Should I service my car at a dealer?

There are a number of reasons why people choose to have their car serviced at a main dealer.
If your car is leased or you have taken out a personal contract purchase (PCP) then it may be stipulated that your car is serviced at a franchised dealer (check the terms of your contract to be sure) but even if you have another form of finance and are free to choose where your car is serviced there are other reasons you may want to opt for a main dealer.
Dealer service schemes offer a range of benefits from free health checks to the guarantee of genuine parts. Premium carmakers, like Audi and BMW, may also send you a walkthrough video with a technician explaining what work has been carried out and what else may need addressing. The dealer may also throw in a free car wash and vacuum as part of the deal.
Sue Robinson, chief executive of the National Franchised Dealer Association (NFDA), which represents around 85 per cent of the 4,400 franchised dealers outlets in the UK, says that consumers see franchised dealers as the “safest option” in aftersales.
“This is often driven by dealers’ specialist knowledge of specific brands and the types of work required as well as their investments into technical equipment,” she says. “Consumers associate franchised dealers with professionalism and good customer service.”
That’s not to say you won’t receive good, professional customer service if you take your car to an independent garage. In fact, some independent garages argue they offer a more personal service - many are family-owned and run businesses, and you may well deal directly with the owner or technician rather than a receptionist on a service desk.
In many cases, the staff at your local independent garage will be trained to the same standard as those found in the workshop of an approved dealership. The best garages will also be members of Good Garage Guide schemes and/or independent trade organisations that will require the business to sign up to a code of conduct and have a clear mediation process if something goes wrong.
Do I need to use a main dealer to preserve my car’s warranty?
In short, no. The EU Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation (MVBER), which the UK Government has retained, prevents car manufacturers from forcing their customers to use their approved dealerships to maintain the warranty. This means independent garages can service a car without affecting its manufacturer warranty. But they must service or repair the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s standards and only use manufacturer-approved parts and fluids. This must be documented on an itemised invoice.
Having this evidence is vital for any potential warranty claims.
“If the vehicle is still covered by the manufacturer warranty and there were to be any future warranty issues/claims, then the manufacturer will ask for proof to be provided on what serviceable parts were used (genuine or non-genuine), this may even include the grade of oil and some other fluids,” says Jeremy Yea, senior valuations editor at car pricing business Cap HPI.
“If any parts or fluids do not comply with the car manufacturer’s parts policy, then the claim could be rejected, or you will only be able to claim a smaller percentage of the overall claim/cost. These factors may affect the resale value of a car.”
What is the price difference between a franchised dealer and an independent garage?
Generally, the cost of having your car serviced at an independent garage will be much lower.
A survey of 6,000 UK garages by automotive service and repair start-up motoreasy in 2017 found franchised dealers had an average labour rate of £99 compared with an average of £56 for independent garages.
The Independent Garage Association suggests an even bigger price gap. Its 2020 labour rate study found the average hourly rate charged by independent garages was £47.47.
Independent garages are usually cheaper because they don’t have to cover the outlay of large premises or flashy showrooms. They also has access to spare parts from third-party suppliers, which will not usually be stocked by an approved dealer and will be more suitable for older vehicles that are out of warranty.
Your local independent garage will also be able to source independent specialists who may offer to repair costly parts and car systems rather then insist on a complete replacement.
However, the NFDA’s Robinson argues that the investments franchised dealers make in equipment and training are the reasons why their hourly labour rate can be higher than independents.
She suggests that the total cost is often the same as independent garages.
“Independent garages can take longer to carry out a specific work since they tend to deal with a wider range of brands and may not always have the necessary repair equipment in place,” she says.
It’s also important to consider what additional services a franchised dealer may provide.
Cap HPI’s Yea says: “A franchise dealer may offer more services as part of the cost, such as cleaning the vehicle before it is returned and potentially carrying out any essential or even non-essential recall work/software upgrades especially for battery electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles. An independent may not be able to offer some of these services.”
How many dealers offer service plans?
It has become increasingly common for dealers to offer a service plan when you buy a new car.
On average, around 80 per cent of new cars sold by franchised dealers come with a service plan, according to the NFDA.
“A large proportion of consumers opt for service plans to have the reassurance of set monthly fees which remove the burden of large, unexpected costs,” Robinson says.
To find out if a service plan is the right option for you read our guide: Are Car Service Plans Worth It?
Will my car be easier to sell with a dealer service history?
A car with fully stamped dealer service history will generally be easier to sell than one without, especially when it comes to premium and expensive vehicles.
A full dealer history may also increase the resale value of your vehicle, although there is no concrete evidence of that and it could be argued that any uplift in value would be outweighed by the saving you would make by using an independent garage for servicing.
Can I service my car by myself?
There is a third option when it comes to servicing your car - the DIY approach. We don’t recommend this for cars that are still relatively young - perhaps 10 years or less - as you could impact the ongoing value of the car. But it’s certainly an option for older cars.
Although modern cars have increasingly become computerised, the majority of the work going on under the bonnet is still mechanical, and these are the bits you can still manage yourself if you’re handy with a spanner.
To find out more, read our guide: How Can I Do My Own Car Service?
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