Local authority signs - sammy1

The latest sign to appear on our local canal "" Floating Vegetation" It used to be called duckweed to us ordinary folk.

Local authority signs - Xileno

I can't think why floating vegetation justifies a sign. Can it get sucked into a barge engine? Presumably filters exist in the design. I can think of worse things seen floating in the canal near me...

Local authority signs - daveyjp

Heavy weed will clog the prop.

Trying to turn a jammed prop isn't good for a gearbox or propshaft.

Local authority signs - Xileno

Interesting, thanks. I will remember that if I ever go on a barge again.

Local authority signs - bathtub tom

That's nothing, compared to trying to remove a discarded, lorry inner tube from your prop!

Took hours!

Local authority signs - ohsoslow

Or a mattress!

Local authority signs - _

In the days I used to go fishing, (crabbing, Lobstering and longlining for Conger, in my youth with a mate, I was invariably thrown overboard with a knife if we had a rope around the prop when hauling in pots or line.

Local authority signs - Bromptonaut

We had one holiday on a canal boat and got a discarded fleece wrapped round the prop.

Local authority signs - Brit_in_Germany


Local authority signs - Bromptonaut


A walker's jacket. In water it had almost neutral buoyancy and was invisible below the surface.