Lyse Doucet - BBC's International Correspondent - Xileno

I had only heard of this lady on a few occasions in the past but with the exit from Afghanistan she's been centre-stage and reporting most days. I find her reports fascinating if inevitably depressing. She must have nerves of steel, it has to be one of the most dangerous places to be.

However, with the exit of the US Military I was very surprised to see her still reporting from there. How on Earth will she get out safely? Maybe these experienced journalists have ways and means. I would have been on that last US flight out...

Edited by Xileno on 31/08/2021 at 19:37

Lyse Doucet - BBC's International Correspondent - daveyjp

She is the new Kate Adie. John Simpson is also reporting from Afghanistan.

Lyse Doucet - BBC's International Correspondent - sammy1

I doubt whether she is ducking and diving to stay safe. She will be there with the safe conduct that journalists secure. UK diplomats are already communicating with the new government and if the country is ultimately accepted by others then this is the way the Taliban needs to go. The general evacuation has been a shambles much the same as the end of Vietnam. I think the US as finally excepted that interference in other countries affairs is both costly and ultimately a waste of time. An future conflict will be secretive and drone strikes cannot be ruled out if the West thinks there is any direct danger to itself.

Lyse Doucet - BBC's International Correspondent - Bromptonaut

She came to mainstream from the World Service. Was in Syria until Afghan blew up.

Agree with the OP that she's very good at what she does.