Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Ethan Edwards

Saw his appearance on the TV. Was surprised at the number of aides hangers on assistants and above all bodyguards he feels he needs. Is crime that out of hand? It appeared to be almost on a us presidential level. Who pays for this vanity of Mr Burnham? look at the mean moody people at the back. Do they come free?

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Avant

Used poiticians? With no scrappage scheme, you just have to burn 'em.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Andrew-T

Used poiticians? With no scrappage scheme, you just have to burn 'em.

Maybe he just felt he was being used ? I was wondering how he felt GMC was somehow entitled to a bit more than anyone else - tho I suppose it is every politico's duty to stand up for the home patch. Some don't seem to do that.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - concrete

I agree Andrew. No matter if you agree with his politics or not he seems fairly sensible and is of course fighting for his residents. If you don't ask you don't get. I once lived in a constituency that was mainly Labour and mostly I did not vote that way, however when I needed my MP to assist me with something he was very good indeed. That is all you can ask once a man is elected, that he looks after all his constituents. I feel sorry for Liverpool and Manchester, both great places and good people mostly. Pity they have to suffer like this.

Cheers Concrete

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Engineer Andy

I was under the impression that he, like Citizen Khan in London, didn't mind his minions being endlessly locked down, as long as either they were paid copious amounts of money to do so from the magic money tree, and particularly if everyone UK-wide was locked down as well (despite there being no need for the most part, if people were sensible), given it would further tarnish the reputation of the government.

Sadly a lot of politicking, grandstanding and agenda-driven game playing going on in all this, and in my view very little that actually is in the best interests of ordinary people.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Andrew-T

Sadly a lot of politicking, grandstanding and agenda-driven game playing going on in all this, and in my view very little that actually is in the best interests of ordinary people.

Yes, on both sides of the political divide, not only the 'other' side.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Bromptonaut

I was under the impression that he, like Citizen Khan in London

Can we drop the absurd 'Citizen' prefix?

It was mildly funny at first exposure but it's now as tiresome as 'Sleepy Joe'.

Save some keystrokes and just call him Khan....

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Engineer Andy

I was under the impression that he, like Citizen Khan in London

Can we drop the absurd 'Citizen' prefix?

It was mildly funny at first exposure but it's now as tiresome as 'Sleepy Joe'.

Save some keystrokes and just call him Khan....

Given your and other like-minded people's comments about our PM and The US President in the past on other threads, that's a bit rich. Besides, they are hardly 'slurs', given 'Mayor Khan's' socialist background, hence why the term 'Citizen' is used.

With respect, you may find it tiresome, butin my view it's an apt description, and I prefer 'Creepy Uncle Joe', given his (IMHO) apparent fondness for inappropriate touching of women and especially young girls, although 'corrupt' may now be an even more accurate term to use, given recent revelations about his 'business dealings' (not that anyone reading left wing news outlets would know, given the issue hasn't been covered).

And I don't post PR messages for the side of the political aisle I vote for either as if I was a spin doctor.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - alan1302

I was under the impression that he, like Citizen Khan in London

Can we drop the absurd 'Citizen' prefix?

It was mildly funny at first exposure but it's now as tiresome as 'Sleepy Joe'.

Save some keystrokes and just call him Khan....

Given your and other like-minded people's comments about our PM and The US President in the past on other threads, that's a bit rich. Besides, they are hardly 'slurs', given 'Mayor Khan's' socialist background, hence why the term 'Citizen' is used.

With respect, you may find it tiresome, butin my view it's an apt description, and I prefer 'Creepy Uncle Joe', given his (IMHO) apparent fondness for inappropriate touching of women and especially young girls, although 'corrupt' may now be an even more accurate term to use, given recent revelations about his 'business dealings' (not that anyone reading left wing news outlets would know, given the issue hasn't been covered).

And I don't post PR messages for the side of the political aisle I vote for either as if I was a spin doctor.

Children call others names - time to grow up Andy.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Bromptonaut

Children call others names - time to grow up Andy.

Until I googled the term I'd thought Citizen Khan was a direct wordplay on Citizen Kane.

The TV comedy Citizen Khan featuring Adil Ray as a the patriarch of an Anglo-Pakistani family had completely passed me by.

I'm not accusing Andy of this but I suspect that in right wing circles the term is used as a dog whistle over the Mayor's heritage.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Engineer Andy

Used poiticians? With no scrappage scheme, you just have to burn 'em.

A joke worthy of the comedy club... :-)

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Chris M

"Was surprised at the number of aides hangers on assistants and above all bodyguards he feels he needs."

Assume you haven't actually watched it as at the start of the news conference he introduced all those standing behind him. I'll save you the bother, they are leaders and councillors from the surrounding affected areas. Burnham is the high profile, media savvy mayor and they aren't.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Bromptonaut

I'll save you the bother, they are leaders and councillors from the surrounding affected areas. Burnham is the high profile, media savvy mayor and they aren't.

He's done a good job of getting some sort of united front from the constituent Boroughs and MPs for the region. So good that the government was resorting to trying to pick off councils one by one.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Chris M

I would expect Burnham to fight for the people in his area although I don't see why Mancs. should be more deserving than Scousers. I think there's some politics going on here. The Conservatives won a lot of these northern seats at the last election and it's to Labour's benefit to show that the Conservatives don't care.

Edited by Chris M on 23/10/2020 at 18:31

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Bromptonaut

Labour's benefit to show that the Conservatives don't care.

Given the Government's massive own goal over Marcus Rashford's school meals campaign I don't think Labour need to work too hard on that.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Engineer Andy

Labour's benefit to show that the Conservatives don't care.

Given the Government's massive own goal over Marcus Rashford's school meals campaign I don't think Labour need to work too hard on that.

Maybe if those rich football players donated a week or two's salary (they can easily afford it and then some), the rest of us taxpayers ('the government' doesn't earn money, Bromp - nice try and politicking again) then don't have to pick up the bill whilst the rich footballers with fancy accountants pay little.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Bromptonaut

Maybe if those rich football players donated a week or two's salary (they can easily afford it and then some), the rest of us taxpayers ('the government' doesn't earn money, Bromp - nice try and politicking again) then don't have to pick up the bill whilst the rich footballers with fancy accountants pay little.

So the answer to the problem of children going hungry is "what about the footballer's wages?".

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - alan1302

Labour's benefit to show that the Conservatives don't care.

Given the Government's massive own goal over Marcus Rashford's school meals campaign I don't think Labour need to work too hard on that.

Maybe if those rich football players donated a week or two's salary (they can easily afford it and then some), the rest of us taxpayers ('the government' doesn't earn money, Bromp - nice try and politicking again) then don't have to pick up the bill whilst the rich footballers with fancy accountants pay little.

So should footballers pay for others things as well rather than the taxpayers or just the school meals?

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Engineer Andy

Andy Burn'em, man of the people (with mascara and champagne glass in hand living it up)...

Oh he's soooo doing it for his serfs, ahem, I mean 'constituents', just like his exemplary work on what went on at Mid Staffs hospitals. A nice co-ordinated campaign with Khan and Starmer, especially as they all want ongoing national lockdowns (in return for a nice big bribe from the magic money tree) despite the former two's protestations recently to the contrary - then to blame the government for the consequences as part of Labour's next General Election campaign strategy.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - FP

I'm no fan of Andy Burnham, nor of the Labour Party, but your post seems to me to be a crude, right-wing attempt to smear his reputation.

Sarcasm like "man of the people (with mascara and champagne glass in hand living it up)" and "Oh he's soooo doing it for his serfs, ahem, I mean 'constituents'" seems to me to be well beyond comment worth taking seriously.

Then you make the statement that Burnham's stance is co-ordinated with Khan and Starmer (Is it? Do you actually know?) and predict that it is part of some plan that will surface come the next General Election (How do you know?). It just sounds like more of the "ooh, those dreadful socialists" line that you have peddled before.

A more considered consideration of policies and ideas and less personal vitriol would make your views much more worth listening to.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - concrete

A more considered consideration of policies and ideas and less personal vitriol would make your views much more worth listening to.

DING! DING! Gentleman. End of the bout. No winners just an exchange of comments few of which illuminate the debate. Can we just agree to disagree about Mr Burnham's motives. Personally I would expect any elected official that is representing me to fight for a the best deal for me and others he represents. He seems to be doing that. If his motives are suspect to some that is for them to consider.

Cheers Concrete

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - nick62

Andy, you need to give it a rest son.

On top of everything else, having a go a Joe Biden (whether true or false) when the incumbent was boasting about actually committing sexual assault on tape is rather rich.

Used Labour Politician - Andy Burnham - Bromptonaut

So he's having a glass of wine on a plane, or possibly a train.

Should it be a can of Stella?