Ford Fiesta Edge Auto 1.4 2012 - left rear fog light broken - john tillett

Left rear fog light broken.Can i make it ok?

Ford Fiesta Edge Auto 1.4 2012 - left rear fog light broken - elekie&a/c doctor
The left light is only a reflector, there’s no bulb behind it .
Ford Fiesta Edge Auto 1.4 2012 - left rear fog light broken - john tillett

Thank you for my look of the broken reflector. I did not know the bulb was not in it. So there

is no MOT about this bit?


John Tillett

Ford Fiesta Edge Auto 1.4 2012 - left rear fog light broken - leaseman

Does that answer the question?

If not, I think that a fuller description of how it is "broken" is required for anyone to make further comment or give advice.

Edited by leaseman on 17/05/2024 at 13:31