Cold Hands - Pica
As this is my first winter riding the Street Triple R I did not realise how cold your hands get (especially the finger tips). I don't want to fit bar warmers but can any of you experienced and seasoned riders recommend a good pair of gloves or liners that will keep my hands a warm and not break the bank.

Cold Hands - joc
If you're really serious about riding a lot at this time of year, you have to (in my opinion) invest in electrically heated gloves. No other alternatives in my experience. Expensive, but once you have them, it transforms your use of the bike and allows you to use it much more often! Try gerbings which are waterproof and warm. Mine are brill - I use them November through March/April. Don't worry about the wiring, which you thred thru and leave in your jacket; you soon get used to it.
Cold Hands - Pica
Thanks for the reply. I will look at the electric gloves didn't think about them
Cold Hands - SteveLee
What's wrong with heated grips? I've put them on every bike I've ever owned - they are brilliant. Once you've used them you'll never go back.

The Triumph ones are expensive but the wires fit inside the bars, you cannot tell they are heated grips - until you need them then they are seriously toasty.

Cold Hands - martint123
I've got pairs on both bikes and wouldn't be without them.
The difference is amazing - not just to the hands but to the whole body.
I wouldn't have believed the difference they make. I've tried all sorts of gloves in the past and never had anything but cold hands in this weather.
Cold Hands - Pugugly
A cheapskate solution is a pair of silk inner gloves - they provide a gap of insulating air between the hands and the glove proper. Whatever gloves you end up with will feel 3 times warmer with these, I have heated grips on the BMW - not that keen really and it tends to damage leather gloves if they're damp. Make sure you inners are silk and not some man-made rubbish - works a treat. Climbers' shops stock mainly because they work !
Cold Hands - SteveLee
martint123, I know what you mean, during a trip back from oop north, a friend of mine (similar build, identical bike, similar gear) frantically signalled that he needed to stop, we pulled over at the next services. He nearly dropped the bike, I got him inside for a coffee, he was in a right state, shivering badly and turning blue - I kid you not! I was fine. It took nearly an hour before he was ready to ride again - we swapped bikes as mine has heated grips. Within 30 minutes I was in trouble - he was fine. It really makes that much difference. I swear the things warm your blood!
Cold Hands - Pica
Thanks for all your suggestions.

I think I will try the silk liners first and failing that I will look for something heated.
Cold Hands - CBR_Bob
The only problems with heated grips (I have Oxford ones) is the the only heat the back of your hand, you still get wind chill on the front of the hands...

If you can afford it, heated gloves are the way to go - but, not sure what sort of crash protection these have...
Cold Hands - Gregory II
Where is a good place to buy heated grips and which ones would you recommend getting? Also, does anyone have installation tips with regards to heated grips. I am very interested in getting some installed on my bike!!!
Cold Hands - gmac
I use a pair of these (link to polo motorbike accessory store) with a pair of cotton liner gloves.

I've ridden a couple of hundred miles at -5C using them.
Cold Hands - martint123
These are the ones I got, but looks like out of stock at the moment.
(shame, as they were considerably cheaper than other places).