked 10
Had someone the code for serial number M077781?
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N M077781 should have the code


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - sylvvia
OMG it works!!! Thank You sooooo much !
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

No problem! Thanks for coming back to confirm the code is correct.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Ieuan Howells

Hi any chance you can find the code for my Ford 2003 fiesta radio

S/N: M0385 13


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N M038513 should have the code


P.S. I hope you find this - it's buried in a huge thread.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Ieuan Howells

Cheers mate, I'll try that today.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Hannah Quirit
Hey there if you could help me retrieve my car’s radio code pleaaasee!!

Serial number is B3 01259

Many thanks in advance x
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

I don't know if anyone else here recognises a serial number beginning with B.

We can help with M followed by six or seven digits, and possibly with V numbers.

Please check you have actually read the S/N, which will be stamped or printed on a label attached to the body of the radio, visible if you pull the radio a little way out of the dashboard.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - wandering_nomad

hi there do you have code for m26 1442


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be:


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Paul hawkesby

9482 try this

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

Your point being?

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Sanguine88
Does anyone have the code for m267950 please? My poor partner can’t listen to her radio after a battery change :(
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your partner's radio should be: 7381

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Dashmesh
I have a ford fiesta zetec s and my radio needs a code. The serial number is M060365
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

For the S/N M060365 the code should be


P.S. The word "please" helps the world run more smoothly.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Dashmesh
SOrry mate my apologies. How do i put 7 if theres no number 7 on the radio? Only 1-6
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

Not sure if it will work with your radio, but this is one of the procedures:

Repeatedly press button 1 until the correct first digit of the code is displayed.
Repeatedly press button 2 until the correct second digit of the code is displayed.
Repeatedly press button 3 until the correct third digit of the code is displayed.
Repeatedly press button 4 until the correct fourth digit of the code is displayed.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Grant Lawson

Hi, was wondering if u could help me please? Need a radio code for a fiesta 2004

S/N M192855 Thanks any help well appreciated

Thanks again grant

Edited by Grant Lawson on 02/07/2018 at 23:33

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Grant Lawson

Hi guys. Managed to get the problem fixed, thanks to a link galaxy had left. Worked first time and no problems what so ever.

Any one with the same problem should scoll down the messages and try this link.

I found my SERIAL NO. By holding down numbers 2 & 6 at the same time for 3 seconds plus. This worked for a fiesta zetec 2004. Radio model 4500 RDS EON.

Thanks again Grant

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Ryan doherty
Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M059889. Many thanks in advance!!
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N M059889 should have the code


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - No music

Hi guys, same as everyone else here could someonevplease tell me my radio code. My commute to work is becoming unbearable. Anybhelp is greatly appreciated believe me. My serial number is m081320

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N M081320 should have the code


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Hhnn


Can you tell my radio code please

My S/N is:



2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 9699

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Pauld3017
Can you tell me code for Ford Fiesta 03 code m262921 thank you
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N M262921 should have the code


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 1382

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

That's what happens when you have to wait 20 minutes to get the code!

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

I didn't. I used my own generator on my PC and replied as soon as I saw the post. The timing is coincidental.

Edited by FP on 18/07/2018 at 12:54

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

Sorry, FP - I wasn't criticising you in any way whatsoever. What I was criticising was the newly-imposed Puma People Decode website delay of 20 minutes to get a free radio code!

Perhaps we should ask HJ to contact them?

I agree, the timing of our two posts was purely coincidental.

I think I did used to have a code generator on one of my computers that I used to use before the Puma People one became known. Whether I can still find it, though, is another matter - I know it's not on my current computer.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

Please don't apologise, Galaxy - I didn't take offence. And maybe my own message was a bit brusque, but I was about to go to lunch.

I know the PP decoder was offline for some time and has now re-appeared in a far less attractive form. (I wonder why?)

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - No music

Thank you muchly.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

Thanks for getting back to us.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - cjgreengrass


This is my first post so hopefully I have completed the process correctly.

Can you please provide a radio code for serial number M 09 99 60

Many thanks and much appreciated.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Kevin Racz

Hi my battery been disconnected from mu ford fusion 2003 and need a code please



2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Corinne Dexter

I'm not sure if I'm doing this right but any chance you could me find the code for my radio? Serial number is M143370. Many thanks if you can!

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 5981

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Baljinder Chauhan
Hello I purchased a Ford Fiesta yesterday and the dealer was unable to work out the code for the radio,

the details that come up is M2 19855 after I pressed 6 and 2

Can you help?
Thanks in advance
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

For the S/N M219855 the code should be


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Banacalex

Hy can you send me a code for radio cd 4500 ford fieste?the serial is m028060

Please help me

Best regards alex

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Jon howard

Hi, I have a 4500 RDS eon. With serial code : m074988. Please could you sort me a code please ??

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N M074988 should have the code


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N/ M028060 should have the code


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Harry Lloyd-Davison

Hello would you be able to help me find code or cd player 4500


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - recidivist

Dear Galaxy

same problem here for the same car only 2002 - acquired car that's been stood for months so battery is flat. The serial is M0144441.

Hope you can help


2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Timmins1

Need a code for 4500 rds

Serial m173430
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Feebs26

Hi, please please could you help me. I changed my battery and we can't find our code. The series number is M129436. I would really appreciate it :)

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Emel
Hi could you please help me with my keycode if possible? My serial number is M006951. Thank you
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Thomas brogan
Hi there I have Ford Fiesta with a 4500 RDS eon radio! And need the keycode my serial is M165783 would be much appreciated thank you! ????
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

(Answered in the other thread where you posted.)

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Rui Mariano

Hello, looking for a code if anyone can help

S. N - M025641

Hopefully can get it, if not new radio it is ??

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N M025641 should have the code


P.S. You've buried this in a huge thread - I hope you can find it again!

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Rui Mariano

It worked!!

Thanks a million buddy, your a legend

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

And thank you for coming back to confirm the code is correct.

Edited by FP on 14/07/2022 at 23:19

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - jennawilson1
Can anybody help me. I had the head gaskit done on my fiesta ztech 58 plate and I have had to go 3 months with no music as have no security code. The serial number for the radio is v028377. Can some one please please help!!
2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Gavgo

If your looking for Ford V Codes check get you can get them cheap here >

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Panagiotis kalavris

Help M049802

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

If you can manage a polite request someone will probably help you.

We are real people, not Google.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - jennawilson1
Can anybody help me. I had the head gaskit done on my fiesta ztech 58 plate and I have had to go 3 months with no music as have no security code. The serial number for the radio is v028377. Can some one please please help!!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Torrance

sorry but cant seem to post or unsure how to lol

was wondering if u could help me with my radio code?

its a Ford 4500 RDS EON & the serial number is: M267858

thanks in advance ;)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Lisag95
Hi i not sure how to post can anyone help me, i need code for 4500 rds serial m029992 thank u
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

If you take the trouble to read the post five posts down from your own it tells you how to obtain the code yourself!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Tdawg
Same question, how do I achieve the 4500 RDS radio code Serial m264189
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code 4500 RDS - New member
Dear all,
I need your help too please. My serial number is: M631738
Ford Fiesta - Radio code 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Important information for anyone who is looking for FORD CAR RADIO KEYCODES

1. For radios whose Serial Number begins with an "M", followed by a six digit number, you can use the following link to work out what your Keycode should be:

2. For radios whose Serial Number begins with a "V", followed by a six digit number, I'm afraid there is no Keycode generator available for you to work out the code yourself.

You will either need to visit your local Ford Main Dealer, or there are sellers on Ebay who claim they can supply the Keycodes for "V" Serial Numbers, for a fee.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Charlotte Gabriel
Do you have a code for mine please M131499
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 8716

Wow, your post took quite some finding! Right in the middle of a 340 post thread! Best to start a new separate thread if you happen to require any Keycodes in future. Makes life much easier!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Michelle wills
Can you help me get radio code for Ford Fiesta my number is m116895 ??
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - harrrr7745

Do you have a code for a for fiesta 4500 RDS radio with a serial number M272670?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dan4,65

Hi woyld anyone have the code for my radio serial is m089762

Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dmitar Kosanovic

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2004 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M526943 Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M526943 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Macca26791
M431953 does anyone have the code for this model? Thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - jennawilson1
Can anybody help me. I had the head gaskit done on my fiesta ztech 58 plate and I have had to go 3 months with no music as have no security code. The serial number for the radio is v028377. Can some one please please help!!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Sorry, you won't get a "V" code for free. Myself and the others on this forum who do codes can only do "M" ones.

For a "V" code you will need to go to your local Ford Main Dealer. Or, if you have a look on Ebay you will find several advertisers who claim they can supply them.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - leebelly
Any chance of a code for M213746 ?


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - leebelly
Any chance of a code for M213746 ?


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - csabesz05

Can you help me please! My ford radio asking for keycode! The serial number is M445245! I dont know how find this! Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - kong

hi, i have the same problem serial # MO98466. can you help please?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

hi, i have the same problem serial # MO98466. can you help please?

The correct code for your radio should be 9177

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - kong

perfect, thank you Galaxy!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - jasonroberts1234

Try 3706

Could you get the code for mine please? M002330 thanks!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Stressed Dad

Hi My son has a 02 fiesta with 4500 RDS EON radio and SN MO 10158 can anyone supply the code All the best Tony

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Stressed Dad

Hi I cant even work out how to join this chat and or post properly so do excuse me if ive got it wrong. Trying to get radio code for my sons fiesta the serial number is MO10158 thanks Tony

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - squizzer

Can you reply with the code?

I have a 4500 RDS in my fiesta, the serial number is M029736

Many thanks Squizzer!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - butakjue

I have a Ford Radio.After having the battery disconnected I need a code. The Serial No. is M137791 Can you help please.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - butakjue

Dear Galaxy!

I have aFord Radio.After having the battery disconnected I need a code. The Serial No. is M628122. Can you help please.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Highland Dancer

Can anyone help me with a code for my Ford Fiesta radio 4500 RDS E-on, serial no: M094616. Thanks.?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jiri

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta. the serial number M095974 Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - hardieboy14
Can anyone help me with my code please as I can't use the code generator
Because my laptop is broken.

My serial number is: M221926

Many thanks!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - dannkingg

hi there i have been trying to get a code for my radio, i was wondering if you could help me serial is m007748


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Gards

I have a CD6000 but the serial code begins with V and not M.

Can anyone please help with radio code for V 086694

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Sorry, but nobody on this forum can do Ford "V" Radio Codes.

Ford Main Dealer or there are people on Ebay who claim they can do them for a fee.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fordgurps
Hi I have just spent all evening fitting a 4500 radio CD player in the car and the code given is wrong - the serial number is M175452 - can anyone please help??
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - gas man

does any one know the code to my daughters radio its a ford fiesta zetec radio serial number is M223987
many thanks .

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fordgurps
Hi I have just spent all evening fitting a 4500 radio CD player in the car and the code given is wrong - the serial number is M175452 - can anyone please help??
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - kevla53

Hi I found out the code for my stereo today but can't understand why it's not working I thought once you put the code in it would come on automatically. Seems not can anyone tell me if there is another button I should be pressing after entering the code? Thanks kev

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - kevla53

Hi. Is there another button to press after the four digit code is entered as my stereo doesn't do anything after I've finished entering the code. Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You have to press #5 to enter the code after you've put in the 4 digit code number.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mihail

hi , can you help me please , the same problem , ford fiesta 2004 , serial nr. M168908 , Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - SonnyBrown
Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2002 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serial number is M044768 . Thanks.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - SonnyBrown
Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2002 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M044768. Thanks.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - gaffa

Hi, I have a 52 plate fiesta with a 4500 rds radio without a code. How do I find the serial number please??

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - katjang66

Can you also please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M056574. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - EllenC

Hi, I'm in desperate need for a radio code, the serial number is M171302.

Thanks in advance


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Telt
Hi please can you help me with my radio code the code in the booklet written in pen isn't working on a second hand fiesta I've not long brought the serial number is m122390 thank you
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - lancsrugby

Hi my fiesta radio display reads locked. How can I remove this also can you help find radio code for m283660 ? Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Torrance

Hi there, could u help with the code for my 4500 rds? the serial number is: M267858.

Many thanks in advance. Cheers, Chris.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - kenny1990@1

Hi there can u help me get my code. M065610

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - jaaym123

Hi Galaxy, please could you tell me the code to my radio in my 2004 ford fiesta, M301277

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Member
Hi Galaxy/anyone else out there who may be able to assist

I have a scrapped Ford Fiesta 2005, and need the key code for the triple dash FD 4500 RDS radio/ CD player head unit, serial number M260504.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - AmberDegraaf

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M511761. Thank you to any one that can tell me

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - arronmayo
Hi do you have the code for Ford Fiesta m113935

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Behappy
Hi Galaxy do you no the code for a fiesta 2004 . 4500rds . Seriel number . M189991 . Thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

For radios whose Serial Number begins with an "M", followed by a six digit number, you can use the following link to work out what your Keycode should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Darren k

Hi would you have a code for my fiesta please bettery went flat:-(

The serial is


Thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

If you just take the trouble to read the post immediately above your own one the answer is given there!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - MarsMars

Hi, I have a Ford Fiesta LX, serial is M048235, any idea what the code is? Thanks.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy


The keycode for your radio should be: 9396

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - flapp

have u got the code for my stero plz i have a fiesta the code off radio is m233587 plz can some1 help me

Edited by flapp on 31/01/2016 at 18:40

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - flapp

?????????? plz

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dom H

I need the code for my radio, battery died and locked me out. I pressed and held 2 and the pushed 6 and it gave me my serial number - M156018. Please help I hat driving in the quite lol. Cheers
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy
I need the code for my radio, battery died and locked me out. I pressed and held 2 and the pushed 6 and it gave me my serial number - M156018. Please help I hat driving in the quite lol. Cheers

The Keycode for your radio should be: 0327

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - The Wickii

Hi. I have a serial code of MO48006, do you know what the 4 digit code would be?

Thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - EFSchofield

Hi I bought the release keys and found the serial number ... have a code . wonder which button to press after code as do not have 5 ... My Radio is Fiesta 1500 - just a radio /basic and no 5 button

Thank you in advance I'm trying to sort this as a surprise for my husband as we have not had a radio since we bought the car 3 years ago !

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Well, I have to be honest, I had to look that one up myself!

However, I've managed to find a link which gives some information regarding the Ford 1500 RDS Radio, together with the instructions of how to enter the code.

The bit you want is towards the right-hand side bottom of the page:

Hope that helps!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - gilloo1


My radio is showing CODE 9 . I seem to have the code on the manual book but it is not working.. I have tried the code then press 5 (as enter) is this the correct thing to do?

my serial number printed on the book is: M133935 beside it, it says unit type FD3500. On the radio it says 4500 RDS E.O.N do you have another code i could use or how do i find out the correct serial number?

Thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - David Milne

Hi There have the same problem as most got a Ford Fiesta 04 plate but no Radio code. Appreciate some help the Serial Number is M123445 Thanks.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Raif
Can anyone give me a code for a fird fiesta 1.2. Serial number M195909 please?
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy
The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9743
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Bob powell
Hi there could you please help me get my code
4500 RDS EON serial no..Mo58179
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 2698

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Shsun
Could somebody pretty plz help me find the code for my stereo it is m080620 thank you
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4455

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - louise McD

Hi there

I have just purchased a lovely x-reg Mondeo, and obviously the radio doesn't come on!! Does anyone know the code for serial number M262301 please?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jamie Morgan
Any chance you could get a code for me please?
Serial is m052127

Many thanks in advance
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jar Thomas

Can you help me i have my serial no need a code please M021349

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9809

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ben Sharp
I have a Ford Fiesta 2003 and need a radio code, my mechanic had to disconnect the power due to replacing the alternator but now my radio asks for a code... the serial number is M283840... please help it says I have 7/10 attempts left :(
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ben Sharp
I have a Ford Fiesta 2003 and need a radio code, my mechanic had to disconnect the power due to replacing the alternator but now my radio asks for a code... the serial number is M283840... could you give me a code please?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 8363

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dritan Tahiraj

Hi Galaxy, I have a ford galaxy with a sony dab radio i changed the battery recently and radio needs a code. The serial number is V006186, what would be the code.

Many Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Sorry, but nobody on this forum can do Ford "V" Radio Codes.

Ford Main Dealer or there are people on Ebay who claim they can do them for a fee.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dritan Tahiraj

My email is message me here with the code please its the v006186

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - David Johns

Hi galaxy

Can you help me with a ford 4500 rds e-o-n i have bought the radio from ebay and it arrived without a code to unlock,can you gelp me with the code many thanks

Serial number M006723

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - David Johns

Hi galaxy

Can you help me with a ford 4500 rds e-o-n i have bought the radio from ebay and it arrived without a code to unlock,can you gelp me with the code many thanks

Serial number M006723

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 1242

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - David Johns


I will try and send high praise when this works, Still locked out for 20 minutes :) thanks again

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Aaron clay
Ford Fiesta 2002 radio code serial number m007175 please
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The code that matches S/N M007175 is


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ian451

Dear Galaxy,

I turned on my car this morning and it's asking for a 4 digital code to unlock, the model number is M276152, it's a ford fusion 2003.



Ford Fusion - Radio code Ford Fusion 4500 RDS - Ian451

Dear Galaxy,

I turned on my car this morning and it's asking for a 4 digital code to unlock, the model number is M276152, it's a ford fusion 2003.



Ford Fusion - Radio code Ford Fusion 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7189

Should you, or any other Forum Members require any other Ford Radio Codes, then it would be extremely helpful to the other Forum Members and myself who do codes for people if you would be kind enough to start a new thread giving your serial number and acknowledgement, please.

Finding a New Message in the middle of a thread that's 400+ messages long is not easy, I can assure you!

Edited by Galaxy on 02/03/2018 at 14:00

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Thomas4311
Hi could you help me also? My radio code was requested after a battery change, radio number is M104782, kind regards
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The code for S/N M104782 should be


Edited by FP on 04/03/2018 at 17:03

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Lainy
Hi are you able to help me? Serial number is M102668. Thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 0271

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JAB1986

Hi could some one help me my girlfriend has just brought a 02 plate fieata and there is no radio code. I pressed and held 2 and 6 and a code came on the screen which is



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sophie Washington
Battery died now my radio is asking for a code
My Seriel number is m563050 can any one help
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M563050 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Rabie Sedrak

Hello guys, If you can help me find the code for my Ford Fusion 2005, Radio Code - M164757 ? Can anyone help ? Thank you very much

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Rabie Sedrak

Hello guys, If you can help me find the code for my Ford Fusion 2005, Radio Code - M164757 ? Can anyone help ? Thank you very much

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For the S/N M164757 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Rabie Sedrak

Thank you very much

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

You're welcome.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Curtis Whitehouse

Hi can you help me with my code please? the serial number is M008899!

I hope you can help me, thank you very much in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For the S/N M008899 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - ashley hardy

have you got the code for this one please m115101

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M115101 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Grant Lawson

Hi galaxy, I saw u had done a radio code for someone. I was wondering if u could help? 4500 RDS EON. FORD FIESTA 2004 SERIAL NO. B3 01259


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

We can't help unless you give us a Serial Number beginning with M or V.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ldeaki

I have a Ford Fiesta 2004 with Serial Number M225665. Could you tell me the pin to unlovk the radio?

Thanks in advance.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M225665 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - will.i.aint

hi does anybody have the code for M108955 please (fiesta zetec 05) (4500 rds e.o.n) much appreciated x

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M108955 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ford Fiesta 2005


Would you be very kind and provide me with a code for my Ford fiesta 2005

The code is

B301259 000f15 255.


Thank you sir.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 2738

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - adam little


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Yes? And?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - jptrd94
Hi, just wondering if you can get code from the reg that comes up on display of radio when you turn it on? NH04 KBJ
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

No - we can't help until you supply a serial number, which should be in the form M or V followed six (or occasionally, seven) digits.

If you can't get it from the display, you need to use special release tools and pull the unit forward a little until you can see the serial number.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Loren Hayward

hey could you help me get my code please as just got the car and they dont no the code. sort code is 038040 any gelp i would appreciate

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Nateblood
Hi my brothers radio is Locked is there any chance you have a code for serial number M032159
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M032159 should have the code


Edited by FP on 20/11/2018 at 22:46

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - issamhanzaz

Hi Galaxy,

I also need the radio code for my ford fusion with radio 4500 RDS EON.
Serial: M006698

Much thanks!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Galaxy hasn't picked this up, so I hope I can help.

The S/N M006698 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - cjgreengrass


This is my first post so hopefully I have completed the process correctly.

Can you please provide a radio code for serial number M 09 99 60

Many thanks and much appreciated.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M099960 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code - Nora Krasteva

Ny serial number is M452363. I need my radio code

Ford Fiesta - Radio code - FP

"I need my radio code"

Perhaps you would like to re-phrase that.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ellie mae
Hi, could you help me find the code for my Ford Fiesta radio 4500 RDS E•O•N please?? The serial number is m101243. Thanks!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

In response to your polite request - the S/N/ M101243 should have the code


Edited by FP on 04/01/2019 at 16:16

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Luke henderson
Hi can someone please tell me the code for the serial number M077639. It was previously written on here somewhere but it appears to have been deleted. Thanks.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 0971

(Posts are never deleted)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Luke henderson
Hi could someone help me get the radio code please for a Ford Fiesta 05 this serial code M077639. Thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M077639 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Banacalex

Hello can you help me with radio cd 4500 ford fiesta code?serial number m028060

Please help me with a code number

Best regards alex

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Diegooooo
I have a 4500 RDS EON Ford Radio.After having the battery disconnected I need a code. The Serial No. is M159147. Can you help please
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - DrFerdinand
Hi Galaxy,
I hope you can help. You appear to be the expert at this, my daughter had to replace the battery in her car and now we find ourselves without a radio code. It’s also a fiesta with a RDS 4500 and the serial number is M007428.
Please, if you can help, it would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M007428 should have the code


P.S. Galaxy is very active with unlock codes on this forum, but there a few others of us who do it as well.

Edited by FP on 20/03/2019 at 21:02

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Kevin Racz

Hi can i have code for ford fusion3 2003



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Kevin Racz

Hi can you i need code for ford fusion 2003



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M183833 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dmitar Kosanovic

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2004 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M526943. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 0296

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Cassandra Allen
Hi, can you please tell me the code for serial number m083693, it would be much appreciated
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 1393

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Harry Lloyd-Davison

Hi can you help me with code please M009178

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sianx
Could you tell me the code for my stereo please the serial number is m314263 thank you :)
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M314263 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - LyricWilliams

2004 ford fiesta, radio code 4500 RDS EON

M145907 please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 0617

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Radio code ford fiesta

Hello please help me,i need the code for my ford fiesta M172324

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Aidan Bachmann
Hi can you please help me with 4500 RDS EON M197769
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Monique Kotze


I have a ford fiesta 1.4 and my car just shut down now i need the keycode for it to work my serial number is M156954. Can anyone help me please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 0634

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Slim025

Hello everyone

There you go, I bought a 2002 Ford Fiesta.

I had to change the battery and when I turn on my car radio, it asks me for the code.

Here is my serial number: M032806

Thank you in advance for your help.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 0500

I do hope you're going to find your request again because you've put in right in the middle of a 980 post thread!

Edited by Galaxy on 21/08/2020 at 14:44

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Richard4Motors
Another radioless fiesta owner (with a new battery) hoping someone can help provide a code please?
Serial No. M275603
Thank you in advance!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M275603 should have the code


Hope you find this - it's buried in a huge thread.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ronnie Svenneryd

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M168338. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M168338 should have the code


You've managed to bury this in the middle of a huge thread - I hope you find it again.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Zelda Ferreira

I also desperately need help please for serial M478201 - I have been without sound for nearly a year and they want to charge me over R3grand here in South Africa to give me the number? Please... Sony - Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M478201 should have the code


PS I hope you find this - you've buried it in the middle of a huge thread!

Edited by FP on 29/05/2021 at 11:28

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ross Barson

Hi my radio code is m053181

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ross Barson

Hi my radio code is m053181 thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

I presume what you mean is that you have the serial number and would like the code.

The S/N M053181 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Caitlin Stone
Hi Hanz,

my radio has the code M135366, do you think you could find the code to unlock it please?
thank you so much
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Not sure who "Hanz" is, but here goes:

The S/N M135366 should have the code


I notice "Hansz" asked the initial question at the start of this thread, but as he's asking the question he presumably wouldn't know the answer

Edited by FP on 18/12/2021 at 16:54

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP


Edited by FP on 18/12/2021 at 16:54

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ricardo Lucas

Can you pls help me my serial number is M095574 and a really need the code

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Kevin Crampsie
Hi I am looking for a radio code for my daughters 2006 Ford Fiesta. M048349. I would be grateful if you could assist please. Replaced the battery and cannot find the code. Ford dealer said look under the ashtray. No ashtray !
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fabio de peuter

My serial number is M309999

Can you please help me with my code

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M309999 should have the code


P.S. You've buried this in a huge thread - I hope you find it again!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Vounelles

Hi. Just bought a second hand Ford Fiesta and the guy didn't have the code for the radio. The serial number is M004919. Can you help me?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The code for your radio shoud be 9549

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - ford2014
Can you find me a code for my ford fiesta 4500 rds 52 plate serial number is m069129 cheers
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - _Lee_

hi, same issue as everyone else! could you give the code for serial # M391874 Ford Fiesta 2004. thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

M 069129 - 2077

M 391874 - 1791

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Francine
Hi would you be able to provide the code for my radio. Battery died and need the code to get back in. The serial number is m005762,
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be 2740

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - pt1967
Hi, could some kind person let me know the code for my radio which is the 4500 model with serial number M400943?

Thanks for any help :)
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be 8716

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - pt1967
Thank you very much, I will go and try that :)
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - pt1967
Thanks for the code , all working now :)
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - mskhan
Hello how you doing?
I was wondering if it was possible for me to request a code for my radio with the serial number of m218629.
I would much appreciate the help.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - atlantic
Hello how you doing? I was wondering if it was possible for me to request a code for my radio with the serial number of m218629. I would much appreciate the help.


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - bbop
Can you help me galaxy
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy
Can you help me galaxy

I don't know! How can I help you?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - sharclayton
Hi just wondering if you have the code for my radio serial number m630443 thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - atlantic

could someone help me with a code for my daughters code for he 4500 rds number is M081129 thanks Darren

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - atlantic

2719 this code is for you sharclayton

Edited by atlantic on 19/03/2014 at 14:29

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - vickiec90

Hi there, is it possible you can help please, I am looking for a code for my radio. The serial number is M171816. Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - cookiesforme
Can you please help me with my radio code for Ford Focus Zetec 4500 rds, serial number is M051010

Thank you so much
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mipanko


Can anyone provide me with a code for 4500 RDS EON serial number M125595 please? Many thanks in advance.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - atlantic


Can anyone provide me with a code for 4500 RDS EON serial number M125595 please? Many thanks in advance.


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mipanko

Dear Atlantic,

Thank you so much. Worked like a dream. Had my car battery replaced after 10 years and lost connectivity, so it's great to have music wherever I go again! Now I just need to retune all the channels again! Thanks again!


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - atlantic
Can you please help me with my radio code for Ford Focus Zetec 4500 rds, serial number is M051010 Thank you so much

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - atlantic

Hi there, is it possible you can help please, I am looking for a code for my radio. The serial number is M171816. Many thanks


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - trickypat5
Hi there, can you help me get the code for my ford fiesta 52 plate radio, the serial number is M024745

Many thanks
Ford Mondeo - Radio code request - Rumfitt

Hi folks

I'm after the radio pin code for my 2002 Ford Mondeo 1.8 after I disconnected the battery by mistake...the serial is M313911.

Many thanks


Ford Mondeo - Radio code request - natnico1
Hi, can anyone tell me the code to ford fiesta 2002, serial number M017710

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - blueboy0461

Hi - can anyone tell me the security code for serial number M467793 - many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Bolt

8449 M467793

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - blueboy0461

Excellent thanks for this - works perfectly.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Danie747
Hi can you please help me with a radio code for my Ford radio 4500 RDS serial number: M482885
Thanks in advance !
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - lemar

hi galaxy, please assist with the code for my ford fiest 4500 rds e.o.n, the s/n is m176528.


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Theo_1983
I need the code for my Ford fiesta 2005 radio 4500
Serial: M057150
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Bolt

5922 M057150

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - blueboy0461

|Do you have one for a ford fiesta 2004 serial no M467793 - thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - kotten

Hello, can anyone help me, i need the code for my girfriends radio, M118054

Many thanks
Regards Daniel

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fordfahrer

I need the code for my Ford fiesta radio 4500
Serial: M566297

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - mass89

Can someone help me please I'm desperate I bought my ford Fiesta lx 2005 two years ago and my radio was fine but two month ago I changed the battery and not working anymore

My serial number is M203358 please help me thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - craigacaster10
Hi i have a 2002 ford fiesta lx with a 4500 rds e.o.n radio and i cannot find the serial number please can someone help?
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - annlz2011

Is there anyway of finding out my car stereo serial number without taking it out, as not sure how to do it & I need the radio code? It is same model as this. Thanks.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - dannyboi1988
Hello, could anyone tell me the code to this manufactures number - M039254? Thank you :)
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Daliborj

I have a 4500 RDS EON Ford Radio .After having the battery disconnected I need a code. The Serial No. is M053919. Can anybody help please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Daliborj

Man, thank you very much, congratulations for responsiveness ..... means a lot to me .. Greetings from Serbia

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - mass89

Please help me I'm desperate my serial il M203358

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - P__B

Hi I have just had a new clutch fitted and now I need by Radio Code (S/N: M158535), greatful for any help.


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - hurf27
My mother in law just got a new battery fitted.
Her serial number is M000930. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - smudge341
Hey mate

My ford radio serial number is MO28217, any idea of code?


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

M158535 - code 1525

M000930 - code 9436

M028271 - code 4507

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - moony


I have a 2003 Fiesta Finesse, the serial number is: M116330.

Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks.

Edited by moony on 24/06/2014 at 11:28

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Pecan Frost


Sorry to jump in to this thread, I have a slightly upset girlfriend who had a battery replaced at KF and now her radio isn't working, it's an 04 Fiesta Finesse with radio serial number M215933.

Any help would be greatly appreciated..

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - hannahh3103
Hi, hope someone can help!

Had my car in the garage and they have knocked the radio off.

Looking for a code for M522783

Any help would be much appreciated
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

M116330 - Code 6066

M215933 - Code 3466

M522783 - Code 0152

You can now do all the codes yourselves.

Here's the link to the online code generator!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - lemar

thanks a mil, this does help, funny some dealers cant help...

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - dan901

Hi I have a ford fiesta the radio is a 4500 RDS e.o.n serial no M057713 would really appreciate if somebody could help me find the correct radio code

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Free Ford Radio "M" Code Generator:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - lauramae
Hello i used the code generator and it gave me the wrong code, could anyone help me find the correct one, my serial number is M066368, thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Well, it's never given me the wrong code and I must have done hundreds of them!

The correct code for the serial number given is: 1797

If it still doesn't work then the serial number isn't what you've quoted.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - gra9

Hi can anyone help me with finding the radio code for serial M296384 please?


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Free Ford Radio "M" Code Generator:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - randlev2

please help! i have a ford fiesta 2055, serial M458430

Much appre

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - SteveLarson

I need code for my Ford Fiesta


Thanks in advance.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - hardieboy14
Can someone please help me with my code as I can't use the generator

My code is: M221926

Many many thanks in advance!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - antbeal

Please could someone give me the code for Ford Fiesta radio 4500 RDS serial number: M059948 ?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RomfordGeeza
Can someone please give me a code for a Ford 4500 RDS serial M048935, thanks.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fordgurps
Hi can anyone give me the code for m175452 please
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - mac2014

Hi I need the radio code after having the battery disconnected. The Serial No. is M229928. I've tried the pumapeople link but it doesn't work for my radio. Can you help please?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - elekie&a/c doctor

8237 ?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - mac2014

I tried 8237 from, it doesn't work

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - elekie&a/c doctor

If this code does not work,then either the serial number that you have supplied is incorrect or you not entered the code correctly into the radio.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - mac2014

Yeah, I re-entered the code and it worked. Must have made a mistake the first time round. Thanks.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Clarkey 64

I would really apprciate it if someone could supply a code for M113203.

An old boy I know has lost his handbook and his radio is locked.

many thanks for any help. cheers.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - mdaz


Can any of you kind people help with a radio code for a 52 plate fiesta.

SN M031856.


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Andycarroll93

Hi can anyone provide a code for serial no: M081323?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Andycarroll93

Hi can anyone provide a code for serial no: M081323?

Website mentioned is blocked by my service provider, can you post here?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You need to change your service provider, then!

Meanwhile, try 8456

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jusa1983

Hi Galaxy,

Please do you have a code for M100176?



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fusion- Radio code Ford Fusion 4500 RDS - John245

please can someone give me a code for my Ford Fusion with Serial Number M061362. Thanks

Ford Fusion- Radio code Ford Fusion 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - ob1car
Could you please find the radio code for 4500 rds e.0.n radio serial no: M005111 thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - katjang66

Hi I'm a new here and don't know how to ask a new question. I'm also looking for my code and the generator I downloaded doesn't work.

My radio is also Ford Fiesta 4500

my serialnumber is M056574


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

This one works!

However, if you can't to access it then your radio code is 7170

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - glo
Hiya, first time here for me too...really hoping someone can help! I'm looking for a radio code for an 05 Ford Fiesta, serial M168387.

Any help greatly appreciated - thank you!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Taylor1
Hi I'm looking for a radio code iv got the number M347000 you help would be great thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Taylor1
Hi can any one help me with the code for my Ford Fiesta radio M347000
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - supermeem

Just bought an 02 Fiesta, got the handbook and it shows serial number M010519 and keycode as 6813. Have now entered this code 8 times and it obviously doesnt work! Someone must have changed it at some point. How do I find out what the new unlock code is?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor

Looks like you got the handbook from somebody else's Ford.The keycode is correct for the serial number given,but not for the radio fitted to your car.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - depreciatingasset

Hi, I think I may have the same issue on my Ford Ranger; replaced the battery today - the sticker says 'Unit Type 5500, Serial No: MO31529, Key Code: 1483', but this code doesn't work and I'm now in the 'wait 30.00' stage having tried it a few times...

If someone cleverer than me has any bright suggestions I would be extremely grateful, cheers in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Well, that's the correct code for the serial number given.

I presume you are referring to the sticker on the outside of the radio casing? If not, where did you get the serial number from?

Have you entered the code correctly? Don't forget, you need to press button 5 at the end to enter the code.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - o0Sparky0o
I have just purchased a Fiesta 2004 Style. After taking it to get a new clutch fitted, the radio has come up asking for the code, to which I wasn't provided with when I purchased the vehicle. Could anyone possibly help?
The Radio Serial Number is M039373

Many thanks in advanced!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JMB87

Hi, i am having the same problem, my number is M035313, ford fiesta finesse. Any help would be much appreciated.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - natroughsedge

Hi, can anybody please help with a radio code for 4500 RDS EON with serial number M019466. I've tried myself but cant find a code generator that works on mac!! Many thanks to anyone who can help

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

M019466 = 0476

Works fine on Windows!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - lancsrugby

Hi could you help my radio reads locked. I have a ford fiesta 4500rds serial code is m283660.many thanks in advance.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - lancsrugby

Thanks a million. Went on site typed serial number and it brought up the code. Fantastic! Thanks again. Dave.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - ford fusion

I have a question today we locked the radio RDS 4500 it is the Ford Fusion. And I do not know serial number. WHAT TO DO

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - d.c

You can get the serial number by holding down 6 and pressing 2 (while the radio is ON).

Could anyone help me with my radio code? The serial number is M025612. Thanks.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - d.c

Got it!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - joaonicolau

Dear all, I bought a 2nd hand fiesta and I don't have the radio code.

Serial number is M293847

If someone could tell me the code...

Thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - joaonicolau

Dear all, I bought a 2nd hand fiesta and I don't have the radio code.

Serial number is M293847

If someone could tell me the code...

Thanks in advance

The Pumapeople link is not working...

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - joaonicolau

Dear all, I bought a 2nd hand fiesta and I don't have the radio code.

Serial number is M293847

If someone could tell me the code...

Thanks in advance

The Pumapeople link is not working...

I found the solution.

Another working link

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - fatluk

Hay. I need help with code to model no. M069450. Please!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - scs

Hi i needthe radio code for my 2004 fiesta, the serial number is m387887

Please can you help.

Its a 4500 rds.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

If you read the post immediately above your own you will find the answer!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Badrish
Ford Fiesta 2004 radio 4500 Rds eon can someone help me with a code please? Serial number m309532 many thanks in advance
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - kenny1990@1

Hi can u help with my 4500 rds eon code? M065610

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

If you use the link given in the post immediately above your own, that will give you the code!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - AmandaG

Has to change battery last week and no radio code. Can anyone help please? It's a Ford Fiesta and the radio serial no is M496221. Thank you.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - AmandaG

That link doesn't work unfortunately. Not for me anyway.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Link works fine, well, it does for me, anyway.

Just to prove that it works I've just used it to work out your code, which is : 8197

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - cheeky999
Can anyone tell me the radio code for serial number M488626?
Thanks Chris
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - amike

hello sir. could you help me with a code for m297837 best regards paul

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The answer is given in the post immediately above your own!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - rotacidare
Hello, I have changed my car battery and I would like to ask you for my code please. My serial number is M035955. Thank you so much
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Don't people on here ever read previous posts in the thread?

Look for Pumapeople link!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jeffers09
I have same problem. Need a code. My serial number is: M055857
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Suggest you look at the rest of this thread and find the Pumapeople link.

That'll do it!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - collvelmore

got the code but radio is locked, how do i deal with that

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - pearce1702
Can anyone help serial number M047428
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - pearce1702
Yea found it I read the rest of the forum lol thanks guys .
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - mohawkdave
Hi all,

Im hoping someone can help me. I bought a 2003 fiesta mk6 With the Ford 4500 RDS E.O.N radio and the prev owner has not got the code. I have located the serial number as M033287 - Can anyone help in the finding of the radio code as its a bit of a long comute to work an really would love it to not be silent.

Many thanks


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - mogigga


Also had to change my accu so I need to put in the code. Can someone help me? My serial number is M058953.

Thanking you in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

If you take the trouble to read the post immediately above your own you will find a link which you can use to obtain the code for your radio.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - jonsav

Need a radio code for my fiesta.

No. is M033457


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Don't people on here ever read previous posts in threads in order to attempt to solve their own problems?

Please read the post three posts above your own. There's your answer!

Edited by Galaxy on 19/03/2015 at 08:28

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Daise

that link worked, code found, thank you :)

maybe put the link at the top of the thread with an explanation of what it is....until I saw galaxy's last comment, I wouldn't have clicked on the link as I am wary of links. thank you again, I finally have sounds in my car :)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Hpelitebook111

Hello can you help me with code. Serial is : M015710

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Cristina

Please, can you send me the code. The serial number is M100333

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fiestajames

I have a serial number M525426 (found it by pressing 2 nd 6 simultaneoulsly), can someone help with thecode please?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

If you read the post above your own then.........................................!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - markpickers

Hi there, I also have a locked radio - code written in the manual no longer works. Could anyone help find out whether there's a new code? My car, have the reg certificates if needed?

Radio serial number is: M024037

Thanks a lot!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - markpickers

... just seen the "above post", will try that first! Sorry to be a repeat dummy without following the info trail.


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Predrag30

hello, i need a code for my radio, ford fiesta 4500 rds eon, can anyone help me,,,

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Predrag30

hello, i need a code for my radio, ford fiesta 4500 rds eon, can anyone help me,,, the serial number is MO17354

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

For radios whose Serial Number begins with an "M", followed by a six digit number, you can use the following link to work out what your Keycode should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Gavgo

Ford Ford V Codes go here:

Ford Radio Codes

Fast Service!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ford Fiesta 2005 radio code

can you please help me with a code 4500rdse.n. serial b301259

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

"b" serial number? I've never coma across a "b" so I'd suggest you recheck.

If it happens to be a far more usual "m" serial number then you can use the information given two posts up to work out your own keycode.

If it really is a "b" then I don't know.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - cealz

Hi i've just bought a new ford fiesta zetec, would it be possible to get the code my serial no. is M301259. Thank you!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Four posts up from yours and it tells you how to do it!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - arronmayo
Hi do u have the code for a Ford Fiesta m113935

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

For radios whose Serial Number begins with an "M", followed by a six digit number, you can use the following link to work out what your Keycode should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ford f

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? the serial number is M203762.i will appreciate your respods greatly.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Kayabikes

Hi, after having to disconnect the battery and install a new clutch I have to insert the code for my radio. The serial number which i have is T132433. Could anyone provide the radio code? It is a ford fiesta 2003.

I would really appreciate it.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Kayabikes

Hi, after having to disconnect the battery and install a new clutch I have to insert the code for my radio. The serial number which i have is T132433. Could anyone provide the radio code? It is a ford fiesta 2003.

I would really appreciate it.

Sorry this issue is solved, please disregard.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - radioman

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2004 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M221798. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy


The Keycode for your radio should be: 1013

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - dzenis9933

hello ,my serial number is M263895 ,please help me to find out my radio code .

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - skidpan

If you look 6 posts above there is a link to puma people.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Feebs26

Hi, please please could you help me. I changed my battery and we can't find our code. The series number is M129436. I would really appreciate it :)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - skidpan

How difficult is it to read previous posts. Look and thou shalt find.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - cinna
Hi I need a code also my reg is yu53 wgk

Hope you can help thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mark rose

Hi galaxy mine is m027181 but I cannot find this number and code in the thread. Could you help me please? Thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

(Answered above.)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Saintsfc23

Is there anybody who can help me,I need the code for my Ford Fiesta 4500 radio serial no- M269412
Lost our manual book and now can't listen to


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - khcomp

Your code is 3613.

To enter;

Switch the radio on and the word CODE should appear in the display

Repeatedly press button 1 until the correct first digit of the code is displayed.
Repeatedly press button 2 until the correct second digit of the code is displayed.
Repeatedly press button 3 until the correct third digit of the code is displayed.
Repeatedly press button 4 until the correct fourth digit of the code is displayed.

Once the code has been correctly selected on the radio's display, press button 5 to enter

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fordconfused

Hi I have a ford fiesta 2002-3 plate with 4500 RDS radio. The S/N is M042530 Does anyone know the code as no radio is killing me!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy


The Keycode for your radio should be: 3886

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - photoguy
Looking for a code for M028464

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy


The Keycode for your radio should be: 0809

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - photoguy
Sir Madame, whoever you are you are a star.

Thank you.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Tommychops
I've got the same issue can anyone help? Serial code M399154
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy
I've got the same issue can anyone help? Serial code M399154

The Keycode for your radio should be: 1560

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - redcondios

I'm having trouble finding my code. Can anyone help? The serial number is M017462


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

I'm having trouble finding my code. Can anyone help? The serial number is M017462


The Keycode for your radio should be: 4144

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - redcondios
Amazing! Thank you!!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - olsdihvwsov

I am also looking for a radio code for a Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS.

Serial number is M233933

Any help will be appreciated...

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

I am also looking for a radio code for a Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS.

Serial number is M233933

Any help will be appreciated...

The Keycode for your radio should be: 9730

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - olsdihvwsov

I am also looking for a radio code for a Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS.

Serial number is M233933

Any help will be appreciated...

The Keycode for your radio should be: 9730

It worked!

Great, thanks!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sam.hs
Hey can you give us a hand, same problem 4500 RDS EON, serial number M069709

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy
Hey can you give us a hand, same problem 4500 RDS EON, serial number M069709 Thanks

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9873

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JJKOLO

The best way hands down I've found to get a radio code for a ford is by using the website below...

they make the process incredibly easy and most of all it's free.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The Puma People link is easier still! There's nothing to download, you can just use it:

It's the one I use all the time on here. And it's also free.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - louise McD

Just found my own keycode...Thank you Galaxy, great website :o)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FiestaNewbie

Also have a similar issue. Can anyone help pls my serial no. Is MO23122.

Thank you!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You can easily help yourself!

Just use the link given in the post immediately above your own.

(Your serial number is M023122, by the way)

Edited by Galaxy on 10/03/2016 at 00:42

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Oladni

Hi Galaxy,

I had to change the clucth and since then no radio.

the serial number is M023481

I wonder if you could help with the code.


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Est

Hi I have a Ford fusion

Code M159888 would be good to listen to music after I removed the battery...?? code please.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Est

Hi I have a Ford fusion

Code M159888 would be good to listen to music after I removed the battery...?? code please.

I got it working :)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - kallimcg123
Hello im looking to find how to send a message for my radio code
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Al89
Do u havw code for my rds 4500 eon radio please serial is m056129
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

I think I've just done that one!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - ac2
Hi, can anyone tell me the radio code for serial number: v178436. Thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Sorry, nobody on this forum can do Ford radio Keycodes for "V" serial numbers, only "M" are possible.

You will need to visit a Ford Main Dealer to get a "V" code or, considerably cheaper, there are sellers on Ebay who claim they can supply them for a small fee. That was what I did myself when I needed a "V" Keycode for a Ford radio a couple of years ago.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Tedfred

I have lost the keycode for my 4500 RDS radio but its serial number is M163922. Can anyone supply the keycode.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7806

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - d.steve9

Can you help me also? My serial number is M008176

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Bolt

Can you help me also? My serial number is M008176

try 7972

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Gavgo

I have had a bad experience with Ford V Codes From eBay for a legit Ford decode i used was worth the £9.99 and got it in minutes. Why recommend eBay???

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Gavgo

If your looking for Ford V Codes check get you can get them cheap here >

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - 234dave

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2004 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M094824. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7160

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Roelver
After disconnecting the battery the radio asks me for a code, can anyone help me?
The serial number is M007815.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - steve_o

Hello, I really did hope to do this by myself but im going to ask if you can help, I've just taken the radio out of the dash in the hope that someone had scribbled the code there but sadly not, have also tried the pumapeople link only to get it blocked by my internet security.

Please would you be able to provide the code for my 4500 RDS, the serial is M094217.

Thank you.


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 3342

(For future reference, should you find your internet security prevents you from using the Puma People website for doing radio Keycodes, just switch it off momentarily for that particular site)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - steve_o

Thankyou very much, will bear that in mind.



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - benwilletts86

Hi there,

I have unfortunatley left my car standing and the battery has died. powered it up and the radio needs a code that i dont have. The Serial number is M138137

if you could help i would much appreciate this

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 6923

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - xcosyx

Hi there,

I have unfortunatley left my car standing and the battery has died. powered it up and the radio needs a code that i dont have.

The Serial number is M457877

if you could help i would much appreciate this

Have a nice day.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

Hi there,

I have unfortunatley left my car standing and the battery has died. powered it up and the radio needs a code that i dont have.

The Serial number is M457877

if you could help i would much appreciate this

Have a nice day.

The code should be : 9392

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ben16

Can anyone help. I need my radio code and can't find it anywhere. M130954. Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4537

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mahoney23tm

Hi there, I have just had my clutch replaced and am in need of a radio code for my Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS E.O.N radio. Serial Number - M543583.

Are you able to help at all?

Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

Hi there, I have just had my clutch replaced and am in need of a radio code for my Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS E.O.N radio. Serial Number - M543583.

Are you able to help at all?

Many thanks

The code you need should be 8695

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Gavgo

If your looking for Ford V Codes check get you can get them cheap here >

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Shsun
Hi could anybody help me with my stereo code my serial no is m080620 would be very grateful

Edited by Shsun on 02/09/2016 at 12:12

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jamie_F

Hi there,

would it be possible to get the code to M178644 please?

Regards, J

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 6779

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Doug Shapley

We're having the same issue. Serial is M24651 if anyone can help?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - fannofler

hi there, same problem - battery died and replaced but need the radio code please.

serial number - M336747

04 Ford Fiesta 1.4


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

hi there, same problem - battery died and replaced but need the radio code please.

serial number - M336747

04 Ford Fiesta 1.4


THe code should be : 2682

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - fannofler

perfect, many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Doug Shapley

We're having the same issue. Serial is M24651 if anyone can help?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Gavgo

If you need ford v radio codes from a trusted website go here >

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ginger Lacey

Just found my code thanks to the link from Galaxy posted further up the chain....cheers mate whoever you are, much appreciated from i don't have to listne to the Mrs while driving!

Edited by Ginger Lacey on 19/10/2016 at 06:40

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - David1234

M059175 please help me with key code .

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4577

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - j77drs

do you have a code for M036936

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sadettin
Can someone help me to get fiesta radio code please. Serial number M020732 . Thank you very much
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP
Can someone help me to get fiesta radio code please. Serial number M020732 . Thank you very much

The code should be 0816

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sadettin
It works now. Thank you very much again
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - devange

Hi, does anyone have a radio code for a 2007 ford fiesta, 6000cd radio, serial number V217791. thanks in advance for your assistance,

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Nobody on this forum can give you a keycode for a "V" serial number for free, I'm afraid.

Ford Main Dealer or, alternatively, one of the Ebay sellers or online companies should be able to help you.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - devange

Thanks for your speedy response.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - C-tin Dree

Can someone help me with the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS won car radio? The serial number is M 446433.. thank you so much for your support in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 8677

Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - C-tin Dree

Thanks dude.. Merry Christmas and a happy new year

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - likuzia

Please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M194557. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 2726

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jacob554

Please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2003 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M167753. Many thanks in advance!!

Thanks so much

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 3893

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Aasam

Hi. Can anyone help me with a radio code. Serial number M151876. Thanks in advance.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 0539

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - dearturoo
Hi guys. Can you help me with code please
4500 rds

Thank you
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP
Hi guys. Can you help me with code please 4500 rds M055892 Thank you

Your code should be 5640

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jonathan Clemmens
Hello. Could you please help me with code (4500 rds) M266675 Thank you!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jonathan Clemmens
Hello. Could you please help me with code (4500 rds) M266675 Thank you!

Never mind! The code from worked!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dnz
Hi looking for a code 2500 - M026920

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for you radio should be: 6800

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - roger dear

HI everyone.

Just spent hours removing the 4500RDs to fit a cd-cganger. Realised there wasn;t a port on the stereo.

To add insult to injury, the stero is now flashing "code" at me.

The serial number is M175337

Please can someone help me get the code.


EDIT. found a calculator, downloaded it and the code of 3192 works perfectly.

Edited by roger dear on 22/02/2017 at 15:06

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Bobs Your Uncle

I have a 2003 Ford Fiesta for which I now need the radio code. The radio model is 4500 RDS and has serial number M008430 on accompanying paperwork. Can anyone help ? Many Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4635

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jamie Morgan
Hi could you please assist and provide me with a radio code for m052127

Many thanks in advance
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 8617

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jamie Paluch

Afternoon Gents,

Ive recently returned to my car after a few months away travelling. I disconnected my battery before i left and now its asking me for a code, which unfortunately I do not have.

The radio ref no. is M056333

Please can somebody help!? The sound of my girlfriends incesant yabbering is getting to much to bare!



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 6295

Should be able to listen to the radio, now!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jamie Paluch

Galaxy, thankyou very much. You are a life saver, literally!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Thank you, that's good to know!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Michelle wills
Can anyone please help me get radio code for Ford Fiesta my number is m116895 thank you
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 8125

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Odysseus Elytis

I'm sorry if this is not the right way to post. I haven't quite figured it out yet. However, I recently had the clutch changed on my Ford fiesta and the process seems to have disconnected the radio. Could someone help with the code? It's 4500 RDS with serial number M018962 Many thanks in advance.

Sorry, I figured it out, but can't figure out how to delete this post!

Edited by Odysseus Elytis on 20/03/2017 at 20:18

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dannieb321
Hi can anyone tell me my code for my radio please serial number is M165186
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 0590

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Craig Barnett

Hi can anyone help with ford fiesta 4500 radio code serial number M083835

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dannieb321
Just tried it and it worked thank you so much I appreciate your help
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sophie2k

I used deleted for my Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS they supplied the code instantly to me and it worked the first time! deleted

Soph xx

Edited by Xileno on 27/03/2021 at 15:24

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JMcwilliams

If you are still looking for a way to find out the radio code for your ford fiesta radio, or if anyone else if I recommend you take a read at the below guide, it will show you how you can do it for free.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

If you are still looking for a way to find out the radio code for your ford fiesta radio, or if anyone else if I recommend you take a read at the below guide, it will show you how you can do it for free.

Yes, you CAN get it for free.

However, you have to download a file to your computer.

You also have to 'sign up to' an 'offer'.

Yup, all looks and sounds totally legit, doesn't it ...

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - yanev

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M148426. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Lisalovesme

I got my radio code from got it instantly using the serial number

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Phill Italiano

Please can i have the radio code for Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS E.O.N

My serial number is M024138

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7784

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - yanev

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serial number is M148426. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serial number is M148426. Many thanks in advance!!

The code should be 3001

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Merve

Hello Sir,

My car radio is asking for Keycode

kindly can you help me

Serial Number : M004868

Model 2003

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

Hello Sir,

Serial Number : M004868

The code should be 6780

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ivan1200gs
Please: M124984??? 2003 year
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7369

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ivan1200gs
Thank you :)))
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jeni

4500 RDS EON fiesta 2003. SERIAL M026332 - would you be able to help with my code please. X

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

4500 RDS EON fiesta 2003. SERIAL M026332 - would you be able to help with my code please. X

The code should be 9602

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jeni

Perfect it worked thank you. Xx

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - AlexTheKid
Hi please can you help me, I changed the battery and now my CD player is not working ??

Serial number M525822.
Thank you so much ??
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 0590

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Chris Burdett

Good afternoon, Im after a code for my 4500 rds radio in my Ford Fiesta. The serial number is M059944.

Can anyone help please,



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7406

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - ChrKru

Please could you help me with the code for my radio. The serial number is M127739 Thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

Please could you help me with the code for my radio. The serial number is M127739 Thanks in advance

The code should be 4958

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Toz
Please could you help me with the code for my radio? The serial number is M144830
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 3903

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Toz

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 3903

Amazing. Cheers pal
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ford Fiesta 05 ST

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta ST 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serial number is 0GJM050553

I think that they are Zeros and not the letter O but as the dispaly shows Zeros and O's the same i can't be sure.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta ST 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serial number is 0GJM050553

I think that they are Zeros and not the letter O but as the dispaly shows Zeros and O's the same i can't be sure.

If the serial number is M050553 then the code should be 3430

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - netpogi

Hi, ford 4500 rds audio, I have a code but i can not type because it says locked 13 what can u do?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - TIBY

Would somebopdy be able to help me get my radio code?

Serial: M031887

Much appreciated

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9123

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jess Maloumi

Hey Just bought my first car, but the radio is blocked and in dire need of some tunes. Can someone please generate a code for M223409? Thanking you!!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - johnnyfaddo

Can someone please help me. I have a Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS I need a radio code.

The serial number is - M586147

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4173

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - johnnyfaddo

Fantastic! That worked a treat!

Would it be possible to get a code for my dad's fiesta? (Was swapping radios you see haha)

It's serial number is M507659

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - johnnyfaddo

Sorry to be a pain. Is their a code for this?


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Kiel
Hi is there one for

Im new to this and cant work out how to ask on my own thread
Many thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 1614

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - wandering_nomad

hi there would it be possible for the code for serial number M26 1442


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

hi there would it be possible for the code for serial number M26 1442


The code for your radio should be 9482

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - wandering_nomad

thank you much appreciated

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jess Maloumi

Hey Just bought my first car, but the radio is blocked and in dire need of some tunes. Can someone please generate a code for M223409?


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RobJP

Hey Just bought my first car, but the radio is blocked and in dire need of some tunes. Can someone please generate a code for M223409?


Your code should be 5115

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ola martinz

Hello, Just got a ford fiesta 2004, with the 4500 rds. and serial B301259. Can youplease help me with the radio code

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - ferdinand

the code worked quite well for me thanks


Edited by ferdinand on 22/08/2017 at 19:03

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Starecar
HI I've got a Ford Fusion 2004 my radio is asking for a code please help me my serial number is m482671
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 6697

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Alexnd

Hello...I'm new here and I don't know how to post . Any chance for my code ? M016954

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

S/N M016954 should give 7179 as the code.

The word "please" would be nice.

Edited by FP on 28/10/2017 at 16:25

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Alexnd

I'm sorry for my impatience...I had something really important . Thank you for your help and ofc I didn't mean to be rude

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Spritzzen22
Anyone Can help me?
My Number is V015553
Its a Fiesta 2007

Edited by Spritzzen22 on 30/09/2017 at 02:59

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Sorry, nobody on this forum can do Ford radio Keycodes for "V" serial numbers, only "M" ones are possible.

You will need to visit a Ford Main Dealer to get a "V" code or, considerably cheaper, there are sellers on Ebay who claim they can supply them for a small fee. That was what I did myself when I needed a "V" Keycode for a Ford radio a couple of years ago.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - DWEBB

I got my code at here, give it a shot

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ben Arthur

Hi i have the same radio - 4500 on a Ford fiesta, can anyone help me with the code please? Serial no is m044588. Many thanks in advance!


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Your s/n gives the code 4875.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ben Arthur

Thank you so much for you quick reply. I will try it this evening and confirm if it works! Cheers:)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ben Arthur

Just to confirm, my code works! Thank you so much :)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Your courtesy is much appreciated.

Not everyone bothers, even though they requested and were given help for free.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Lee123456789

Hi, please could somebody provide me a code for a 4500 serial number M260394, I've had a new battery fitted and I don't know the code. Thanks.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

S/n M260394 should have the code:


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Lee123456789

Amazing, thanks for the quick reply!

I also ended up finding the code on like some of the other guys suggested, after posting my original comment.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

That's the place!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Stueyp

Hi Galaxy I'm after a code for M242688 many thanks Stu

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

S/n M242688 has this code:


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Stueyp

Thanks Galaxy code worked a treat !!

Edited by Stueyp on 14/11/2017 at 17:50

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Eirik

Hi! My battery got unpluged and now my radio is asking for a code. Can you help me?

Serialnumber is:

M 050144

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta Ghia radio code - laica

Hi I am wondering if you can help, I had to remove the battery from my car so the radio has reset and I need to input the code.

It is for a fiesta ghia, with radio 6000CD and the serial number M023446. Thank you!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta Ghia radio code - Galaxy

Hello Laica,

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4173

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta Ghia radio code - laica

Hi, thank you so much! It worked a treat! :)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta Ghia radio code - jasperv

Hi galaxy,

My serial is M076018, can you hekp me please.



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta Ghia radio code - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4819

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta Ghia radio code - Harun Pehlivan


I Need the code for Ford 4500 rds with M017459 seriel. Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta Ghia radio code - FP

For S/N M017459 your code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mark Jefferies

Hi, Can anyone help me please with a fiesta radio code. The serial number is M491819. Thank you.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 8225

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mark Jefferies

Thats great thank you.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Nickif

Can anyone help me with a Radio Code for my fiesta - serial number M034860


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Your code for S/N M034860 should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Nickif

Brilliant thank you.

At work so hopefully i can have some tunes on the way home :)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mick Tuner

Hi, sorry if i've used the forum incorrectly

had cambelt changed to prepare for long journey tomorrow and need a code for my 4500 RDS radio, would really appreciate the code so i don't have to drive in silence tomorrow! thank you very very much

serial code is M500391(i think? i held down 2 & 6)

holding 1 & 6 down gave me this "B301259"

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Serial numbers for Ford radios either begin with an "M" or a "V"

Assuming your Serial number is M500391 then the correct Keycode for your radio should be: 5973

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6000 - Chauffeurman411
Hi can anyone give me the code for my radio, it was bought it from the car auctions
The series no is V027022
Thanks in advance
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6000 - FP

There's only one forum member who can provide V serial number codes: elekie&a/c doctor.

With any luck he will look in and respond.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6000 - elekie&a/c doctor

code for this will be 0630

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6000 - WeeGym

Hi, Can you help me with my Radio Code?

I used and it said my code was 9279 but I tried that and i now have to wait 30mins.

My radio serial code is M324829

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - WeeGym

Can someone provide me with a code for mine? M324829

I tried 9279 but it is not correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

9279 should indeed be the code for M324829.

No idea why it doesn't work. Are you entering the code correctly?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - WeeGym

My bad, i was typing the wrong number in! Doh!

Thanks anyway :)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JQuinn

My Ford radio serial number is M008692. Any help with getting the code would be very much appreciated! :)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4847

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Billy McKen
Hi, my Ford Fiesta has a 4500 RDS E-O-N radio with serial number M497596

It would be greatly appreciated if you could find my code for me.


Billy :)
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M497596 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Billy McKen
Worked! Thank you so much
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for reporting back.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - GoranS

Hi, I also need code for 4500 RDS with serial number M198729. Thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M198729 the code should be


Edited by FP on 28/02/2018 at 18:10

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Angélica Antunes

Hi, I also need a code. My serial number is: M030792

Thank you in advance :)

Edited by Angélica Antunes on 28/02/2018 at 18:44

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 2669

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - GoranS

For S/N M198729 the code should be


Thank you very much for help.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Clive Francis

I also need a code for SN: M0 16729

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M016729 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - GoranS

For S/N M198729 the code should be


Hello again, I try with this code, but radio is still locked. Can you please check is this code is correct. Thank you.

******** Problem is solved, my mistake. Your unlock code is correct. Thank you again for help.

Edited by GoranS on 01/03/2018 at 12:38

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy


Edited by Galaxy on 01/03/2018 at 12:41

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dan Tooker

Can anyone help with mine

4500 RDS EON, Serial number V002761


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - gericocross

I need help too

my 4500 rds eon serial is m139066


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 5655

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - 1stockwige
Need code for m031985 ?? I tried one given is wrong
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M031985 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - Keith Cross

Hi sorry to jump on the post I'm having no joy with my radio as I have no idea how this translates to a serial

Mp DS dp 3-03 255

Please help

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - FP

Sorry, but this doesn't look like a serial number. Your need something that begins with an M or V, followed by six or seven digits.

That may well mean you need to pull the radio out to find a label with the S/N on it.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - Keith Cross

It pops up with the MP DS DP first then secondly this 3-03 255

After pushing 1&2 together

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - Keith Cross

Would the reg help at all? Y268 KHB

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - FP

I imagine only a dealer would be able to do anything from registration number or VIN.

No-one here can help you unless you get the serial number.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - Keith Cross

OK many thanks for the help . I shall be back once its removed

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - Keith Cross

1&6 sorry

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - Keith Cross

So what' the code I'm getting displayed then just for the knowledge

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - FP

I can't answer that - sorry. Maybe someone else from the forum can.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - Almos


I also need a code for my ford fiesta. Serial number M302405. Thanks in advance..

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9524

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta flight 3000 - Almos

Thx Galaxy. You are great..;)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - MARCUS VASEY

Hi there - I have a 2005 Ford Fiest Zetec with a 4500 RDS radio and the battery was disconnected - the serial number is M028341 - can anyone help with the 4 digit security code please?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7442

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - MARCUS VASEY

Hi Galaxy

You are a star - all works fine - thank you very much.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are very welcome!

In actual fact I've just noticed that I managed to do this Keycode within 2 minutes of your original posting! I do have to confess that I don't usually do them that quickly but it's just by pure chance that I happened to log into the Honest John website at that very moment!

Could this be an HJ record?

Edited by Galaxy on 15/03/2018 at 20:11

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Stephen Alder

Hi, looking for the code for serial number m052807 on a ford fiesta please. Also how can I reset it so I don't have the 30 minute countdown.

My thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Keith Cross

Hi bud I messaged sometime ago for a code, I now have the serial number


Any help greatly appreciated

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Hi bud I messaged sometime ago for a code, I now have the serial number


Any help greatly appreciated

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 2892

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Hi, looking for the code for serial number m052807 on a ford fiesta please. Also how can I reset it so I don't have the 30 minute countdown.

My thanks

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 3622

Not too sure about the other part. Suggest you enter the Keycode correctly and then see what happens.

Edited by Galaxy on 21/03/2018 at 21:35

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Azin Rahmani


Please could you help me? I have series code MO54086 - Ford Fiesta

Thank you


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be:


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Vlad Dumitru Toma

Please could you help me? I have series code M040613 - Ford Fiesta

Thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M040613 the code should be


Edited by FP on 29/03/2018 at 16:52

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sean N Page

Can you help?

Fiesta code - M044915

Thanks in advance!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 8759

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sean N Page

You absolute legend. Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JAB1986

Hi galaxy

If you can help I am looking for a code for my fiesta stereo

I pressed 2 and 6 and the code on the screen is M023815


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JAB1986

Hi galaxy

If you can help I am looking for a code for my fiesta stereo

I pressed 2 and 6 and the code on the screen is M023815


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 9499

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Helenb
I have revolving codes 50700012 (255)next screen DP MV SH (0), next screen 07-02-00(cd) any ideas - thank you

Edited by Helenb on 19/04/2018 at 19:34

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Replied in the other thread.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mum of boys

Hello we'v just bought our lad his firsr car 05 ford fiesta the radio is 4500 rds and noticed the radio needs its code is there anyway you can help please after holding the 2 and 6 button the ref it gave me was M028540 many thanks

Edited by Mum of boys on 25/04/2018 at 13:00

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For the S/N M028540 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Pea Sea

Hello !

Guess what? Yep me too....

M257682 would be a life saver. Been musicless for 3 weeks now.

Thanks in anticipation

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M257682 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Pea Sea

For S/N M257682 the code should be


Hi I have tried 7804 and it put me on a 30minute countdown timer then asked for for the code again.

Did I do something wrong?

Apologies I have never done thus before.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Well, that's the correct Keycode for the given serial number.

Did you press Button #5 after entering the four digits to actually enter the code, I wonder?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Pea Sea

Yes. 7804 and then button 5.

I'm not doubting it's the right code just wondered if anyone had encountered this scenario before.

I may disconnect the battery again so it reboots and start again.

Daft question but the code will be the same?

Thanks for your time by the way I really do appreciate it and I apologise if I'm sounding dumb on this, haven't had to do it before.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

How did you obtain the serial number?

The Keycode will never change, by the way, no matter how many times you may disconnect and reconnect the battery, in answer to your question.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Just to follow up Galaxy's point: I think we're wondering if for some reason the serial number given is incorrect.

The reliable way to check is to pull the radio out a little way and look for a label.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Pea Sea

Hi FP and Galaxy

I got the SN by pressing buttons 2+6 together.

Is this not the SN?


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

That should be OK, Pea Sea.

But we do get some people who say they got the serial number out of the handbook where, over a period of time, both the handbook and/or the radio itself could have been changed!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fiesta14TDCi

Hello my serial number is:M063267 Can you please find my code. Thanks in advance!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 1099

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - chrisatbrid

hi i too need radio code for ford fiesta sno m301259 its a 4500 rds eon radio

any help please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For the S/N M301259 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JDodger

Hi, my Serial number is M027670 for a 4500 RDS, could you please let me know the code?

Many thanks,


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For the S/N M027670 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - chrisatbrid

opps got that wait 30 mins message

did 1 till got number

did 2 till got number


then pressed 5

got wait 30mins message

what did i do wrong please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - C-tin Dree

Can you help me with the code for rds l4500 with seria number


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M446433 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Cecman

Can you help me with the code for serial number M091886. thank you.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For the S/N M091886 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Richard goodfellow

CCan someone help me get code for fiesta radio had clutch done and havent got code the serial is M015033 thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For the S/N M015033 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Richard goodfellow

Thanks that works

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thank you for letting us know.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jamie Watkins

Can anybody help with mine?

The serial number is M090459

Can't seem to get the correct code!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Not sure if this is correct. For M090459 try 1952. Let me know if it works.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jamie Watkins

It worked! Thanks so much!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for letting us know.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Geoka7
Hi. Can anyone help me with my Ford Fiesta radio? My serial is M157815
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

My usual calculator is unavailable. Try this one:

M157815 should have the code 9365.

Let me know if this works.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Geoka7
Yes it works!! Thank you!!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Good. That's a relief!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sinha

M131058 is my radio serial number... can you please find the code for me

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

S/N M131058 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sinha

Thank you very much... it worked ....

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for getting back to us.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Platefinder

Hi, i am having the same problem, my number is M674668

, ford fiesta finesse. Any help would be much appreciated.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M674668 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - George Tanase

Hi, could you please help me with the code for Ford Fiesta 4500RDS/2005 s/n M253168 .

Thank you!

Edited by George Tanase on 08/06/2018 at 02:07

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

For S/N M253168 the code should be


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - George Tanase

I just realised that i typed in the code to many times wrong, now the radio displays LOCKED 13

Do you have any advice for me?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Buy another radio, I'm afraid.

You could just try turning the radio off and leaving it. Then push Button #6 and turn the radio on still holding Button #6 pushed continuously. This could give you just one last chance to enter the correct code - This could just work, but I doubt it.

Locked 13 can only be overcome by taking the radio to an audio specialist or Ford Main Dealer. Buying another radio on Ebay will probably actually work out cheaper.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Phill Italiano

Am having same problem locked 13 and i cant press buttons

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Google searches suggest the following may work in some circumstances: press and hold preset button 6 (or buttons 1 & 6) while switching the radio on - keep pressed until CODE appears; or disconnecting the battery for 24 hrs.

Various places offer for sale a reset tool; I found one that charges €60 plus delivery.

As has been suggested, a new/second-hand radio is probably the way to go.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sweeper

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fusion 2004 4500 RDS EON car radio? S/N is M584358.
Thank you.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M584358 should have the code


Edited by FP on 19/06/2018 at 08:11

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Seoirse
I have a Ford Fiesta 2005. 4500 rds eon. Would anyone be able to give the code? My serial number is m237444
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor

That will be 2469

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Bradley Reed

Hi, please can you provide the code for serial number M193179. Thanks, Brad

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 2196

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Peter becker

Could you tell me the code for my cd player the serial number is M303718 thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M303718 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - POP84

Can someone help me for code?


Edited by POP84 on 30/06/2018 at 20:03

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M273588 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - POP84


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

It's always nice when people come back to us after advice/info has been given.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Daniel Murphy
Hi all

Would anyone have the code for my fiesta - s/n is V037737. Any help much appreciated. Thanks
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor

I have that code.It is 4981

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Gin Towells
Hi can anyone help me with a code for a fiesta 4500 stereo please ? The s/n is m236328
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M236328 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jay-Jay

Hi .I was looking for a radio code for a 4500.

The code is M665664

Appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Jay-Jay on 19/07/2018 at 13:24

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 3733

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jay-Jay

Great job. Thanks for the help

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Thanks for coming back to us and letting us know the Keycode worked.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - André Resende

Hi! I need some help with my code too, the serial number is M063731.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M063731 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - André Resende

You sir are a life saver, thank you so much!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for coming back to us!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - 879752

Hi, can anyone help me find the code for my radio? The serial number is M031516.

Thank you

Edited by Ashley Young on 21/07/2018 at 18:01

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M031516 should have the code


Edited by FP on 21/07/2018 at 19:19

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Gid776

Hi, my serial number is m665120

Would really appreciate getting the code.


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor

That will be 8358

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dan4,65


Would you have the code for my radio serial number is m089762

Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor

That's going to be 4274

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dan4,65

Done. Thank you very much

Edited by Dan4,65 on 31/07/2018 at 22:28

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 3500 RDS - aidyfrew

Can someone please help me with the code for 3500 RDS M161362

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 3500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 1274

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - LukasDi

May I kindly ask the code for M145706?

Thank you in advance!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7103

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - LukasDi

Thank you, Galaxy, but somehow it does not work for me... Might it be due to the car model (it is Ford Fusion, not Ford Fiesta)? (radio model is the same 4500 RDS)

This car had accident (computer shows airbag errors), thus I'm even not sure if the radio was not replaced from other car during repair (I'm new owner...) :-/


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

If you are getting a serial number beginning with M that does seem like something we can decode - even if it's a non-original radio.

Please double-check the serial number - if necessary pull the radio out a little way to see the label on the chassis.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - will.i.aint
Hi does anybody know the code for fiesta zetec 05 radio 4500 RDS SERIAL#= m108955 please help, love ya loads x
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor

3 7 4 0

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - Diogo Madeira

good afternoon. I bought a Ford Fiesta 2003 and it came without the instruction books and radio codes. I ask someone to help me find the code for my car.

Serial number- M0 16041

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - Galaxy

We've just done that one - Twice!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - Diogo Madeira

Good evening. Thanks for the quick response. The car bought 3 months from a seller who bought the car at auction, as I do not have the contact of the previous owner I do not have the books of the codes of the radio nor the manual of instructions .... How can I prove it to you? if I can provide an email where I take pictures to prove that the vehicle is in my name? Greetings Diogo Madeira

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - Galaxy


You have been given the code in your other thread!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - Diogo Madeira


Sorry for my English.. I do not understand what you're telling me. Are you saying that you've already given me the code? My serial number is M016041

I'm on vacations with friends and I do not know what to do...

Thanks Galaxy for the quick reply

Diogo Madeira

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta - FP

You posted here and also in another thread*, where the code was given (twice).

To save you finding it, here it is again:



Edited by FP on 11/08/2018 at 14:53

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - will.i.aint

cheers your a legend

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - ROBERT pemberton

could some one help me get the code for my fiesta m056953

thank you

Edited by ROBERT pemberton on 16/08/2018 at 00:15

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ben Flegg

Hi there, any chance you can get me the radio code for M010711

With Thanks


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M010711 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dick Poelen

Can you check the code for m043053? Thanks in advance!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - KarlKennedy
Would it possible to get a code for serial number M112190? Thanks in advance!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M112190 should have the code


Edited by FP on 27/08/2018 at 21:25

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Tommy222

I have a Ford Fiesta 2004. 4500 rds eon. Would anyone be able to give the code? My serial number is M557995. Many thanks.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor

I make that 7242

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Tommy222

Work it. Thank you!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fordfan006


New to writing in forum. Can I please have the code for my dad's ford? He lost the book and took the car for some repairs and the player asks for a code now.

Serial number is M056723. Thank you in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M056723 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor

I make that 8542

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Fordfan006

I make that 8542

It worked. Thank you!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Lizzie Carpenter
Hi, we can’t find the code for the radio in my gf’s 2005 Fiesta, serial number M284075. Any help greatly appreciated- no music driving us mad!


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor
That will be 6026
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Lizzie Carpenter
Thanks so much!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - scott reid

can anyone tell me radio code for 2005 fiesta battery changed now radio requires code serial number is M133863 thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 6072

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Griggzy

Hi, Can anyone please help me with my code please? I've spent ages trying to find a free service website... my code is M250042 for a Ford Fiesta 2005.

Or could someone suggest a website that would do it for free?

I'd really appreciate it!!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Galaxy

No worries!

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 6629

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Griggzy

Thanks a million Galaxy, youre a star!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Galaxy

You're more than welcome Griggzy - Thanks for coming back to us!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Gulam Khamboo

hi would anyone be able to help find a code for my fiesta please, serial number is M01513,

thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - FP

The S/N M01513 is invalid.

There should be six digits - please check.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Gulam Khamboo

Sorry missed out a digit, the code is M015813.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - FP

Okay - now we're in business!

The S/N/ M015813 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Gulam Khamboo

You're an absolute legend mate! Can't thank you enough for this, worked first time. Thanks again

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - FP

Thanks for getting back to us. Glad it worked OK.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Phil c-g

Hi FP.

I've never used a forum before and don't know how to add a question to an ongoing thread.

Hope I'm not being cheeky by piggybacking on someone else's post.

Had to repair my starter motor and therefore disconnect the battery.

Do you have a code for s/n M182468

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - FP

No problem, Phil.

The S/N M182468 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2005 - Phil c-g

Thank you so much.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2004 - Michal Zak

Hello. I have Radio model 4500 RDS EON with serial number M410040 . Could someone give the code please.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2004 - FP

The S/N M410040 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2004 - Sue Law

radio code for ford fiesta 2002 4500 stereo code M155240

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2004 - glen owen

can anyone help with this please need a code for V008780 Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 2004 - elekie&a/c doctor

That will be 8215

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Melvino

Can anyone help me. My s/n is M155252

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - radrick

My serial number is M158095, thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 0941

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - James Puxley

My serial is m268373

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M268373 should have the code


It would be nice if you could at least write a polite request. Those of us who spend our time trying to help people with Ford radio codes appreciate some basic courtesy.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - BallyCarn
Hi I removed the battery from my wife’s car. The radio now wanting a code, can someone help me please, serial number is M054890

Thanks in advance
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor

I have that code,it is 7982

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - BallyCarn
That worked, thanks mate
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - cjgreengrass


This is my first post so hopefully I have completed the process correctly.

Can you please provide a radio code for serial number M 09 99 60

Many thanks and much appreciated.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Alexey

Your code is


SN: M099960 -> Free codes

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - sebastian1620

Can someone please give me the radio code for my ford fiesta 2004 4500 RDS EON car radio, the serial number is B301259, thank you in advance!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Sebastian, serial numbers should begin with an M or a V.

If you have misread the opening character only, it could be M301259, in which case the code is 3519.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Zsolticsabi

Hi guys!

Can someone please give me the radio code for my ford fiesta 2004 4500 RDS EON car radio, M number is : M243946

thanks so much

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Tom to tik

Hi, can anyone help me get the code for my ford fiesfa radio. The serial number is M013497. Much appreciated!!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 3703

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mattbew
Hi has anyone got the code for 4500 rds eon serial number m049353 please.

Thanks in advance

Edited by Mattbew on 20/01/2019 at 13:47

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 4352

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Rebecca Howard

Do you have a code for this serial number - M070957 - thank you for any help you can provide!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 0263

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jayzee

Hi van anyone help me with my fiesta radio code please seiral number m444240

Edited by Jayzee on 27/01/2019 at 12:13

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be: 7608

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jayzee

Thanks worked

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Thanks for coming back to us and letting us know the Keycode worked.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JoTmrf
Hi, could I get a code for my radio please...?? b301259
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Please check your Serial Number.

They usually start with an "M" or a "V".

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JoTmrf
Sorry, m372410
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

That's better!

The correct Keycode for your radio should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - JoTmrf
Brilliant ?? thank you
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - David2222

I am the same please serial number mo34621

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dario Bulatovic

Hi everyone,

Can someone please help me with my radio code?
I ran out of songs to sing in my head.

serial number is: M129304

how do you confirm the code you've entered? ( what is the "enter" switch? If you know what I mean?)

Thank you in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be:


To confirm the Keycode after entering you should press Button #5 once.

For further information see:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Sam94

Hi can you help with serial M145332 please?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M145332 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mikey 822

Had to disconnect battery and radio asking for code. Serial number is: M140009.

Thank you very much for your help!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mikey 822
Thanks so much
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are very welcome! Thanks for coming back to us.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - midaro1998
Maybe anyone can help me too? Its a swiss ford if it matters or wont function no problem my radio M130859
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - midaro1998
Thanks alot, worked! Have s nice day!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Thank you for coming back to us and letting us know the Keycode worked.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Diegooooo
I have a 4500 RDS EON Ford Radio.After having the battery disconnected I need a code. The Serial No. is M159147 Can you help please
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M159147 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Stanimir stanev

I have a 4500 RDS EON Ford Radio.After having the battery disconnected I need a code. The Serial No. is M485153 Can you help please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your radio should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Aidans86

Morning. I've had to replace my Mrs car battery and now the radio is asking for a code. It's serial number M301232. Any chance you can get me a code please? Thanks in advance!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct Keycode for your wife's car radio should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Aidans86

Oh no sorry, just locked myself out for half an hour. I mistyped that serial number. It was M301231. Any chance of another one?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M301231 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Aidans86


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ls8

Does anyone know the radio code for Sn:M179543? Thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mr J Eastham

Can anyone help with a code for serial number. B3 01259 please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Studw

Can anyone help with code for serial no:M140540 please.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 8311

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Studw

Thank you so much.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are very welcome!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor
You need to check your serial number . There are no B codes . Only M or V
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mr J Eastham

Sorry its m518802

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M518802 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mr J Eastham

Your a superstar thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for getting back to us - glad it worked!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Robin99

Hi there,

So same story as most here except I didn't even have the serial number and had to remove the ruddy dashboard to pull out the radio to get the serial number!

I would be *really* appreciative if someone could give me the code for a radio with serial number: M261665. or direct me to where/how I can get the code.

Thanks in advance.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 6081

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Robin99

The correct code for your radio should be: 6081

Galaxy, thanks sooo much! And so quickly as well, really appreciate it! I've finally got my radio back!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

Glad to be able to help - You are very welcome!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Bob85

Hi, can't work out how to post - hopefully this works. I have a 4500 RDS eon stereo that needs a code. Serial number is M587752. Hopefully you can help? Thanks if you can.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - elekie&a/c doctor
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - BonJovi

Ford radio codes for free HERE

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Watto1973

Hi would be grateful if anyone can tell me the code for my wife's Fusion. Serial M263420

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your wife's radio should be: 6733

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mikey91

I'm not sure if this is the right way to post on here,

Hi I'm hoping someone can help me out with a radio code for a 2003 Ford fiesta 4500 rds The serial number is - M011559

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M011559 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Charliehoy

Hi, I'm a new driver and recently got a 2004 fiesta, however it needs the code! I have a 4500 rds eon with numbers 1 - 6 on the keycode part of the radio. My serial is: M528507, if someone can tell me the code and how to input it i'd be very grateful!

Edited by Charliehoy on 18/06/2019 at 22:02

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP


Edited by FP on 18/06/2019 at 22:13

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M528507 should have the code


Press Button 1 until the display shows the first number: 2.

Same with Buttons 2, 3, 4. Keep pressing until the correct numbers are displayed.

Then press Button 5 to validate.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Charliehoy

Thank you very much, it worked first time!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP


Thanks for getting back to us. It's always good to get some feedback.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - BonJovi

For V"123456" and M"123456" you can use this website guys - > Ford Radio Codes.

I hope it's helpful!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Matthew Bolton

Can anyone help me with the radio code for a 4500 RDS EON please. My serial number is M115157. Thank you in advanced! Matt

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 6003

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Zoe Johnson
Please can I have a code. M039830
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The code which corresponds to the given serial number is: 0437

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Smuko

Hi, need code for 4500 rds eon

serial: M033856


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Smuko

Please ... sry :(

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

If no-one gets to it before, I'll do it for you when I get home. My mobile is useless for that.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio, Smuko, should be: 7471

(Saved you a job, FP!)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks. I got in at about the time you were posting.

Ford Fusion - Radio code Ford Fusion 4500 RDS E.O.N - Aidan Bachmann
Hi, could you please help me with a radio code for M192443??
Ford Fusion - Radio code Ford Fusion 4500 RDS E.O.N - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 6394

Ford Fusion - Radio code Ford Fusion 4500 RDS E.O.N - Aidan Bachmann
Thank you worked perfectly
Ford Fusion - Radio code Ford Fusion 4500 RDS E.O.N - Galaxy

That's great! Thanks for coming back and letting us know that the code worked.

It's always good to get some feedback!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - honey2441

Hi, my daughter's battery was disconnected for some work and we don't have the radio code. The serial number is M353959, hope you can help. Thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M353959 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - honey2441

It worked thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for reporting back and letting us know the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Harry Lloyd-Davison

Hello could you help me please I have a 4500cd player and I need the code

M009178 52 plate

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 7688

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ryabro
Hi, Galaxy

Please can you help me with a code, serial number m563829

Many thanks in advance.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 3851

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ryabro

Excellent, Worked a treat, Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are very welcome! Thanks for coming back and letting us know the code worked.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mark Boylan
Hi there,
Really sorry to bother you but just bought a 2005 Ford Fiesta and previous owners don’t have code for me to access radio.
Would you mind providing me with a code for my serial number M051629?
Thanks very much in advance for any help!
Kind regards,
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M051629 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Cian

My mother’s car battery died and when the car was turned back on the radio was asking for a code. The serial number is M125689. Would you be able to help with this at all? It would be hugely appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your Mother's car radio should be: 8363

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Noorudeen


I have been looking like crazy for a radio code for my grandfather's 2004 ford fiesta serial N.o M214878.

Please if someone could help me I would appreciate !

Thank you in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your Grandfather's car radio should be: 4379

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mohammed Usman Talib
Hi there, my mates got the same problem with his after his battery went flat.

Can you please help me get a code the serial number for the car is M091345
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M091345 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Nathan Crome

Good morning,

I have a stereo SN of M002605.

Would someone be kind enough to confirm the code?

Many thanks in advance


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M002605 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Nathan Crome

The S/N M002605 should have the code


Fantastic.... thank you so much! Spot on!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Pleased to help. Thanks for coming back to let us know the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 1.4 2004 - Emily Aspinall

M009179 hi does anyone have a radio code for this I'm having murder with it 2004 ford fiesta??? Thankyou emily

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 1.4 2004 - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 9425

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Chris Lodge

B301259 can anyone help me get the code please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

This doesn't look like a serial number from a Ford radio, which should start with M or V.

Maybe it's a typo and you pressed B instead of V, in which case the code would be


Come back to us if this is not the case.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Chris Lodge

oops my mistake, i pressed 1 and 6 instead of 2 and 6 , serial number is m268895

Edited by Chris Lodge on 09/12/2019 at 15:30

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

OK - let's try again.

The S/N M268895 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Moldovan Marius
Can somewone help me with the code from M040852
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

"Can somewone help me..."

Yes - I can. Just say the magic word.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Moldovan Marius
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for that. Here you go:

The S/N/ M040852 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Bashym

Thanks for that. Here you go:

The S/N/ M040852 should have the code


Hi can u find my code out please my serial number is M110196 thank you 4500 rds eon unit

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M110196 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Paul Willison

Please could you send me the radio code for my fiesta M054758?.

Many thanks in advance.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M054758 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Paul Willison

Excellent!! Thank you so much.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for coming back to us. I assume the code worked.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Luke Barrett

Any possible chance of a code for my fiesta M011886 please would be a great help

Many thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M011886 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Luke Barrett

Mine worked thank you ever so much

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for coming back to us to confirm the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Brady Colm

I found this free website for ford V and M serials:

Thank me later! ;)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Brady Colm

And also this website seems to work:

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

We find that people who request codes here seem, for whatever reason, reluctant to try the various websites, some of which at least offer useful and free info. Maybe they are concerned about the security of their phones or computers.

It seems they prefer simply to be told what the correct code is and several of us here are happy to provide this service.

It has to be said that some of these websites seem to come and go.

Edited by FP on 12/01/2020 at 20:59

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - vladream


Can you please send me unlock code for my Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS radio? Serial number is M114203?


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M114203 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jack Ibbotson

Looking for the radio code for my car radio with the serial number M514939

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Are you?

Just say the magic word.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jack Ibbotson
Sorry about that, please could you help find the code ?
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Since you're asking nicely, of course!

The S/N M514939 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Jack Ibbotson
Brilliant thanks, worked first time
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thank you for coming back and confirming the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FiestaSTturbo

I've managed to lock the radio on my daughters 2004 Ford Fiesta 1.4 while I had the battery disconnected doing some work.

It has the Ford 4500 radio with the serial number of M225403.

Has anybody got an idea of the unlock code for this please?

Thank You.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M225403 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Aidan Bachmann
M197769? Please help
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 8224

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Aidan Bachmann
Thank you so much code worked perfectly
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are very welcome! Many thanks for taking the trouble to return and letting us know that the code worked.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Natalia Reic

Hello guys, can anybody help me?

I need the code for my radio as well!!

Anyone can give me?

My serial is: M06 1450

Thank you!!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M061450 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - John Gillam

Good morning,

I am after a radio code for a Ford Fiesta (55 reg) 4500 RDS EON radio please.

Serial number: M301862

Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M301862 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - John Gillam

Thank you very much.

Kind regards


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thank you for coming back to us, John - I assume the code worked OK.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Pedrohoyos

Hi. The radio asks me for a code that I don't have. You can help me get the code. n.series: M054287

model: 4500 rds eon, B3 LOW CD

Thanks a lot

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M054287 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dangirra3

Maybe you can help me with my code? M103390 FORD FUSION

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Maybe I can. In fact, I know I can.

"Please" would be nice.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Dangirra3

Please :)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thank you.

The S/N M103390 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - SBMRB


Any change you have the code for


Edited by SBMRB on 14/03/2020 at 02:22

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M627459 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - lazza333


i'm struggling with the radio 4500 RDS on my first car ever. I need the code, my serial number is M021050. I have seen that you have helped many people with similar problems so please if you can help me, thank you in advance, Lazar

Edited by lazza333 on 15/03/2020 at 07:30

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 6425

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Brady Colm

For M and V series all you can use for free this website

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - DazzaW


Can anyone give me the code for sn M176741



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M176741 should have the code


Edited by FP on 23/07/2020 at 16:34

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Rushy

hi there im am after the code for m255212 if you could help me please

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M255212 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Rushy

Thats worked perfect thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

It's good of you to pop back here and let us know the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Wba50
Can I have the code for Ford 4500RDS EON radio please?

Serial No. is M007401

I did post further up, but thought I’d post at the bottom for my post to be more visible.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M007401 should have the code


P.S. It's always best to post right at the bottom of a monster thread like this!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Wba50

The S/N M007401 should have the code


P.S. It's always best to post right at the bottom of a monster thread like this!

That’s worked a treat, Cheers for that. I did have a rethink on posting again at the bottom. Good thing I did,,
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thank you for reporting back to us that the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mikeysport
Hi could you give me the code for my one please s/n:M082957
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M082957 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mikeysport
Yes that’s what I have in the book but it just keeps going back to asking for the code after the 30mins timer. What else can I try?
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

You're saying that the code is incorrect? Or that it works and then needs the code again?

Have you checked what the S/N is from the radio (press buttons 1 and 6 together and hold for a few seconds)?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mikeysport
Thanks I will try that today. It just asks for the code again, I am on attempt 5 now.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Careful! If you enter the wrong code too many times the radio will lock itself.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mikeysport
Ok it give me the following B3 01259
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

No - sorry. That's not a S/N.

You're looking for an M or V followed by six digits.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Mikeysport
Ok I will take out the radio and have a look for the S/N. Cheers for now.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - pi314

Hi. Does anyone have a code for m221159. Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M221159 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - pi314

thanks FP. I have music again.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thank you for coming back to us to confirm the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - PanosX
Hello! The serial for my radio is M166941.
I would greatly appreciate if you could tell me the code.


Edited by PanosX on 31/10/2020 at 22:28

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 8469

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - PanosX
Awesome it worked!!! Thank you!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are very welcome! Thanks for coming back and letting us know that the code worked for you.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Nico035

Hi could you please help me with my 4500 radio code. Its been months without music.

The serial number is M235967.

Thanks in advanced.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 7974

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Nico035

Thanks alot. The radio is displaying lock 13 and I cant find my way around it.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are very welcome!

However, I'm afraid that Lock 13 is very bad news. Lock 13 means that too many incorrect attempts have been made to enter the radio code. There isn't a user way around it, the only solution is to take the radio to a car audio specialist who will make a couple of changes to the circuitry and then connect the radio to a computer which has the appropriate software for doing a reset.

In practice it will almost certainly be cheaper and easier to purchase an identical radio on Ebay.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - DylanRDS

Hi mate got a 4500RDS as well with the serial number MO92969, do you have the code for this please? Cheers in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M092969 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - DylanRDS

Brilliant mate thank you!!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for coming back to let us know the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Finnian Hartnett


Just wondering if you would be able to find my code too, My serial number is M609142. Thanks!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M609142 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - Chandlerslad
Would you be able to tell me my code too please?
Serial number is M068874
When I input the code in the owners pack it turns the set off, an I doing something wrong?
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - FP

The S/N M068874 should have the code


You should input this by pressing button 1 repeatedly until it shows 5, button 2 until it shows 5 and so on, until all four digits are entered.

Then press and hold button 5.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - Chandlerslad
As soon as I press button 5 the set turns off. Is this normal? I’ve tried it with my original stereo and also the replacement set and it happens with both of them
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - FP

When you switch it on again, has the code been accepted?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - Chandlerslad
Unfortunately not. It’s back to asking for the code
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - FP

Maybe someone else can help. I'm out of ideas, unless the unit is faulty.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - MSmith

Hi! Merry Xmas,

I have bought a temporary vehicle (fiesta) which radio s/n is M142307 would you possibly be able to find a code for me? The one I have doesn't seem to work and its on its 9th chance! Ha thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - FP

The S/N M142307 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - J2d

I’m new to this, I have a 55 plate Ford Fiesta, the radio is a 4500 RDS Eon, and the Serial Number is M179011, any ideas on what code I need?

Thanks in advance, and Happy Christmas

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - FP

The S/N M179011 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - Anon1556


Please, can you help with radio code for serial M020642 Ford fiesta 4500 RDS. Thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - FP

The S/N M020642 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - Valentin Simon

Can anyone please help me to get the radio code for a Ford Fiesta 2005 4500 RDS EON car radio? The serialnumber is M679828. Many thanks in advance!!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - FP

The S/N M679828 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - Caravelle2011

Hiya FP. Wow this is a popular thread.. but it's there any chance you could find the code for the wife's car?

2005 Ford Fiesta, S/N M083420 TIA..


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your wife's car radio should be: 6962

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - Stoil


Can you please help me.

We bought a Fiesta with 4500rds eon and don't have the code.

Serial is M516807

Thank you!

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - FP

The S/N M516807 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - tom roche

Hi, i got the same problem for my Ford car, can you help me ?

My serial number is M376745

Thank you so much if you solve it

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - tom roche

Hi, i got the same problem for my Ford car, can you help me ?

My serial number is M376745

Thank you so much if you solve it

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - Galaxy

I've just done that one in your other thread! (2086)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 6006 RDS - tom roche

It works !

Thank you so much ! Have a nice day !

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Glyn Wyatt

Hi - just bought a replacement radio for the daughters fiesta but being asked for the code - the serial is M078214 - any help gratefully received (as long as it means she only plays decent music in future of course!)


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M078214 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Glyn Wyatt

Excellent - many thanks :-)

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for coming back to us. From your comment I'm hoping the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Rebecca Kitchoukova
Hi, can you please tell me the code for M006417 ?
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 7657

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Stewart RFH

Would you be able to get me the code for serial m077530 ?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M077530 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Rebecca Kitchoukova
It doesnt work. After typing it what should i press?
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Your code is 7657.

Press Button 1 several times until 7 shows. Press Button 2 until 6 shows. Same for the remaining digits. Then Press and hold Button 5 to enter the code.

Edited by FP on 20/02/2021 at 09:19

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - red328gts

Hi, can you please help me with the code for my daughter´s Fiesta, serial M121898 ?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your daughter's car radio should be: 4271

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Craig331

Can you please help me get my code My serial M064809

Thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 2967

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Craig331

I just tried it and it worked, thank you so much

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are more than welcome! Thanks for coming back and letting us know that the code worked.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - red328gts

Wonderful, it works ! Thank you so much !

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are more than welcome! Thanks for coming back and letting us know that the code worked

Ford mondeo 6000cd radio code please help M007370 - Stevieg89

Hi galaxy hope you can help me I'm stuck with my radio code my number is M007370

Ford mondeo 6000cd radio code please help M007370 - FP

(Answered in the other thread where you posted.)

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - JohanneEvd

(Answered in the other thread where you posted.)

Hi guys, is there anyone knowing the code for my Ford fiesta 4500 dci, the series number is M235266?

Thanks :)

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - FP

The S/N M235266 should have the code


Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - Graham tearne

I am amazed my little fiesta still runs! Was stuck off island where it was located and it's not ran for 12+ months. New tyre. New battery. This thing is a tank!

New battery = radio code however

If someone could help with m202907 I would be very grateful!

Thanks in advance

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - Galaxy

The correct code for your little Fiesta's radio should be: 5639

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - GuzziBuell

Pal has been in hospital and his 2002 Fiesta has flattened it's battery. Charged up and stuck starter freed, it has of course lost the radio code. Could some kind soul please help?

M154049 says the display.


ps does anyone know where I could get a code for a 2001 MK4 astra?

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - FP

The S/N M154049 should have the code


I can't help with Vauxhall codes, I'm afraid. You could start a new thread here and someone may be able to help.

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - GuzziBuell

Fabulous... worked a treat. Many thanks for the amazingly prompt reply.

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - FP

It's good of you to come back to confirm the code is correct.

As it happens, it was a prompt reply, but it's really luck, in that it depends on whether anyone who can help happens to look in on the forum and pick up the request soon after it's made.

Please help - Mandymcc89

Can you please help me.. i got my battery taken out an need a code for 2005 Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon serial number is M262838.. thanks

Please help - FP

The S/N M262838 should have the code


Please help - Mandymcc89


Please help - FP

Thanks for coming back to us. I assume the code is correct.

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - Maria Jose Ramirez Rodriguez

Hi Galaxy,

I'm starting to get crazy without music! ?? my car battery passed away and now with the new one my radio is asking for a code that of course I don't have!

Ford fiesta 2003, 4500 RDS E-O-N, M283934

May you please help me getting the right code?

Thanks in advance!!

Desperate woman

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - FP

The S/N M283934 should have the code


Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - Melek Ellek

Can you please help me to find my code. Serial number is M267663, 4500 RDS eon

Thank you

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 8515

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - Crespina


Can you help me find the code for my radio? The serial number is M087333.




Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - FP

The S/N M087333 should have the code


P.S. We don't help people find the code - we find the code for them!

Edited by FP on 31/05/2021 at 15:18

Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - Crespina


Ford fiesta 4500 dci autoradio M235266 - FP

Thank you for coming back to us. I assume the code is correct?

Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - estrinka

Can i please have the code for serial number M277498

Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 4844

Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - estrinka

Correct, thank you!!!

Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

You are very welcome!

Thank you for coming back and letting us know that the code worked.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Indianna Dabson
Hi could anyone help me find the code for my radio please. Serial No M081436
In my handbook it says code is 2088 but that doesn’t seem to work ??
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M081436 should have the code


Are you entering the code correctly? (Press Button 1 until 2 shows; press Button 2 until 0 shows... etc., then press Button 5 to confirm.)

If so, you next need to check the S/N is correct, if necessary by pulling the radio a little way out of the dash and reading the label on the chassis.

If the S/N is correct and you have entered the code correctly, there is a fault with the radio and probably the simplest thing is to fit a replacement.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Charlie Tucker

Hi can you please help I need the code for my radio the serial number is below:



Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 8033

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - graeme mcclinton

Hi I'm looking for keycode with serial M367922, cheers in advance.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 4583

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Roobert

After replacing the battery, (after charging), found that the the 4500 radio code that I thought was correct does not work. (6011)

The radio serial number is M686261.

I should be very pleased if you could advise me of the correct code, John.

Many thanks in advance.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Galaxy

The correct code for your radio should be: 7997

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Leo Green

Would you be able to give me my radio code Please?

My serial number is B301259

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

If that S/N is from a Ford radio, it's a code I don't recognise. The B is the problem. The S/Ns we can deal with here begin with V or M.

If it's a typo and you meant V301259 the code is


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Leo Green

Sorry the code is M535268

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M535268 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ben3568996544

Hi my serial code is M484484

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

I presume you mean the serial number of your radio is M484484 and I presume you would like someone to give you the unlock code?

The S/N M484484 should have the code


It's always nice if people include "please" in a request for help.

Edited by FP on 24/02/2022 at 13:05

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Henry Groome


Its really nice to see that you're providing this service to strangers online.

Do you think you could help me as well please? I just got my car out of the mechanics and it's asking for the code too.

My S/N is M383933. Thank you for your help


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M383933 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Henry Groome

Thank you so much it worked first try.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for coming back and confirming the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - RadioCodeNeeded!

Hi FP - hope you don't mind me piggybacking on comment. I'm trying to source a radio code following a battery failure, and the missus is moaning at me that the radio doesn't work when she occassionalyl drives it!

Ford Focus 09 plate, serial is V319546

Any help greatly appreciated

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N V319546 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Arizona36
I need the radio activation code for my 2006 Ford Fiesta with the serial code M162315 I appreciate your help!
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M162315 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ricardo Lucas

I'm sorry to ask so directly but could you please tell me what the code for the serial number M905574 is. I would very much appreciate it

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - madamfe


do you have the code for serial number M253105 please?

thank you

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M253105 should have the code


(You've managed to bury this in a large thread - I hope you find it again.)

Edited by FP on 29/06/2022 at 16:18

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ricardo Lucas

My serial number is M095574 and a need the code can someone help

I would be very happy If someone could it's my first car and i really wanted to have the radio working

Edited by Ricardo Lucas on 14/04/2022 at 19:29

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M095574 should have the code


I'm sorry you've had to wait for a while for someone to answer your query, but it just depends on who checks the forum and when. We're real people with lives outside the forum.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Ricardo Lucas

Thank you so much it worked and now i can use the radio thank you again

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

You're welcome!

Thanks for coming back to confirm the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Che Colford

Hi, changed battery on my daughters 02 Fiesta can you let me know the code for Serial Number M022404. Thanks in advance

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Che Colford

Hi, changed battery on my daughters 02 Fiesta can you let me know the code for Serial Number M022404. Thanks in advance

Could anyone help me out please?

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Cabrionieri

Hello had my clutch replaced now the radio is dead anyone got the code for radio type 4500 serial number m062722 thanx.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M062722 should have the code


NB I'm away from home and using a different source from usual, one that I haven't used before. I hope it's correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Afton Gleeson
Hey there, my serial number is M155239
My battery died and now the radio is gone.

Can you help please? Thanks

Edited by Afton Gleeson on 13/11/2022 at 20:50

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M155239 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Afton Gleeson
Thank you so much, this worked perfectly!!

Edited by Afton Gleeson on 15/11/2022 at 18:38

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for letting us know the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - L28996

Hi please could you tell me the radio code for my 2004 Ford Fiesta Zetec.

The serial number is M387638

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M387638 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - L28996

That was the correct code. Many thanks

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Kevin Crampsie
Code for M048349 2006 Fiesta please. Replaced battery and could not get the code. Daughters first car we would be very grateful. Thank you.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M048349 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Kevin Crampsie
Fantastic. Worked a treat. Thank you.
Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

Thanks for confirming the code is correct.

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

@ L28996

Thank you for coming back to confirm the code is correct.

Edited by FP on 19/02/2023 at 21:31

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Pistandbroke

Hi there, my serial number is M038773 if anyone can find my code, that would be awesome.

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - FP

The S/N M038773 should have the code


P.S. You've managed to bury this in the middle of a monster thread - I hope you can find it again!

2003Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS Eon - Xileno

I've moved them to the end.

- Christo9001

I would love if anyone could help me with the code

The serial Is m013257 thanks in advance

Edited by Christo9001 on 06/04/2023 at 11:54

Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - FP

The S/N M013257 should have the code


Ford Fiesta - Radio code Ford Fiesta 4500 RDS - Brighton25

My daughter has inherited a Fiesta but no radio key code. The radio serial number is M067655. Can anyone help please with a code?

Ford Focus LS RNS Travelpilot radio code request - please Galaxy! - Rico P

I've been recommended by the people at Pistonheads to ask Galaxy for help.

I was fiddling around with the wiring harness on my Ford Focus radio and now need to enter the pin. My sister in law and brother kindly lost it when the car was in their ownership. Can you help please?!

The serial is C7E3F0547B4080375

Thank you!

Ford Focus LS RNS Travelpilot radio code request - please Galaxy! - FP

We have had a few inquiries regarding codes for serial numbers in this format. Nobody here seems able to help. We can provide codes only for serial numbers in the format M or V followed by six digits.

If someone with better knowledge spots this and can help that would be good.

(Galaxy, by the way, does not seem to have posted here since 2019, though the mods may have better information.)

Ford Focus LS RNS Travelpilot radio code request - please Galaxy! - Xileno

Galaxy last logged in 2021-11-30 but may still be reading the forums.

Ford Focus LS RNS Travelpilot radio code request - please Galaxy! - Chris2023

Please I worked on my car and mechanic removed battery terminal now displaying CODE. Please help. Ford fiesta 2004. M294969

Thank you.

Ford Focus LS RNS Travelpilot radio code request - please Galaxy! - FP

The S/N M294969 should have the code


Ford Focus LS RNS Travelpilot radio code request - please Galaxy! - Chris2023

Many many thanks man. The code worked! My radio is up now. I'll keep this code in case the battery needs to be removed again.

Ford Focus LS RNS Travelpilot radio code request - please Galaxy! - FP

You're welcome. Thank you for letting us know the code is correct.

Ford Focus LS RNS Travelpilot radio code request - please Galaxy! - FP


Edited by FP on 09/11/2023 at 13:22

Ford Focus LS RNS Travelpilot radio code request - please Galaxy! - E1215

Hi, would you be kind and help me with the code for my Ford S-Max please! Kids are driving me mad :-)

Serial Number is V000493.

Thank you in advance

Edited by E1215 on 29/03/2024 at 23:02

Ford Focus 2007 Zetec : Help for Radio code - gemnee


Seeking help here

The car mechanic resetted battery and now Radio asking for code

Radio Serial number is V016963

Can someone help with the code pls



Ford Focus 2007 Zetec : Help for Radio code - FP

The S/N V016963 should have the code


Ford Focus 2007 Zetec : Help for Radio code - gemnee
Thanks a lot , it worked like a breeze
Ford Focus 2007 Zetec : Help for Radio code - FP

Thanks for coming back to confirm the code is correct.

Edited by FP on 04/05/2024 at 23:41