Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

Just seen the latest suggestions by Donald

Injecting disinfectant into the body

Irradiating patients bodies with UV light

Surely this man is in need of treatment himself, perhaps its time to impeach him for being totally mad.

Has he never heard of blood letting and leeches?

Perhaps infected persons should be tried for practising witchcraft.

Only in the United States (and North Korea of course) could the leader make suggestions that are dangerous and against all logic.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

Almost as daft is the collective American electorate, who seem to regard an election in the same way as a football game. It will be interesting to see whether DT is re-elected in November after his first pathetic term. I hope not, but I'm placing no bets.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - bathtub tom

No doubt some Americans will try it as so many seem to regard him as the messiah. I understand a couple died when they treated themselves with fish tank cleaner as the chemical had a similar name to a drug he was advocating.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - SLO76
I’m ashamed to admit it but it’s all my fault. I like a wee bet on subjects I think I know a bit about and politics is something I take a fair bit of interest in. I accepted that both final options for the Yanks at the last election were subprime to say the least I gave them credit enough that they wouldn’t elect this tangerine tinted buffoon but the system and my confidence in the American people failed me. I did strangely win on Hilary winning the popular vote yet lost on Trump becoming president. A weird situation but that’s the system.

I also directly caused Brexit by betting against it. I’ll accept your thanks or hatred now. I’ve had more luck on predicting turnout which has netted my a few nice wee profits in most elections to offset the unpredictability of the general populous.

Half expecting a call from MI5 to cease and desist before my predictions cause WW3.
Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Just seen the latest suggestions by Donald

Injecting disinfectant into the body

Irradiating patients bodies with UV light

Surely this man is in need of treatment himself, perhaps its time to impeach him for being totally mad.

Has he never heard of blood letting and leeches?

Perhaps infected persons should be tried for practising witchcraft.

Only in the United States (and North Korea of course) could the leader make suggestions that are dangerous and against all logic.

Actually he didn't say inject yourselves with disinfectant. Most of the UK media is parroting the line essentially word-for-word from the Trump-hating MSNBC and CNN., not from the man himself.

And no, Trump is by far not the most dangerous man on Earth. I would say that Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Putin of Russia are vying for that top spot. Kim being currently indisposed.

Besides, imagine if Hillary Clinton won in 2016 - we'd have had mushroom clouds over most of the world's cities by now, if Sanders were in office, America would now be part of a new USSR, and if Biden were, well, who knows what a senile creepy guy like him would do?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< imagine if Hillary Clinton won in 2016 - we'd have had mushroom clouds over most of the world's cities by now, if Sanders were in office, America would now be part of a new USSR, and if Biden were, well, who knows what a senile creepy guy like him would do? >>

I think (hope) those are fairly barmy suggestions, but I agree that the Democrats still can't come up with a half-likely opponent for the daftest president the US has had for a very long time. We thought GWB was daft enough, but he was Trumped, without a doubt.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - dan86

<< imagine if Hillary Clinton won in 2016 - we'd have had mushroom clouds over most of the world's cities by now, if Sanders were in office, America would now be part of a new USSR, and if Biden were, well, who knows what a senile creepy guy like him would do? >>

I think (hope) those are fairly barmy suggestions, but I agree that the Democrats still can't come up with a half-likely opponent for the daftest president the US has had for a very long time. We thought GWB was daft enough, but he was Trumped, without a doubt.

I see what you did there lol

Edited by dan86 on 24/04/2020 at 13:21

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"Actually he didn't say inject yourselves with disinfectant. Most of the UK media is parroting the line essentially word-for-word from the Trump-hating MSNBC and CNN., not from the man himself."

"By injection inside, almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and does the job and does a tremendous number on the lungs..."

That, it seems, is an accurate transcription of the idiot's words. If he didn't mean injection with disinfectant I don't know what he meant. He loves to appear an expert in everything, but continually exposes his intellectual deficiencies.

"... if Sanders were in office, America would now be part of a new USSR..."

This sounds like the same idiotic, over-stated comments that characterise the whole pro-Trump camp. In effect it says if you don't like Trump look how bad the alternatives are or were - hardly a ringing endorsement for Trump himself.

I'm quite disappointed that Andy is coming up with all this threadbare stuff.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - concrete

Like it or lump it, I have worked with lots of Americans. Like other nations they are varied and disparate. The red necks just live in La La land, out and out Republican but they can't explain why. The northern states are are more moderate and more articulate. Between these two groups there is little common ground, other than the gun laws and a belief that the military can solve every situation. The red necks seem to outnumber the others and a gung-ho chap like Trump is right up their collective alley. Apart from his appalling ignorance of many subjects especially foreign policy, the majority of his electorate are only vaguely aware that there is a world beyond their borders, but it doesn't matter much. The price they pay for supreme isolation from Europe and Asia and Africa. Only 18% of Americans have a passport, fewer than that actually use them beyond them their immediate borders. As long as there economy drifts along and they can eat, drink and drive cheaply they care little. Luckily Trump is not as all powerful as he portrays. There are some very clever minds behind the Presidency that exercise a calming effect and manage to smother most of his ridiculous ideas. Likewise the military, he is the C in C but has to have a consensus to act so there are checks and balances to his power. Hopefully they will elect a more sensible person in November. Which way is SLO betting?

Cheers Concrete

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet

Methinks you lot are taking President Trump a little too literally and seriously, just as he wants.

The Dems can't find anyone, except some bod losing his marbles (wonder who trhe running mate will be, ready to take over soonest), to hope to defeat Trump in the coming election.

Trump is called all sorts of names, haven't you lot twigged yet he's the worlds best troll, makes statements he plucks from his backside for the sheer hell of it, no one with an ounce of common sense takes things like the disinfectant story seriously, but while everyone's running round calling him names and getting in a lather about nothing, oh and more calls for impeachment, he's dozens of steps ahead planning his November victory.

I can't wait to be truthful, will be watching and enjoying the elite's chins hit the floor and their legion of acolytes and general snowflakes bursting into tears and screaming blue murder, then there'll be CNN and other failing network's talking heads rehashing the same cobblers as 4 years ago, course there'll be the standard violent demonstrations where the usual suspects smash their own towns up in frustration.

Is he the most dangerous man on earth, no, he's stopping another bought and paid for professional politician from fronting for big business/pharma/arms, more power to his elbow.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

Have I got this right? You're saying we shouldn't take Trump seriously with all his ridiculous embarrassing news conferences (and presumably all his lies), but we should take him seriously because it's all a distraction while he plans his re-election campaign.

That is ridiculous. His desperate desire to be popular and his weak intellect are too convincing to be anything other than real. Most likely he's too stupid to realise how stupid he is.

And as for saying Trump's re-election would stop "another bought and paid for professional politician" from benefiting from business deals - perhaps you ought to check how well Trump's business enterprises have done since he became president. It is an unfortunate fact that USA politics is all about money - it is what really impresses Americans. How shallow that is.

Apparently you wish all power to Trump's elbow. Oh dear. Really? The world needs Trump like a bullet to the head - or a shot of disinfectant.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

Is he the most dangerous man on earth, no, he's stopping another bought and paid for professional politician from fronting for big business/pharma/arms, more power to his elbow.

Donald Trump is a billionaire big business owner - he's already fronting big business.

He appeals to people that just see what it outside their own front doors and believe that is the whole world. He does not have their best interests at heart - and has cone nothing for them. Yet they vote for him as they hear him saying the things they want to hear and think he is sticking to the establishment - when in fact he isn't. He's part of the establishment and this is his act which people fall for.

He states things that aren't true, does not answer questions, just shouts fake news - he's dangerous because people will see him as 'normal' and he is far from that.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

... no one with an ounce of common sense takes things like the disinfectant story seriously, ...

Maybe. But there are loads of people that fail to match that description - what do they do ?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet

Maybe. But there are loads of people that fail to match that description - what do they do ?

Stop reading and watching the biased to the left mainstream media propaganda would be a start, perfect examples of which are CNN and very our own state broadcaster, the one we are forced to pay for if we use a television to receive from anyone but them, should be renamed Pravda.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< our own state broadcaster, the one we are forced to pay for if we use a television to receive from anyone but them, should be renamed Pravda. >>

That's a joke, but I don't think it was meant as one. You should try living with the real Pravda to learn the difference. I haven't, but my niece has, and back in the 60s our neighbours were staunch communists until they visited Russia and found what actual communism was like.

I judge Trump from the way he appears to me on TV. There are limits on how much that appearance can be manipulated as you are suggesting, GB. Since before he was elected he has come across as a loudmouthed, opinionated, muddle-headed buffoon. He believes running a superpower is just like running a big company - hire and fire. 'Statesmanship' doesn't come into it. Get rid.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"Stop reading and watching the biased to the left mainstream media propaganda would be a start, perfect examples of which are CNN and very our own state broadcaster, the one we are forced to pay for if we use a television to receive from anyone but them, should be renamed Pravda."

This sort of comment always amuses me. From time to to time we have right-wing politicians criticising the BBC for being biased towards the left, and then we get left-wing politicians saying how it's distorting the news and is clearly favouring the right.

Which leads me to believe the BBC has got it about right.

And the idea that the BBC (like Pravda in communist Russia) is a mere propaganda tool whose whole content is dictated or at least vetted by a totalitarian socialist government is ludicrous.

For a start, we don't have a socialist government.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - galileo

"Stop reading and watching the biased to the left mainstream media propaganda would be a start, perfect examples of which are CNN and very our own state broadcaster, the one we are forced to pay for if we use a television to receive from anyone but them, should be renamed Pravda."

This sort of comment always amuses me. From time to to time we have right-wing politicians criticising the BBC for being biased towards the left, and then we get left-wing politicians saying how it's distorting the news and is clearly favouring the right.

Which leads me to believe the BBC has got it about right.

And the idea that the BBC (like Pravda in communist Russia) is a mere propaganda tool whose whole content is dictated or at least vetted by a totalitarian socialist government is ludicrous.

For a start, we don't have a socialist government.

We may not have a socialist government, but most Universities and many schools have a left wing culture, including "no platforming" anyone whose views are not politically correct.

This is in many ways worse than a socialist government (which could in time be voted out), as the attitudes and beliefs of the younger generation may be slanted so that we end up with perpetual socialist governments.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Indeed, and, to placate FP and others taking the UK media's parroting at their word, why not check what (left of centre journalist/commentator) Tim Pool has said in the last 24 hours.

He himself admitted being suckered in by the initial reporting, then realised when people put reasoned arguments to him that this was nowhere near as bad as the media have made it out to be.

Note that I am NOT endorsing Trump generally, but that he hos the best of a very bad bunch of politicians on offer from both sides in the US. As GB says, the MSM and Establishment needed to be called out generally for their attitude and lies over the past few years.

People may not agree with his tone, but he has achieved quite a bit for his voter base compared to his predecessor who essentially had an 'open goal' and a free ride from the vast majority of the media and their civil service throughout his tenure.

Tim's commentary on the subject (2 videos) can be found on his YouTube channel 'Timcast' (he has more than one channel).

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"... to placate FP and others taking the UK media's parroting at their word..."

I never said that, nor do I believe that. You're putting words into my mouth.

As regards the "disinfectant" reporting, all you have to do is ignore the media comments and listen to Trump's words.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

"... to placate FP and others taking the UK media's parroting at their word..."

I never said that, nor do I believe that. You're putting words into my mouth.

As regards the "disinfectant" reporting, all you have to do is ignore the media comments and listen to Trump's words.

I have, an he's being his usual hyperbolic self. Everyone knows he does this and takes that into account when he speaks.

If people who would not support him like Pool think that the media's reaction is way overblown (as usual), then I'm inclined to agree, given he has absolutely zero incentive to praise the man.

That whilst he was trying to close the US to people coming in, the Democratic party top people, including their Senate and Lower House leaders and the Govenor and Mayor of NY, were advocating for the US to stay open and embrace Chinese New Year undoubtedly led to several thousand, maybe tens of thousands more COVID-19 related deaths in New York and around the country more generally.

They sound more dangerous than Trump at the moment. People need to get over 2016 (on every front) and take their red pill to rid themselves of Trump Derrangement Syndrome and get on with their lives. Trump didn't cuase (or make worse) COVID-19, China did. Chy-na.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

Note that I am NOT endorsing Trump generally, but that he was the best of a very bad bunch of politicians on offer from both sides in the US.

When Trump was elected he wasn't a 'politician' at all, just a millionaire businessman who inherited most of it from his father. I hoped that he might become a politician after a year or two's on-the-job training, but my expectations were fulfilled - he didn't and won't. He just can't break his habit of getting foot in mouth before speaking. I don't believe that is part of a cunning plan either.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet

Among the comments above President Trump is decribed as or accused of being...mad, daft, buffoon, daftest and finally stupid.

Remind me how he must be all of those things when he's managed to make himself one of the worlds richest men and despite the worlds media elites and disciples all being against him, somehow this businessman managed to get himself elected as President of the United States and he's very likely to be re-elected later this year, but he's the stupid one here?

Thankfully he is a businessman, i and many others have had enough of politicians throughout our lives and no doubt millions of Americans who actualy graft for a living felt exactly the same, i don't want to to be told bedtime stories some spin doctor thinks sounds right on, or to be lectured on the chosen crusade of the moment by a troubled child, i've had a bellyful of the lot of them and fervently wish we had our very own Trump, sadly with the statutory two party state in Britain that can never happen, you should be pleased.

Edited by gordonbennet on 25/04/2020 at 19:21

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

It is perfectly true that one of the things that resonates with a big section of American voters is the idea that Trump is an anti-politician - all this stuff about "draining the swamp" (that we never actually see any evidence of) is part of that narrative.

They love a millionaire anyway, but one who has no prior experience of politics - to us and to anyone with any common sense a handicap - is seen by his supporters as an asset.

Lots of Americans are millionaires - it's a sign of success and status. It's not necessarily proof of hard work or intelligence. Trump inherited a lot of money for a start.

Trump is intellectually, morally and emotionally challenged, as has been evidenced over and over again. That does not prevent him from being street-wise when it comes to dealing with the voters and he certainly knows how to press his supporters' buttons - in fact, that is his default setting whenever he feels threatened.

The fact that Trump got himself elected is as much evidence of the mind-set of the people who voted him in as of the guy himself. Generally people get the politicians they deserve.

Yes, he was elected in the face of derision by pretty much everyone apart from his supporters. But that feeds nicely into the narrative. He's a victim struggling valiantly against the odds - there never was a president so maligned and it's all sooooo unfair.

The last thing this country needs is a British Trump. Johnson's apparent wish to cosy up to him is bad enough. It's not the two-party system that prevents your messiah from appearing - it's the British public, most of whom, like the people from most countries outside America, cannot stand the man. Put simply, he wouldn't have a chance amongst the UK voters - thank God.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

.. i've had a bellyful of the lot of them and fervently wish we had our very own Trump, sadly with the statutory two party state in Britain that can never happen, you should be pleased.

Come on, GB, the US is much more a two-party state than the UK - I can't recall anything else standing for president since Ross Perot, way back. That's why American elections are the same as their football matches, cheer leaders and the rest. Donkeys and elephants are pretty good symbols really. I'm glad Boris is shaping up to be less of a Trump than I thought he might.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

.Come on, GB, the US is much more a two-party state than the UK - I can't recall anything else standing for president since Ross Perot, way back.

Ross Perot was 92?. I remember the late great Alistair Cooke in one of his 'Letters from America relating how he'd misheard and thought for a moment someone named Prospero was standing. Perot stood again in 1996.

There is also an argument that it was third party candidate Ralph Nader who handed 2000 to GW Bush as the small number of votes he got were likely to have been abstracted from Gore rather than Bush. That theory is though doubted by some.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

Thankfully he is a businessman, i and many others have had enough of politicians throughout our lives and no doubt millions of Americans who actualy graft for a living felt exactly the same, i don't want to to be told bedtime stories some spin doctor thinks sounds right on, or to be lectured on the chosen crusade of the moment by a troubled child, i've had a bellyful of the lot of them and fervently wish we had our very own Trump, sadly with the statutory two party state in Britain that can never happen, you should be pleased.

Trump tells bedtime stories all the time - he constantly says one thing and then another and makes out that he right no matter what he has said.

What has he actually done for the general voter?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

Note that I am NOT endorsing Trump generally, but that he hos the best of a very bad bunch of politicians on offer from both sides in the US. As GB says, the MSM and Establishment needed to be called out generally for their attitude and lies over the past few years.

So the media and the 'establishment' put out lies...Trump does the same - where is the difference?

Can you give some examples of what Trump has done for his voter base?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Can you give some examples of what Trump has done for his voter base? >>

Made them feel better - their team won !!

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Note that I am NOT endorsing Trump generally, but that he hos the best of a very bad bunch of politicians on offer from both sides in the US. As GB says, the MSM and Establishment needed to be called out generally for their attitude and lies over the past few years.

So the media and the 'establishment' put out lies...Trump does the same - where is the difference?

Can you give some examples of what Trump has done for his voter base?

Built the wall and reduced both legal and especially illegal immigration;

Brought jobs back to the US and stopped many being moved to cheaper nations;

Thus, before COVID-19, the economy had been booming, with unemployment at its lowest for decades, especially in the ethnic minority communities as well as the forgotten 'rust belt' states and general blue collar workers accross the US, where his voter base mainly is.

He stood up to the Washington elites and MSM, rather like is now going on in the UK with the Civil Service and media here, who are heavily biased towards the political Left, corporatism, and against democracy.

Why do you think that the same left-wing MSM have been helping their Democratic Party chums by going nuts on Orange Man Bad on Ukrainegate (lies, actually Biden's problem), Russiagate 1 & 2 (lies), now Chinagate (yet more lies) and trying to use them and false allegations to impeach him, none of which stood up to any scrutiny?

All the while those same news outlets cover up the Dem's leadership calling Trump's shutting down of the broders a couple of months ago as 'racist' and wanting the US to stay open for Chinese New year, contrubuting to much of NYC's problems now, Biden's serious mental health concerns, his creepy behaviour towards women and young girls (to say the least) over several decades, Sanders own health problems and hardline socialist tendancies as well as lack of firm leadership (regularly being pushed aside at rallies by even more left wing protesters) and the woke, nutty leftist policies of his colleagues in congress.

All the while, many in their media (and ours) take Chinese money in return for their silence on their overwhelming culpability in the pandemic. The same goes for academia (some of whom have been shown to regularly pass on trade secrets to the Chinese paymasters/ideological friends) and the entertainment industry, who run the Orange Man Bad network hand-in-glove with the news media.

Good enough?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Good enough? >>

Well, I suppose it might be if you (a) believe it all and (b) consider it is the full picture.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

<< Good enough? >>

Well, I suppose it might be if you (a) believe it all and (b) consider it is the full picture.

I didn't say everything he does is magic (sorry, Sting), but just that he's by far not the evil man many on the political Left portray him to be.

I forgot to add to the List that he (in under a year) renegotiated NAFTA agreement in the US's favour, which would also significantly benefit his voter base, which it has shown to have done.

He has also given many other NATO members a kick up the backside for not spending their promised 2% on defence with the US picking up most of the slack. They are slowly having to increase their spending in that regard because he threatened to ditch them.

For way too long, many European nations have got essentially free security from the Americans, helping them benefit significantly from being able to spend more in other areas of theri economy. This was fine when they were rebuilding after WWII, but not since the 1970s/80s for most of Western Europe, and will soon be for some of the former Soiviet bloc countries as well.

He's right that they should all pull their weight more in multual defence. I don't recall any of his predecessors (especially his direct predecessor) or political rivals on the other side of the aisle saying as much, despite it being 100% true.

He's a far from perfect President, but a lot of the criticism is of his bombastic style when speaking in public (which the US public appears to know and take into account, for the very most part [unlike the media, who takes everything literally like little children]), which appears to be much 'worse' than his actions behind the scenes, especially with what has been achieved thus far.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< He has also given many other NATO members a kick up the backside for not spending their promised 2% on defence with the US picking up most of the slack. They are slowly having to increase their spending in that regard because he threatened to ditch them. >>

But he has threatened to ditch the WHO, which is hardly the astutest thing to do just at the moment.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - focussed

<< He has also given many other NATO members a kick up the backside for not spending their promised 2% on defence with the US picking up most of the slack. They are slowly having to increase their spending in that regard because he threatened to ditch them. >>

But he has threatened to ditch the WHO, which is hardly the astutest thing to do just at the moment.

Scientists from Taiwan informed the WHO as early as December 31 about the human to human transmission of the Chinese Virus from Wuhan but not only did WHO suppress this information, it continued peddling the lie that it doesn't spread from human to human.

The vice-president of Taiwan is a leading epidemiologist so it can be assumed that they do know what they are talking about, as events have proved.

Since the crisis unfolded, it seems Beijing is steering the WHO, which was so far known as an independent organization. Many experts believe that China has so much influence over the WHO because of its funding.

As Donald Trump, not being a politician, expects results from USA funding of organisations such as the WHO, it's difficult to criticise his withdrawal of the funding.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"... a lot of the criticism is of his bombastic style when speaking in public (which the US public appears to know and take into account, for the very most part [unlike the media, who takes everything literally like little children])..."

It isn't bombast. It's inarticulate, ill-informed, immature, petulant, foot-in-mouth stuff. Those parts of the American public determined to support him will of course find ways of diverting attention from what he says or pretend he didn't say it.

As for the media being childish for taking what he says literally - do you realise how ridiculous that sounds? That they should be "mature" enough to "interpret" what he says and make it sound better than what it is? Why on earth is that their job?

The trouble is that Trump has lowered the bar so far that people have started to accept his verbal dross as the new normal. And that is very disturbing.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Built the wall and reduced both legal and especially illegal immigration;

Not so. At best some existing infrastructure has been replaced and a small length added. Nothing close to what he promised.

Brought jobs back to the US and stopped many being moved to cheaper nations;

I'm not sure it looks like that in the USA where tariffs have increased cost of steel.

Why do you think that the same left-wing MSM have been helping their Democratic Party chums by going nuts on Orange Man Bad on Ukrainegate (lies, actually Biden's problem),

The lie, albeit by ommission is that Biden opposed corruption inquiries; the truth is that he opposed an inquiry that would simply cover up for the corruption.

Russiagate 1 & 2 (lies), now Chinagate (yet more lies) and trying to use them and false allegations to impeach him, none of which stood up to any scrutiny?

Nonsense. If the Republicans hadn't protected him by the senate majority and denying a proper trial he'd likely have been convicted.

All the while those same news outlets cover up the Dem's leadership calling Trump's shutting down of the broders a couple of months ago as 'racist' and wanting the US to stay open for Chinese New year, contrubuting to much of NYC's problems now, Biden's serious mental health concerns, his creepy behaviour towards women and young girls (to say the least) over several decades, Sanders own health problems and hardline socialist tendancies as well as lack of firm leadership (regularly being pushed aside at rallies by even more left wing protesters) and the woke, nutty leftist policies of his colleagues in congress.

You use of words like woke tell us all we need to know,

Good enough?

In a word No.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

So it seems but for one poster who totally supports Trump and another who has some sympathy for him the remainder see him for what he is, a total loony who is probably dangerous as well.

What concerns me most about Donald and Boris is the UK are getting ever closer to crashing out of the EU with no deal in place and if Donald offers Boris a "tremendous" deal he may well accept it without really thinking it through beyond getting him past the next few difficult years. To give Donald any power over the UK would be treason IMHO, we may have voted Boris into power (I didn't) but we did not give him a vote to replace the EU with the USA.

Its a shocking mess when a nation the size of the USA can only offer Donald and a few lacklustre Democrats as potential Presidents. They have had some bad ones but never this bad.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Zippy123

Its a shocking mess when a nation the size of the USA can only offer Donald and a few lacklustre Democrats as potential Presidents. They have had some bad ones but never this bad.

Having worked in the US I can state that the US is not our true ally. Most "educated" business people that I was working with did not even know who the UK were or where we were or even how wealthy we were.

We are sort of united by language but they are much close in outlook to South American countries than to European ones.

Even dealing with professionals, I found racism and bigotry very worrying.

I have dealt with US companies taking over UK companies. It's not pretty. You really have to wonder what is going on when the installed MD of a US company who just purchased a UK bank's division picked up a ringing customer helpline phone and told the caller to "Feck off and find another bank" without even bothering to find out who the caller was!

The US will get what they can from us and spit what they don't want in to the Atlantic.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Zippy123

In addition to my post above.

When I travelled to the US our laptops were regularly taken away to be examined at customs. We also had to give passwords etc.

We were working on some large value lends at good margins and taking some valuable and profitable custom from some large US banks.

We tended to travel out on a weekend and acclimatise for a couple of days with our local colleagues before meetings customers on Wednesday and Thursdays.

We found more than one customer totally bored with our presentations. It was an astonishing package, not done before and so asked them why they were not impressed.

One of our customers showed us copies of slides they were presented to them in the days before our visit - they were identical to ours save for logo and rates when they didn't even offer that product! They hadn't even corrected some of our spellings.

After that we never took laptops again but purchased one in BestBuy on arrival and our presentations were hidden on 80gb ipods, disguised as music tracks. Before leaving we purchased a grinder and shredded the laptop in the hotel room! We never had the problem again.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Zippy123

The man cannot tell the truth! He claims to have launched the hospital ship Comfort, but this was launched decades before he was president!

He did visit it but its not the same as launching it!

And he's confusing Nobel (his spelling Noble) with Pulitzer prizes and demanding they be withdrawn. He has no authority over the process.

He also claims he hasn't left the White House in many months - all lies.

Golf, 4th, 5th, 18th January, 1st, 2nd, 15th February, 7th and 8th March.

Election fundraisers / rally on several occasions.

Daytona 500, Football etc.

And then he supports people protesting the lock-down, knowing that it will likely lead to more deaths and is against the advice of nearly every other world leader.

The man is a psychopath.

Edited by Zippy123 on 27/04/2020 at 00:05

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< The man cannot tell the truth! >>

I think that is the proof that DT will never become a true 'politician' - those are usually economical with truth. DT is merely generous with non-truth.

<< The man is a psychopath >>

I'm not sure I would go quite that far !

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - bathtub tom

BBC news report this morning had some american saying that Trump was just thinking out loud with his disinfectant piece. The guy on the news report then went on to say we all know Trump doesn't tell the truth all the time.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

I presume the American in question was attempting to defend Trump.

If so, what an appalling defence! If Trump's real thoughts ("thinking out loud") are reflected in his words, this shows his true ignorance about medical matters.

If "we all know Trump doesn't tell the truth all the time" is meant in some way to excuse what he said, what a dreadful admission this is of how low his moral standards have got and how far his supporters accept that.

However, I didn't hear the broadcast so I can't be certain.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

The message I'm getting here is, politicians are not to be trusted so it's refreshing to have a narcissistic, psychopathic, uneducated, misogynistic, demented person with an unsteady hand on the tiller of the largest 'democracy' in the western world.

You really must be a misanthrope to think this is the right way forward.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"The message I'm getting here is, politicians are not to be trusted so it's refreshing to have a narcissistic, psychopathic, uneducated, misogynistic, demented person with an unsteady hand on the tiller of the largest 'democracy' in the western world.

You really must be a misanthrope to think this is the right way forward."

I think you underestimate the breadth of the agenda that Trump supporters buy in to. In their view, not only politicians are untrustworthy, but also the whole political establishment, including the committees, advisers, civil servants and so on who collectively make up the so-called "swamp" that Trump is supposedly busy "draining".

Then there is left-wing culture, caricatured by them as "woke", "snowflakes" and so on, really consisting of pretty much anyone who opposes them, whether those people identify as left-wing or not. Any media outlet which does not support them is automatically labelled a purveyor of "fake news" - a label applied, in fact, to any inconvenient truths.

There is no subtlety, no nuance to any of their views - it is all or nothing.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

I think you underestimate the breadth of the agenda that Trump supporters buy in to.

There is no subtlety, no nuance to any of their views - it is all or nothing.

That raises an interesting choice : would you prefer a president you can trust to be a loony, or one who may turn out to be intelligent ?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

I will raise you a third way: an intelligent leader who tries genuinely to serve the best interests of his country and the wider world.

What!? Where did I get this mad, mixed-up idealistic view from?

Am I some sort of socialist? A communist?

Am I a far-right activist in disguise,?

I should crawl back under the rock I came from.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

I will raise you a third way: an intelligent leader who tries genuinely to serve the best interests of his country and the wider world.

What!? Where did I get this mad, mixed-up idealistic view from?

Am I some sort of socialist? A communist?

Am I a far-right activist in disguise,?

I should crawl back under the rock I came from.

No, you shouldn't, Unfortunately, only one side of the political centre is willing to have a grown-up discussion about our future. The other side is still smarting about losing some recent political battles and has been collectively sulking for 4 years or more.

I used to like debating people and discussing issue of importance, including seeing all sides of the argument. I now try and avoid most of them because they regularly descend into proverbial shouting matches, blame-games and no-platforming by those unwilling to properly discuss matters or admit that sometimes their side got it wrong, even when factual evidence is presented or in the wider public domain.

All they want to do is shout/shut down those with different viewpoints. That the general public increasingly doesn't like this and being called 'ists' and 'phobes' by such groups of people for saying so is indicative of where the problem lies.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Unfortunately, only one side of the political centre is willing to have a grown-up discussion about our future. The other side is still smarting about losing some recent political battles and has been collectively sulking for 4 years or more. >>

That sounds unpleasantly like a gloat from someone on the 'winning' side. Although I was/am a Remainer, I see no point in keeping that pot boiling. My main objections at the time were (a) an unremitting failure by Brexiteers to explain what great advantages would result from leaving and (b) the small majority which tipped the balance on what was a very-long term decision. The terms of the referendum should have called for a bigger public demand.

However the consequences of Covid now appear more significant, and it may well be it could have a big impact on Getting Brexit Done. We may even start to wish we had stayed in :-)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

<< Unfortunately, only one side of the political centre is willing to have a grown-up discussion about our future. The other side is still smarting about losing some recent political battles and has been collectively sulking for 4 years or more. >>

That sounds unpleasantly like a gloat from someone on the 'winning' side. Although I was/am a Remainer, I see no point in keeping that pot boiling. My main objections at the time were (a) an unremitting failure by Brexiteers to explain what great advantages would result from leaving and (b) the small majority which tipped the balance on what was a very-long term decision. The terms of the referendum should have called for a bigger public demand.

However the consequences of Covid now appear more significant, and it may well be it could have a big impact on Getting Brexit Done. We may even start to wish we had stayed in :-)

No, I'm not gloating. I'm pointing out that too many people are acting like spoilt children mad at not getting their way (especially in democratic votes) and, rather than moving on to try and improve the nation (especially at the moment), they linger in the past, weighing the nation down.

How are you going to move on if you live in the past?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Joe-Alex

I will raise you a third way: an intelligent leader who tries genuinely to serve the best interests of his country and the wider world.

What!? Where did I get this mad, mixed-up idealistic view from?

Am I some sort of socialist? A communist?

Am I a far-right activist in disguise,?

I should crawl back under the rock I came from.

No! What's the point of having a discussion/debate if there's no one giving opposing views? Otherwise it is just an echo chamber.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"... would you prefer a president you can trust to be a loony, or one who may turn out to be intelligent ?"

Not a serious question, surely.

The "president you can trust to be a loony" is trustworthy in only respect: that he will behave like a loony, meaning he's unpredictable and irresponsible. No-one with any sense would trust someone like that.

Intelligence is no guarantee of any other valuable qualities - trustworthiness or anything else.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Built the wall and reduced both legal and especially illegal immigration;

Not so. At best some existing infrastructure has been replaced and a small length added. Nothing close to what he promised.

Brought jobs back to the US and stopped many being moved to cheaper nations;

I'm not sure it looks like that in the USA where tariffs have increased cost of steel.

Why do you think that the same left-wing MSM have been helping their Democratic Party chums by going nuts on Orange Man Bad on Ukrainegate (lies, actually Biden's problem),

The lie, albeit by ommission is that Biden opposed corruption inquiries; the truth is that he opposed an inquiry that would simply cover up for the corruption.

Russiagate 1 & 2 (lies), now Chinagate (yet more lies) and trying to use them and false allegations to impeach him, none of which stood up to any scrutiny?

Nonsense. If the Republicans hadn't protected him by the senate majority and denying a proper trial he'd likely have been convicted.

All the while those same news outlets cover up the Dem's leadership calling Trump's shutting down of the broders a couple of months ago as 'racist' and wanting the US to stay open for Chinese New year, contrubuting to much of NYC's problems now, Biden's serious mental health concerns, his creepy behaviour towards women and young girls (to say the least) over several decades, Sanders own health problems and hardline socialist tendancies as well as lack of firm leadership (regularly being pushed aside at rallies by even more left wing protesters) and the woke, nutty leftist policies of his colleagues in congress.

You use of words like woke tell us all we need to know,

Good enough?

In a word No.

Utter rubbish from start to end. That you STILL believe Trump colluded with the Russians (which he didn't) and that the impeachment only made it to the Senate because there was a majority of Democrat congresspeople in the Lower house just shows how partisan the whole affair.

Why not save everyone time in reading your replies and just type 'Orange Man Bad'? It seems like many people on the political Left have terminally succumbed to the disease known as Trump Derrangement Sydrome.

If the American people don't like him, then they'll vote him out come November. Just like our General Election last December, everyone will have their chance to vote. Just because some people on one side of political aisle don't like what the other side does doesn't mean that their side's leader should be arrested, charged and sent to prison because they don't like what he or she says/does.

That such people have continued to wage the same old battle from day 1 of such people being in office and not to let go and move on is rather telling, especially when it means that even worse candidates from that side emerge, they pull further towards the extreme and further tick off moderates in the electorate, meaning they stand nearly no chance in gaining office any time soon.

The public are thoroughly fed up with certain people fighting battles already won/ended, and is the main reason why 70% of them are very unhappy with the media's coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stop blaming the other side for the losses (both sides of the Atlantic) in 2016. It ain't our fault. Time for you guys to look in the mirror.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Utter rubbish from start to end.

Where is the wall? If you're going to bandy words like utter rubbish let's see some evidence that it's built and doing the job.

Similarly with Impeachment which, in the end, was mostly about Ukraine. If BOTH houses had taken the issue seriously, as they did with Nixon (which I'm just old enough to remember) he'd have been convicted.

I don't know what you mean about 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'. It's perfectly evident that he IS deranged and that he cannot follow even simple debate. Ample examples in this thread of how his condition manifests itself. I suspect the more terrifying revelations will come after he leaves office.

He was elected in 2016 but only because of the defects in the electoral college. Mrs C was the wrong candidate and the email thing was allowed to dominate the campaign.

Whether re-elected or not he is widely regarded as unfit for the office he holds. Few folks here, not exactly a hot bed of left/liberal thinking, except yourself and GB seem willing to defend him.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Utter rubbish from start to end.

Where is the wall? If you're going to bandy words like utter rubbish let's see some evidence that it's built and doing the job.

A good deal of it has already been built, despite the Democrat Lower House trying their level best to stop it by witholding funds.

Similarly with Impeachment which, in the end, was mostly about Ukraine. If BOTH houses had taken the issue seriously, as they did with Nixon (which I'm just old enough to remember) he'd have been convicted.

Again, utter rubbish. Each House voted on part political lines. Stop trying to pretend that this is anything similar to Nixon. It's been well documented that many Democrats in Congress were heavily leaned on by their party leaders toboth bring about proceedings in the first place and to take it up to the Senate.

That they wanted to hold those proceedings without questioning by their Repulican counterparts shows none of the allegations held any water, plus they were trying to change them as they went along.

I don't know what you mean about 'Trump Derangement Syndrome'. It's perfectly evident that he IS deranged and that he cannot follow even simple debate. Ample examples in this thread of how his condition manifests itself. I suspect the more terrifying revelations will come after he leaves office.

Well, obviously, for better or worse, most Americans disagree. Just like over here with our PM.

He was elected in 2016 but only because of the defects in the electoral college. Mrs C was the wrong candidate and the email thing was allowed to dominate the campaign.

Funny how you thought that system was perfectly OK when it favoured the Democrat side. Their system was instituted so that the large metropolitan areas don't solely get to choose who leads the country.

I should note that studies have shown that in many heavily Blue states like California, NY etc, very large numbers of Republican voters never bother to vote in presidential elections, because they know, even if they all turned out, the state would still vote majority Democrat and their vote would be useless.

The studies found that as a result, if it was just based on no electoral college, that there was a high likelihood that Trump would've easily won the popular vote back in 2016, and would do again and with a larger margin in 2020, because he has higher poll ratings generally. The figures always quoted by those in the Democratic party and presumably by yourselves only include those who vote in the electoral college elections. Even left of centre US journalist and commentator Tim Pool realises this and has said so.

It's similar to the UK where each MP's constituency has many voters who don't turn out to vote because their preferred party never stands a chance in winning locally, which is why the smaller UK-wide parties (e.g. the Lib Dems or, at the last Election, The Brexit Party and UKIP in 2015) always do far worse than their voter share.

It's also the reason why the polls and pundits called the Brexit referrendum incorrectly, because many people who normally never voted in General Elections did, because it was a national binary choice where their vote counted equally.

Whether re-elected or not he is widely regarded as unfit for the office he holds. Few folks here, not exactly a hot bed of left/liberal thinking, except yourself and GB seem willing to defend him.

He is widely regarded as being unfit for office by the mainstream media, activists who politically oppose the Republicans (or Conservatives in the UK) and the screaming nutters on Twitter. That does not mean that most people hold that view.

And besides, he was democratically elected (see above) on a system you people never had any problems with before (well, perhaps this started in 2000) and where he can easily be voted out come Novermber. Not only do I expect him to be re-elected, and on a higher majority than before (a very good chance in that also being a majority of the actual total vote too), but that the Republicans will also make serious gains in Congress and take back the Lower House.

Partly down to Trump, but mainly down to the incompetence and increasingly Hard Left views and actions of the Democratic Party and many of their Congressmen and women, ones like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, AOC and the rest of 'The Squad' (in particular), plus all of their 2020 presidential candidates (aside from Tulsi Gabbard [quite good actually] and, to a lesser extent, Andrew Yang), epsecially Bernie and Creepy/Sleepy/Senile Uncle Joe Biden.

BTW - I and GB have EVERY right to defend (to varying degrees) the US President (and to criticise him) as you do, as we too live in a democratic society and supposedly have freedom of speech. Have you ever thought that most people who are members of this forum/site just don't want to get involved, rather than a majority support your viewpoint? What arrogance. And you wonder why Labour and the Dems are doing so badly of late?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

1. '"Where is the wall? If you're going to bandy words like utter rubbish let's see some evidence that it's built and doing the job."

A good deal of it has already been built...'

"In September 2019, Trump said he planned to build 450–500 miles of new wall by the end of 2020."

"... 93 miles of new wall has been built during the Trump administration; according to CBP figures, at least 90 miles of that replaced existing structures..." (Wikipedia, quoting US government sources)

2. '"It's perfectly evident that he IS deranged and that he cannot follow even simple debate. Ample examples in this thread of how his condition manifests itself. I suspect the more terrifying revelations will come after he leaves office."

Well, obviously, for better or worse, most Americans disagree.'

Trump's approval ratings currently: 52.6% disapprove; 43.3% approve - an aggregate of all polls. (

3. " I and GB have EVERY right to defend (to varying degrees) the US President (and to criticise him) as you do, as we too live in a democratic society and supposedly have freedom of speech. Have you ever thought that most people who are members of this forum/site just don't want to get involved, rather than a majority support your viewpoint? What arrogance. And you wonder why Labour and the Dems are doing so badly of late?"

Presumably this is in response to Bromptonaut's "Few folks here, not exactly a hot bed of left/liberal thinking, except yourself and GB seem willing to defend him."

This seems pretty reasonable - most members of the forum probably don't wish to join the discussion, but the fact is that Trump has been shown little support here. Why you think that means Bromp is arrogant isn't clear and the tone of your comment is petulant.

Why do you think anyone here is saying you have no right to defend Trump? Of course you do, but please try to make a better job of doing so.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

More fake news against Trump being debunked today:

Not from Fox News, but from Tim Pool. To add to the many pieces he has run showing up the lies.

FP - you do realise that Mr Disapprove isn't running against Trump. Creepy Uncle Joe is. Noting that Trump's polling is increasing, not decreasing. That means that ihe won on a lower poll rating in 2016, he should easily win in 2020.

This forum isn't the Trump Fan or Orange Man Bad Club - it's a motoring forum where we also talk about other issues from time to time. I'm not the one being petulant - I'm thoroughly fed up of being accused of being some nutty undeucated extremist by some who fail to see facts in front of their faces.

I also note that a large amount of my comments weren't refuted, presumably because they cannot be.

Keep ranting if you guys want to - it seems to have the opposite effect on most people that you want.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

More fake news against Trump being debunked today:

Not from Fox News, but from Tim Pool. To add to the many pieces he has run showing up the lies.

FP - you do realise that Mr Disapprove isn't running against Trump. Creepy Uncle Joe is. Noting that Trump's polling is increasing, not decreasing. That means that ihe won on a lower poll rating in 2016, he should easily win in 2020.

This forum isn't the Trump Fan or Orange Man Bad Club - it's a motoring forum where we also talk about other issues from time to time. I'm not the one being petulant - I'm thoroughly fed up of being accused of being some nutty undeucated extremist by some who fail to see facts in front of their faces.

I also note that a large amount of my comments weren't refuted, presumably because they cannot be.

Keep ranting if you guys want to - it seems to have the opposite effect on most people that you want.

That's not fake news that has been debunked - it's news that was reported, found to be wrong and then published telling people it was wrong.

Fake new is deliberately wrong - thought you would understand the difference.

Not seen any ranting on here, Andy - think you are seeing what you want to see - all seems pretty reasonable to me on here. People are not ranting if they don't agree with you.

You've still not explained about the wall:

93 miles of new wall has been built during the Trump administration; according to CBP figures, at least 90 miles of that replaced existing structures..."

You've been told: Are you going to refute that after all his promises he has build 3 miles worth of new wall.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

sentence means anyway, but...that last comment you quoted wasn't mine, and they haven't just built 3 miles worth of border wall. Get your facts straight. I note that nobody refuted the economic situation (prior to the pandemic).

"You've been told" - What Are you telling me what to say? How very 1984.

Also, all that fake news was deliberate, as Tim Pool says in his video (if you'd watched), which is why Politico only 'updated' their article at gone 11pm and not earlier in the day when it would've been seen. This type of thing is not the first, but probably numbering in the many dozen by now.

That they didn't follow standard journalistic procedure and get three sources for verification and ran it as fact, and not even an ellegation shows that like many stories, they are deliberately running them, and when (rarely) the media retract them, they do it after the damage has been done, often days later when no-one is going to read the updated article.

If you think all these other people are being reasonable, why do many of them bring up lies that have already been debunked, or deflect, or don't refute comments? Brompt's comments about impeachment are an obvious one, where the whole thing was based on flimsy evidence at best by partisan politicinas who wanted the whole think done behind closed doors, because, lo and behold, when it was properly scriutinised, every charge fell apart.

That they only reached the Senate because members of the Democrats in the Lower House were seriously leaned on by their leaders to vote to send it up showed this, and a few have no disowned them, one I believe resigning and joining the Republicans. And yet, people here still say he would've been impeached - but of course, only if the Democrats had a majority in both Houses and a 2/3rds one in the Senate, voting along party lines.

I'd personally call parroting lies from the likes on CNN and the NYT that have already been thoroughly debunked in emotive terms 'ranting', especially when some are essentially saying that GB and I should 'know better'. I am always sceptical of mainstream newspaper and TV News reporting these days because they have form, and I even include the paper I subscribe to, the Telegraph, as well.

There is very little straight factual news reporting nowadays is what I and Tim Pool are complaining about - the 'broadsheets' are now essentially tabloids without as much celeb gossip.

I'd suggest you watch a good number of his YouTube videos, as your eyes will be opened. He isn't some alt-right commentator either, he's a left-of centre journalist, so technically doesn't match up with my conservative-leaning philosophy, but what we both share is that we value truth, integrity and honesty, especially in news reporting. I may not agree with a reasonable amount of his politics, but those other values mean that I respect his opinion, especially because he doesn't hide the truth as many journalists now do.

That he also values genuine debate and has shown up many on the far left as authoritiarians and suppressors of debate and free speech also puts him in my good books.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

sentence means anyway, but...that last comment you quoted wasn't mine, and they haven't just built 3 miles worth of border wall. Get your facts straight. I note that nobody refuted the economic situation (prior to the pandemic).

You keep mentioning the wall. Do you have an alternative source for how much has been completed?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"FP - you do realise that Mr Disapprove isn't running against Trump. Creepy Uncle Joe is. Noting that Trump's polling is increasing, not decreasing. That means that ihe won on a lower poll rating in 2016, he should easily win in 2020.

This forum isn't the Trump Fan or Orange Man Bad Club - it's a motoring forum where we also talk about other issues from time to time. I'm not the one being petulant - I'm thoroughly fed up of being accused of being some nutty undeucated extremist by some who fail to see facts in front of their faces.

I also note that a large amount of my comments weren't refuted, presumably because they cannot be.

Keep ranting if you guys want to - it seems to have the opposite effect on most people that you want."

1. "Noting that Trump's polling is increasing, not decreasing." I suggest you look again at my source for Trump's approval/disapproval ratings. 52.6% (and sharply increasing) disapprove; 42.6% (and sharply falling) approve. In addition, 51% of voters disapprove of Trump’s coronavirus response; 43% approve, a drop of 22 points since mid-March. (

2. "This forum isn't the Trump Fan or Orange Man Bad Club - it's a motoring forum where we also talk about other issues from time to time."

Yes, we know that. Your point being?

3. " I'm not the one being petulant - I'm thoroughly fed up of being accused of being some nutty undeucated extremist by some who fail to see facts in front of their faces."

Who has accused you of this? When? Even your sentence above sounds petulant and it seems you're getting emotional about what should surely be a debate of views based on facts. If the ones who disagree with you are "failing to see facts" then tell us - but also deal with the facts we present - like how much of Trump's wall has been built.

4. “I also note that a large amount of my comments weren't refuted, presumably because they cannot be.” There have been an awful lot of “facts” thrown around; if you feel you have a few particularly strong ones that support your argument I suggest you repeat those for us to consider.

5. "Keep ranting if you guys want to - it seems to have the opposite effect on most people that you want."

Again, you seem to misunderstand what's going on here. I don't see any ranting among those who disagree with you. And I don't know what "effect" you think I or anyone else is trying to achieve. I'm simply debating an issue and its various ramifications. You seem to be the one that's getting steamed up. Some people might see that as a sign of desperation.

Edited by FP on 29/04/2020 at 11:53

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< He is widely regarded as being unfit for office by the mainstream media, activists who politically oppose the Republicans (or Conservatives in the UK) and the screaming nutters on Twitter. >>

I wasn't going to bother adding more to this becoming-tedious thread, but this remark should not pass. One of the nuttiest 'nutters on Twitter' is the president himself. I also consider that making daily public remarks on Twitter (or other social media) should be beneath the dignity of an elected national leader, especially if they usually sound derogatory.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< If the American people don't like him, then they'll vote him out come November. >>

Maybe, but probably not. Americans will be offered an unattractive choice, and most of them will continue to vote for the candidate wearing the preferred team strip, nothing more.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

<< If the American people don't like him, then they'll vote him out come November. >>

Maybe, but probably not. Americans will be offered an unattractive choice, and most of them will continue to vote for the candidate wearing the preferred team strip, nothing more.

Perhaps the the political Left should looking at their own side to the quality of the candidates on offer and the effectiveness of their politicians in Congress, rather than continually screaming 'Orange Man Bad' all day?

After all, if Trump is such a bad candidate, surely any old Democrat could beat him. All evidence to the contrary.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Joe-Alex

Built the wall? What wall? There is no new wall that I have seen. There have been some modest upgrades to the existing infrastructure, but that's it. A tweet from DT regarding the wall and Mexicans: "They're bring drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.".

He certainly did bring jobs back to America. That is definitely a good thing.

Regarding the employment levels, it doesn't surprise me that he has had success as he has the Senate and Congress on his side. Obama was hamstrung for 6 of his 8 years by the republicans. But is it really surprising that unemployment drops given that most nations are just getting back on their feet after the 2008 crash.

I do agree with you regarding China's culpability in terms of Covid and the disgraceful turning of eye's with some hefty cheques.

I also agree with you on Biden. There really should be an age cap on Presidential eligibility (60 would be the top end in my opinion). I know I'll come across as ageist saying that, but I stand by it.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Joe-Alex

Ignore me. I'm still getting used to this forum's structure. I didn't realise the last post from this particular thread was almost a month old.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

Further examples of the way things work in the USA under Trump.

'During Monday's Covid-19 news conference, a reporter noted that the state of Maryland's emergency hotline had received hundreds of calls in recent days seeking guidance about Mr Trump's comments [regarding disinfectant].

"I can't imagine why," the president said, moving quickly on. "I can't imagine that."

When asked whether he took responsibility at all for the increase in calls, Mr Trump replied: "No, I don't."' (From

Now, at least one person here may object to a quotation from a BBC news report; however, it's a report of fact, not opinion, and should be easily verifiable from a transcript of what was said.

It shows (1) Trump's inability to accept responsibility for what he said and (2) a mind-set among Americans as a result of which some of them actually took his comments seriously - despite the general derision which his remarks provoked.

The first is pretty much a given; the second shows how it's possible for someone like Trump to get elected in America.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

"I can't imagine why," the president said, moving quickly on. "I can't imagine that."

I think that has it in a nutshell : he can't imagine. Especially what may follow from his daft outbursts.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

So it seems but for one poster who totally supports Trump and another who has some sympathy for him the remainder see him for what he is, a total loony who is probably dangerous as well.

In the above quote I gave one poster the benefit of the doubt over his Donald views but after his recent posts any doubt has gone.

But as always certain posters blame the "loony left" etc citing the BBC, Guardian etc for not agreeing with their stance. In this case surely it is easy to see what a total idiot Donald is regardless of whichever side of the political fence you sit. Not all those expressing their views against Donald on this thread will be loony left sympathisers.

The man needs treatment, perhaps disinfectant would work.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Sofa Spud

Trump is dangerous. If he gets re-elected I think he will be even more dangerous. Whether he's the most dangerous man on earth or not I don't know. Putin might well be dangerous, as could Kim Jong Un be, assuming he's still alive - or even if he's not.

But while I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I think some of the most dangerous men (and women) would be found operating below the radar promoting dangerous ideas for the purpose of dividing society leading to conflict.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

Trump is dangerous. If he gets re-elected I think he will be even more dangerous. Whether he's the most dangerous man on earth or not I don't know. Putin might well be dangerous, as could Kim Jong Un be, assuming he's still alive - or even if he's not.

But while I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I think some of the most dangerous men (and women) would be found operating below the radar promoting dangerous ideas for the purpose of dividing society leading to conflict.

Putin is more dangerous when he wants to be as he actually knows what he wants and how to get it. He's not an idiot though so don't think we are in actual danger from him and Russia.

Most dangerous type of person is someone like David Icke who spouts all kind of silly things that people start believing

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Most dangerous type of person is someone like David Icke who spouts all kind of silly things that people start believing. >>

But at least David Icke isn't in a position of authority over serious weaponry.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - sandy56

I doubt Trump is any more dangerous than Obama or BUSH. Trump has not been invading various countries of the world, unlike his predecessors.

The Americans voted for him because they despised the Democratic elites, and all they stood for, and Hilary in particular.

Unless someone with a brain and can talk is put forward by the Democrats, unlikely, Trump could get re elected, but not if he doesn't learn to shut up and let the medics do the talking, he is finished.

Then who knows what will happen. The world is changing fast and China is on the rise.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

Then who knows what will happen. The world is changing fast and China is on the rise.

Is it? In what way? The virus has affected a lot of it's manufacturing and less businesses buying

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - madf

I doubt Trump is any more dangerous than Obama or BUSH. Trump has not been invading various countries of the world, unlike his predecessors.

The Americans voted for him because they despised the Democratic elites, and all they stood for, and Hilary in particular.

Unless someone with a brain and can talk is put forward by the Democrats, unlikely, Trump could get re elected, but not if he doesn't learn to shut up and let the medics do the talking, he is finished.

Then who knows what will happen. The world is changing fast and China is on the rise.

The Democratic establishment - or their leaders - like HC- openly despised their own voters at the last Presdiential Election..

And cjoosing an over 74year old like Biden for Leader sgows how desperatley short of potential Leaders they are..

Trump appeared teh best of a bad lot in 2016 - and did not despise his own supporters in public..That was enough for him to win last time.

As for dangerous, Putin has a long term malevolent agenda..aimed at destabbilisng democracy. China has a world dominance ain. And teh EU is slowly becoming a failing project..

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Further examples of the way things work in the USA under Trump.

'During Monday's Covid-19 news conference, a reporter noted that the state of Maryland's emergency hotline had received hundreds of calls in recent days seeking guidance about Mr Trump's comments [regarding disinfectant].

"I can't imagine why," the president said, moving quickly on. "I can't imagine that."

When asked whether he took responsibility at all for the increase in calls, Mr Trump replied: "No, I don't."' (From

Now, at least one person here may object to a quotation from a BBC news report; however, it's a report of fact, not opinion, and should be easily verifiable from a transcript of what was said.

It shows (1) Trump's inability to accept responsibility for what he said and (2) a mind-set among Americans as a result of which some of them actually took his comments seriously - despite the general derision which his remarks provoked.

The first is pretty much a given; the second shows how it's possible for someone like Trump to get elected in America.

As Tim Pool pointed out, the rise in questions about (but not use of by injection) the use of bleach was actually taken from data before Trump made his (much re-interpreted) comments on the subject, meaning the media lied.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"... the rise in questions about (but not use of by injection) the use of bleach was actually taken from data before Trump made his (much re-interpreted) comments on the subject..."


‘Maryland’s Republican governor says state officials received “hundreds of calls” from residents asking about ingesting disinfectants following Donald Trump’s dangerous suggestion that scientists investigate the chemicals' potential for treating coronavirus…

[This] follows similar reports from New York health authorities, who said there had been a spike in possible bleach exposure cases in the 18 hours following Mr Trump’s now-infamous Thursday press briefing.’


I don't see any reason to doubt the information. Trump and his followers, of course, routinely dismiss unfavourable news as "fake" or coming from the "lying media".

Edited by FP on 01/05/2020 at 12:55

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

Andy - any update on the wall yet?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Falkirk Bairn

A son who lives in Texas was on the phone earlier today.

The State Governor has signalled a return to work for Texas.frrom Monday - Cinemas will be open!!

My son & his department had a quick vote - in the office meetings would be everyone sitting tat their own desk via a PC as the meeting rooms are smallish.

The vote was to carry on with the practice of the last 5 weeks - WFH - only 1 voted to go in - A die hard Republican.

My son's idea was things have worked well over the last few weeks

"Why take the risks & stand the chance of handing it on to your family @ home"

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

The vote was to carry on with the practice of the last 5 weeks - WFH - only 1 voted to go in - A die hard Republican.

I think a section of the US people, especially from southern states, still believe that Americans can beat anything, even if you can't see it, and despite experiences in places like Vietnam and Afghanistan. It may be a carryover from the Wild West ?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

The vote was to carry on with the practice of the last 5 weeks - WFH - only 1 voted to go in - A die hard Republican.

I think a section of the US people, especially from southern states, still believe that Americans can beat anything, even if you can't see it, and despite experiences in places like Vietnam and Afghanistan. It may be a carryover from the Wild West ?

Bear in mind that the Southern states don't always vote red - in fact, much of the Democratic Party's roots come from that region, hence all the furore over the 'Jim Crow' laws.

I would say that much of Trump's voter base (and increasingly for the GOP) is amongst the disaffected 'middle' of the US; the Democrats hoovering up a majority of votes in the big cities on the East and West coasts.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

only 1 voted to go in - A die hard Republican

And that could well be what happens if he gets Covid.

But at least he will die happy knowing he followed the gospel according to Saint Donald.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - focussed

Donald Trump appeals to many voters for one big reason.

He can't be bought, like most of the rest are bought.

As he said "They can't buy me because I've got more money than they have"

And that is why he sits in the oval office.

And that is why they hate him.

Edited by focussed on 01/05/2020 at 18:24

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Andy - any update on the wall yet?

How does 'building a wall' (or slowly) make him the most dangerous person on Earth?

Whilst I accept it has some way to go to being completed (the government has other things on its mind now, and would've likely completed a fair bit more by now had COVID-19 not intervened), what did his predecessor achieve, other than being the first black man to hold the position? Nothing of consequence, despite having the fairest of fair winds (including from a very kind media) during his 8 years in office.

I suspect that many are 'going off point' here after their original arguments were debunked does show that this is more to do with the man's style and how the Democrats can't put up anyone capable of beating him than what his government's actions are.

Don't forget that Mrs Clinton seemed ready to 'push the button' with Russia (rather like her escapades as regards Libya etc), whereas Trump prefers to trade verbal barbs.

President Xi of China is still, in my view the most dangerous person on the planet, closely followed by Putin. I don't see the US intelligence services spreading lies and propaganda in Chinese and Russian newspapers - maybe debunking some from those nations. I also don't see the US threatening to invade their neighbours and to undermine them either to expand empires, unlike the Russians and Chinese.

They also don't withhold the truth about COVID-19 for well over a month (including destroying evidence), lockdown their own country but let the virus spread around the world, instructing their WHO lackies to parrot the CCP line for a month that it's not a problem and human-to-human transmission is not evident, when they knew it was, plus undermining the efforts of Taiwan to tell the world what was really going on.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"Andy - any update on the wall yet?

How does 'building a wall' (or slowly) make him the most dangerous person on Earth?"

You know as well as the rest of us reading this what Alan meant. You are evading the question. Trump's much-vaunted plan to build The Wall has failed; a miserably small length - much of it a refurbishment of what was there before - has been built. If you re-read the posts above, you'll see that it was you who introduced the subject of the wall as proof of what Trump has done for his voters. You said he has "built the wall." He hasn't.

"I suspect that many are 'going off point' here after their original arguments were debunked..."

That largely what we're still arguing about and pretending that you have successfully debunked the points put to you doesn't alter the fact that it is not clear they have been debunked. As I suggested to you before, why not revisit a few points that you feel really clinch your arguments?

The rest of your post above is mostly a smoke-screen. What has Obama to do with anything being discussed? Or Hillary Clinton?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

"... the rise in questions about (but not use of by injection) the use of bleach was actually taken from data before Trump made his (much re-interpreted) comments on the subject..."


‘Maryland’s Republican governor says state officials received “hundreds of calls” from residents asking about ingesting disinfectants following Donald Trump’s dangerous suggestion that scientists investigate the chemicals' potential for treating coronavirus…

[This] follows similar reports from New York health authorities, who said there had been a spike in possible bleach exposure cases in the 18 hours following Mr Trump’s now-infamous Thursday press briefing.’


I don't see any reason to doubt the information. Trump and his followers, of course, routinely dismiss unfavourable news as "fake" or coming from the "lying media".

Don't believe me, fine, believe Tim Pool, who isn't right wing by any means or a supporter of Trump. Just watch his YT videos.

Remember that the Brirish media parroted the fake news about the Covington kids, all of which came from CNN, MSNBC, the NYT and the Washington Post. They were ALL forced to retract their stories because they didn't bother to fact check and ran them without checking the entire video, which was freely available.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

1. Reports from Michigan, Maryland, New York City, Illinois showed an increase in people worrying about the use of disinfectants after Trump’s words. ( - USA Today’s bias is rated “centre”.)

2. Other sources claiming there has been no increase following Trump’s words seem to be right of centre.

3. As regards Tim Pool, his “views on issues including social media bias and immigration often align with conservatives”, it has been said. His status as a commentator seems to rest on the fact that he is a "Youtuber"; he hardly qualifies as a journalist and seems to spend his time musing about stuff reported elsewhere. I would be very wary of giving any weight whatsoever to what he says.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

1. Reports from Michigan, Maryland, New York City, Illinois showed an increase in people worrying about the use of disinfectants after Trump’s words. ( - USA Today’s bias is rated “centre”.)

Wow, 15 extra people in NY state, out of how many million? And all the other articles about it referred to data that was compiled before Trump made his comments - it was just that they were reported on afterwards.

I suspect that the main reason why there was an 'upsurge' was because there had been, not that long before, well-documented cases in the rest of the world, e.g. in Iran, where many people had ingested bleach (again, well before Trump's comments [which were mis-reported]) thinking it would kill the virus, or that disinfectant was being sprayed in India and China in the streets for the same reason.

There was no correlation, and even so, 15 extra cases because some idiots misconstrue words falsely reported in much of the media hardly make Trump 'the most dangerous man on Earth'.

I should note that some supposedly right-of-centre newspapers have also reported this fake news, and, as I said before, of other 'incidents' involving Trump or his supporters (like the Covington kids, or Justice Kavanaugh)...including the Daily Telegraph, who parroted the words of the leftist media who started peddling them.

I and many others have noticed an influx of leftist journalists into UK right-of-centre newspapers, resulting in them getting slated (with factual proof) in the reader comments sections for fake news, just like the Indie, Grauniad and Mirror, just not quite so often or so blatantly.

Many editors just let it go because the articles generate click/rage bait and thus hopefully more ad revenue. It's a poor long term strategy, because most of thos people don't look at the ads or pay to subscribe, and long term subscribers like me get fed up and leave.

That many left wing outlets are in real financial trouble (especially in the US) or rely on Chinese funding (and thus won't ever criticise the CCP), but many of the 'conservative' (many now in name only) outlets don't see it and go after the clickbait/loony left twitterati audience just shows how far the MSM has fallen.

This is why I often look for multiple independent sources for articles, and not just those copying and pasting others verbatum as often now happens.

2. Other sources claiming there has been no increase following Trump’s words seem to be right of centre.

And? Do you only believe an article because it comes from a left wing outlet, or perhaps that confirms your opinions? Being a sceptic to a reasonable degree is a healthy thing, hence why I certainly do not believe everything the Telegraph prints. I and quite a few others have noticed this (incluing Tim Pool - see more below), that those on the left will never look outside of their confirmation bias bubble, whereas people on the political Right (I'm not talking of the 'far Right') do.

3. As regards Tim Pool, his “views on issues including social media bias and immigration often align with conservatives”, it has been said. His status as a commentator seems to rest on the fact that he is a "Youtuber"; he hardly qualifies as a journalist and seems to spend his time musing about stuff reported elsewhere. I would be very wary of giving any weight whatsoever to what he says.

If you had bothered to do a modicum of research into Mr Pool, you see that he IS a journalist, having worked for many smaller US outlets (all quite left wing) and been an on the ground reporter for a number of years prior to him becoming a YouTuber, as is widely respected.. He also owns and runs his own news channel, Subverse News (set up in the last year or so), which just reports news.

I suspect that it's because he has changed his views and moved generally towards the political centre and disowned the hard Left (after his experiences working for those outlets and the way the MSM operates generally [he always gives evidence in his videos]) that many are now criticising him and trying to make him look like some unprincipled hack and fraud. He is not, I assure you.

I don't agree with some of his views, but I respect him for honourably holding them and above all, being honest and honourable in his conduct, including holding his hand up if his makes a mistake, as he did when reporting the 'Trump and bleach' story the other day.

The MSM don't, or they wait several days until their lying narrative has done its work before printing a retraction or editing an article, hiding both so hardly anyone notices...well, except Tim and some other very observant people on YouTube and independent news outlets without agendas.

Rather than dismiss people like him out of hand because it challenges your world view, perhaps you should listen to what he has to say, look at his evidence and think about it for a bit. Doing so certainly opened my eyes...and I'm coming from the perspective of a conservative person. I found his channel after I swa a video of him being interviewed/debating a right of centre journalist (I can't remember who - it was a while ago now) and was impressed, which believe you me is difficult when it comes to journalists these days.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

Despite all you have written Andy, if you cannot see that Trump is an absolute a***hole andat times dangerous then I am genuinely worried for you.

Left, right or centre ground persuasion, he is undefendable.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Despite all you have written Andy, if you cannot see that Trump is an absolute a***hole andat times dangerous then I am genuinely worried for you.

Left, right or centre ground persuasion, he is undefendable.

The premise of the OP was that he is the MOST damgerous man on the planet. I'm arguing that, despite his many flaws, that he is NOT, and by a LONG way.

That you cannot see that and presumably think (by implication) that the Chinese president (and CCP apparatchiks) is a decent and misunderstood bloke, despite all that he/they have done, especially recently (more evidence now coming to light to prove this) rather shows you and yours up.

The US President often says some silly/daft/mean things;

The Chinese President allows (highly likely) hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens (and many more abroad) to die whilst simultaneously allowing a deadly virus to spread around the world in order to weaken his country's opponents, perhaps to give to cover to invade Taiwan (see articles about his provacative military manouvres nearby recently and possibly nuclear tests) and to wide/deflect his country's cover-up, including by using armies of cyber trolls to spread lies (including about using bleach as a cure for the virus) and state propaganda, seemingly involving elements of the Western media and the WHO, which are seemingly in the pocket of the CCP via 'funding for favourable coverage'.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Do you only believe an article because it comes from a left wing outlet, or perhaps that confirms your opinions? >>

I couldn't be bothered to read through all this short story, but this question seems a bit rich from one who apparently thinks the polar opposite. Bias? Bigotry? You choose.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

1. "..Trump's comments [which were mis-reported]..." "... words falsely reported in much of the media..."

They were NOT mis-reported. We have the video/audio transcript.

2. Your advocacy for Pool is pretty thin. He has little breadth of experience as a journalist and virtually no status as such; what he has rests on the populism of being a Youtuber. You like what he says and that's about it.

3. " Do you only believe an article because it comes from a left wing outlet...?" No, I don't, but I would prefer when dealing with an unknown source to find that it is rated "centre" and high on factual reporting. And here's the thing: you think I'm left-wing. I have never voted Labour. The closest I got to supporting the left was a couple of times when I voted Lib Dem. Most recently I have voted Conservative, though I would not describe myself as right-wing; slightly right of centre, probably. Does it matter?

4. Dare I ask you to mention The Wall?

5. As the discussion seems to have got bogged down in what are probably fairly minor areas, why don't you bring forward some really strong points showing that Trump, far from being "the most dangerous man on Earth", is a force for good in the world?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

Despite all you have written Andy, if you cannot see that Trump is an absolute a***hole andat times dangerous then I am genuinely worried for you.

Left, right or centre ground persuasion, he is undefendable.

When other have written lines and lines of total nonsense 3 simple lines get to the truth.

Some people do not see truth, they see left or right and if the person making statements is on their side of the political agenda that is what they agree with even if the real facts say otherwise.

Edited by thunderbird on 02/05/2020 at 15:56

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Despite all you have written Andy, if you cannot see that Trump is an absolute a***hole andat times dangerous then I am genuinely worried for you.

Left, right or centre ground persuasion, he is undefendable.

When other have written lines and lines of total nonsense 3 simple lines get to the truth.

Some people do not see truth, they see left or right and if the person making statements is on their side of the political agenda that is what they agree with even if the real facts say otherwise.

That you believe newspapers and TV channels that quote Chinese Communist Party propaganda verbatum rather says a lot about many of you.

That you cannot refute (with facts) my rebuttal of your assertions (that's all they were) is telling.

That you seemingly have nothing better to do than endlesssly shout 'Orange Man Bad' (or Boris Man Bad) despite all evidence to the contrary and that others are far, far worse again says rather a great deal about the state of people on the political hard Left.

I can just imagine many protesting outside the LSE, holding their 'Socialst Worker' placards whilst everyone else got on with their lives.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

including by using armies of cyber trolls to spread lies (including about using bleach as a cure for the virus)

So Chinese cyber Trolls initiated the bleach myth.

Then the US President picked up on it and suggested it looked like a good idea.

I would never believe suggestions made on dodgy websites but it seems that Donald did and made them appear legitimate.

That makes him a dangerous man

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

1. "..Trump's comments [which were mis-reported]..." "... words falsely reported in much of the media..."

They were NOT mis-reported. We have the video/audio transcript.

No, you read reports of what newspapers said he said. There's a BIG difference.

2. Your advocacy for Pool is pretty thin. He has little breadth of experience as a journalist and virtually no status as such; what he has rests on the populism of being a Youtuber. You like what he says and that's about it.

Funny how the Left turn on their own when they don't fit their own personal narrative/agenda. Now going on with Joe Biden and Metoo. The circular firing squad in action. And, given you seemingly 'forgot' to properly research Tim, he used to be a Bernie Sanders supporter, but was red-pilled.

That doesn't make him a conservative or anywhere near a right-winger, not even close. He's centre-left, and as I say, he has a reasonable amount of personal views on politics I disagree with, but not to the extent that I wouldn't listen to him. The problem is that people like you on the hard Left only get their (narrow) view of the world from a small bubble of media reporting.

Tim, and myself do not, making up our own minds as to what is true and what may or definitely isn't based on experience and judging each case as it comes by rational thought, not by dogma.

3. " Do you only believe an article because it comes from a left wing outlet...?" No, I don't, but I would prefer when dealing with an unknown source to find that it is rated "centre" and high on factual reporting. And here's the thing: you think I'm left-wing. I have never voted Labour. The closest I got to supporting the left was a couple of times when I voted Lib Dem. Most recently I have voted Conservative, though I would not describe myself as right-wing; slightly right of centre, probably. Does it matter?

Funny how those advocating the OP's view all appear to read and selectively only quote from left wing media sources and never from those of a 'conservative' persuasion, presumably because they either don't (and likely never did) subscribe to those outlets or cannot bring themselves to even read some of their free content for dogmatic reasons.

As for you saying you recently 'voted Conservative', how do you square the circle that Trump and Boris seem to be reasonably closely alinged on many issues, often the difference being in tone rather than subsctance. Or was your most 'recent Tory vote' back in 2015/2017 or not at national level? Your langauge was rather vague.

4. Dare I ask you to mention The Wall?

I already did. Again, his government has built some, but was, bore the pandemic struck, going to building a good more this year.

That they were doing so at all, compared to the little positive gains from the previous administration (despite that having everything, including the media, in their favour), says rather a lot, including that (prior to the pandemic), BAME people's economic fortunes had improved by far the most under Trump's administration, even accounting for the large improvement in the fortunes of the white working class in the Rust Belt regions who got him elected in 2016.

And I say again, how does 'only' building X or Y miles of wall make Trump 'the most dangerous man in the world'? I dare you to refute that or how no-one has actually likely died as a result of his comments on bleach/UV (again, taken out of context, and the vast, vast majority of Americans know he often just spitballs on subjects) compared to the hundreds of thousands Preseident Xi of China has essentially 'killed' by his governments actions in covering up what happened and allowing the virus to spread abroad.

Care to comment?

5. As the discussion seems to have got bogged down in what are probably fairly minor areas, why don't you bring forward some really strong points showing that Trump, far from being "the most dangerous man on Earth", is a force for good in the world?

Trump cannot be bought, unlike many politicians.

He is against the MSM, which is now a branch (5th column?) of the establishment, often because they are shilling for them (and the Chinese government) in return for financing and ad revenues.

He stopped Hillary Clinton becoming president (we'd likely be in a nuclear winter by now if she'd won) and drew out the poison of corruption in many political organisation, especially those corporatists and authoritiarians wanting more and more control in the hands of governments and their big business chums.

He advocates for the 'little guy', the forgotton people, the disaffected. Those on the other side use our own money and future proserity to buy votes.

He is ripping up bad trade deals and stopping the take-over of the world by China.

As I said before, he is FAR from being an ideal President, but he's better than his opponents and, on balance, is doing far more positive things than negative. Would I prefer someone else from his party to be in the job - yes, but it's difficult to see who that person might be, even though they have better candidates than the Democrats.

As I explained in other posts, President Xi (and Putin and the Iranian president) is far more dangerous, as evidenced by his and his governments well documented actions, not by the occasional press conference or 'mean words' on twitter.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

He stopped Hillary Clinton becoming president (we'd likely be in a nuclear winter by now if she'd won)

FFS grow up. Even Ronnie Raygun, the most gung ho president I can remember knew that starting a nuclear war was a bad idea.

If that is the best you can do just go and live in a cave.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

1. "..Trump's comments [which were mis-reported]..." "... words falsely reported in much of the media..."

They were NOT mis-reported. We have the video/audio transcript.

No, you read reports of what newspapers said he said. There's a BIG difference. >>

I don't understand why you bother reading newspapers, Andy, as you keep saying they peddle nothing but propaganda. That means you can only believe what you want to believe - a common human failing, admittedly, but it does leave one very open to conspiracy theories.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

1. "..Trump's comments [which were mis-reported]..." "... words falsely reported in much of the media..."

They were NOT mis-reported. We have the video/audio transcript.

No, you read reports of what newspapers said he said. There's a BIG difference. >>

I don't understand why you bother reading newspapers, Andy, as you keep saying they peddle nothing but propaganda. That means you can only believe what you want to believe - a common human failing, admittedly, but it does leave one very open to conspiracy theories.

Err no, and your twisting my words, again. I said that I am always sceptical about newspaper and TV reporting, so I look for several independent sources that are obviously not just parroting (i.e. copying and pasting) eachother's articles and apssing them off as their own.

That you and a good few others here ONLY read the Guardian and/or 'Independent' (which hasn't been for well over a decade) and decry anything from the right wing media (of any hue) as being fake news, etc is evidence of confirmation bias of people living in their left wing bubble.

I've given factual proof of how many media outlets have given false accounts of what those the politically dislike have said or done. That you and others seem to selectively ignore them shows that I'm not the one to conspiracy theories.

For example, I have yet to see any of you openly criticise China and especially its government for their role in all this - a good 90% of the fault (and deaths worldwide) lies with them. That alone makes your argument that Trump is the most dangerous person in the world sound utterly ridiculous, petty and childish.

Perhaps, rather than blaming your political opponents for your side's own failings, maybe you collectively need to look in the mirror.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

For example, I have yet to see any of you openly criticise China and especially its government for their role in all this - a good 90% of the fault (and deaths worldwide) lies with them. That alone makes your argument that Trump is the most dangerous person in the world sound utterly ridiculous, petty and childish.

China is mighty dangerous I agree.

We know this and should understand some of the protective measures we need to have in place.

It's far more difficult to account for the actions of the 'Trojan Donkey'.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< you're twisting my words, again. I said that I am always sceptical about newspaper and TV reporting, so I look for several independent sources that are obviously not just parroting (i.e. copying and pasting) each other's articles and passing them off as their own. That you and a good few others here ONLY read the Guardian and/or 'Independent' (which hasn't been for well over a decade) >>

What are your recommended sources 'independent' of ? Absolutely everything ?

And if words are being twisted, I don't know why you should assume that I read either of those papers - I don't. I read The Times - but you probably object to that too.

Edited by Andrew-T on 04/05/2020 at 15:07

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

1. "... I am always sceptical about newspaper and TV reporting, so I look for several independent sources that are obviously not just parroting (i.e. copying and pasting) eachother's articles and apssing them off as their own."

Which independent sources do you find? Your criterion is just that they are sources that don't repeat anything reported elsewhere?

2. "... you and a good few others here ONLY read the Guardian and/or 'Independent'..."

Do we? How do you know?

3. "... evidence of confirmation bias of people living in their left wing bubble."

What evidence? And those of us who don't agree with you could say the same about you living in your right-wing bubble.

4. "I've given factual proof of how many media outlets have given false accounts of what those the politically dislike have said or done."

Like the "proof" you allege that Trump did not say the dangerous stuff about disinfectant, widely reported in the press and confirmed by the video and audio of the press conference?

5. "Perhaps, rather than blaming your political opponents for your side's own failings, maybe you collectively need to look in the mirror."

What "side" are you talking about? The failure of Labour/the Democrats to get elected? Do you still really imagine that I and those who oppose Trump are all dyed-in-the-wool far-left socialists? And what has this to do with the monstrous abomination that is Trump?

You are winning none of the arguments here.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< What evidence? And those of us who don't agree with you could say the same about you living in your right-wing bubble. >>

But we don't ... :-)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

1.‘"...Trump's comments [which were mis-reported]..." "... words falsely reported in much of the media..."

They were NOT mis-reported. We have the video/audio transcript.

No, you read reports of what newspapers said he said.’

You really need to get your facts straight. I read the transcript and it so happens it’s accurate. Here’s a recording of it:

2.” The problem is that people like you on the hard Left only get their (narrow) view of the world from a small bubble of media reporting.

Tim, and myself do not, making up our own minds as to what is true and what may or definitely isn't based on experience and judging each case as it comes by rational thought, not by dogma.”

These are generalised assertions which have absolutely no factual basis. To judge from the discussion in this thread, you seem short on rational thought and strong on dogma.

3.” how do you square the circle that Trump and Boris seem to be reasonably closely alinged on many issues, often the difference being in tone rather than subsctance.”

I didn’t vote for Boris, though I knew my vote would support him. I was attempting to show you what my political position is. I don’t like Boris much and deplore the fact that he cosies up to Trump. Your comment shows you are unable to accept nuances and subtleties in people’s views. Your comment “people like you on the hard Left” shows you want to lump people together as belonging to some group that you can label and attack, instead of dealing with specific issues. Your use of phrases like “Orange Man Bad” shows you are thinking in stereotypes and parroting words borrowed from the groups you identify with.

4.“And I say again, how does 'only' building X or Y miles of wall make Trump 'the most dangerous man in the world'? I dare you to refute that or how no-one has actually likely died as a result of his comments on bleach/UV (again, taken out of context, and the vast, vast majority of Americans know he often just spitballs on subjects) compared to the hundreds of thousands Preseident Xi of China has essentially 'killed' by his governments actions in covering up what happened and allowing the virus to spread abroad.

Care to comment?”

Much of the above is verbiage. I wish you would keep to the point. Once again, you need to be reminded that no-one in this discussion is using the wall as evidence Trump is the most dangerous man in the world. You were the one who introduced the subject of the wall in this exchange:

“Can you give some examples of what Trump has done for his voter base?”

“Built the wall…”

I repeat: he has NOT built the wall. Only a pathetically small length of it has been built.

Introducing a smokescreen around your arguments suggests you cannot deal head-on with the points raised.

5.’”why don't you bring forward some really strong points showing that Trump, far from being "the most dangerous man on Earth", is a force for good in the world?”

Trump cannot be bought, unlike many politicians.

He is against the MSM, which is now a branch (5th column?) of the establishment, often because they are shilling for them (and the Chinese government) in return for financing and ad revenues.

He stopped Hillary Clinton becoming president (we'd likely be in a nuclear winter by now if she'd won) and drew out the poison of corruption in many political organisation, especially those corporatists and authoritiarians wanting more and more control in the hands of governments and their big business chums.

He advocates for the 'little guy', the forgotton people, the disaffected. Those on the other side use our own money and future proserity to buy votes.

He is ripping up bad trade deals and stopping the take-over of the world by China.’

An interesting list. The first three points are negatives: he did not do this, do that. The point about Hillary Clinton is pretty absurd. He “drew the poison of corruption” out of various organisations, did he? I’ll bet there’s no evidence of that. Oh yes, he knows how to manipulate his supporters by playing on their supposed victim status – but what has he actually done for them?

Your last point is worth its own comment: “stopping the take-over of the world by China”. It’s more likely he is antagonising China and destabilising world peace. (I’m not a supporter of China, though I’m sure you would want to stereotype me as such.) There are better ways of dealing with the threat of China.

Edited by FP on 03/05/2020 at 14:13

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

'Antagonising China'? They are the ones (by far) the most to blame for the pandemic, so why shouldn't the West hold them to account? Pointless having 'peace' is we all live in a cage.

Please state what will 'work' with China. They deny being the cause of the pandemic - a whopping lie, as now being shown by the leaked 'Five Eyes' intelligence report.

They destroyed evidence over a 1-2 month period, used the WHO to cover up the nature and scale of the inital epidemic in Wuhan, including by silencing Taiwan, using their significant media and funding inlfuence and social media propaganda, they blamed the American military, they threatened Australia when they called for an inquiry into the pandemic and then went on British TV and made indefensible statements about how none of this was their fault.

All the while, they continue to steal our industrial and military secrets, use students to do their dirty work abroad and to spread CCP propaganda and seemingly get away with it, helped by an all-too-eager MSM and entertainment industry, who are all to eager to please their new funding source.

They ain't gonna say sorry, here's $5Tn+ in compensation World if we ask nicely. They cannot be sancted via the UN because they are a permanent member and can veto any resolution. Bullies only take notice when you properly stand up to them.

Things may well come to a head with conflict, but I suspect that has been on the cards since China's transformation starting in the 1980s - noting that at no point have they improved the freedoms of their own people (in fact, with their social credit system tied to their heavily policed internet, it's now worse). Would you rather any conflict be bow, when the US and its allies have a significant military, technological, intelligence and economic advantage, or in 20, 30 or so years time when the odds are perhaps far more even or in their favour. Then they will be able to do as they please.

That's why President Xi is the most dangerous person on Earth right now. If you cannot understand that basic truth, then, in my view, you're deluded.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

That's why President Xi is the most dangerous person on Earth right now. If you cannot understand that basic truth, then, in my view, you're deluded.

I'd like to see the evidence for the statement about WHO covering up whatever happened in Wuhan. And let's not forget Trump's initial reaction was to praise the Chinese.

Xi is dangerous in the way that foreign leaders with a different political ideology, expansionist ideas and with money and weaponry to pursue those aims always are. QV Stalin et al.

Trump is a different kind of dangerous on account of his personality, his lies, his inability to keep skilled advisers etc etc.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"'Antagonising China'? They are the ones (by far) the most to blame for the pandemic, so why shouldn't the West hold them to account? Pointless having 'peace' is we all live in a cage. Etc, etc."

If this rambling stuff is a response to my post (most of whose contents you have ignored) then it is straight out of Trump's playbook - make a huge fuss about something that diverts attention from the issues closer to home.

As for your continued criticism of the MSM (you do love American right-wing jargon) and the assertion that all of it is in the pockets of the Chinese - this is so ridiculous as to need little rebuttal. The idea that whole swathes of the press, TV and so on cannot be independent because they have fallen under the spell of the Chinese makes less sense than the fact that they are all opposed to Trump because he has proved himself worthless and for no other reason.

President Xi may be highly dangerous, for all I know. But engaging in a public war of words via Twitter and otherwise doesn't seem likely to be productive to me. No doubt the tough talk is more designed to impress Trump's home audience and distract from his own failings in dealing with the virus properly in America.

Edited by FP on 04/05/2020 at 12:51

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

No doubt the tough talk is more designed to impress Trump's home audience and distract from his own failings in dealing with the virus properly in America.

I think that is entirely what it is about - he knows what buttons to push and get his followers to continue following him - he does not care what he says or what the media says as he can just bark out 'Fake News' and his followers lap it up and think he is sticking it to the 'elite' and on their side.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

1. "..Trump's comments [which were mis-reported]..." "... words falsely reported in much of the media..."

They were NOT mis-reported. We have the video/audio transcript.

No, you read reports of what newspapers said he said. There's a BIG difference.

I watch his interviews on various channels. I've never read any newspaper reports of "what he said".

Listen to him. Just for one minute as he talks in his press conferences.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Avant

This is getting in a muddle now - although fortunately still reasonably civilised.

If you click reply on the original post, rather than the one you're directly replying to, then your post will appear at the bottom of the thread.

That way anyone who is enjoying this thread (well, you never know....) can follow it, should they wish to.

Edited by Avant on 04/05/2020 at 23:32

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Brit_in_Germany

I am enjoying it. It is amazing to see how a few weeks confinement is turning the brains of the population into mushy peas.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

I am enjoying it. It is amazing to see how a few weeks confinement is turning the brains of the population into mushy peas.

Only the brains of the Right wing conspiracy theorists.

Donald Trumps brains were mushy peas years ago.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

I am enjoying it. It is amazing to see how a few weeks confinement is turning the brains of the population into mushy peas.

Only the brains of the Right wing conspiracy theorists.

Donald Trumps brains were mushy peas years ago.

Pah, covfefe to you sir!

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - madf

I am enjoying it. It is amazing to see how a few weeks confinement is turning the brains of the population into mushy peas.

Only the brains of the Right wing conspiracy theorists.

Donald Trumps brains were mushy peas years ago.

If I was as rich as Mr Trump and was US President and have had as many beautiful women by my side over the years as he has:

(yes, dear wife, you are beautiful but he has had dozens!)

then I would be happy to have mushy peas for brains .

(just saying: Trump's posturing is done with cold intelligence.. it appeals to his voters.. he is not THAT stupid. But he gets carried away and thinks he is God at times and always right)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

I am enjoying it. It is amazing to see how a few weeks confinement is turning the brains of the population into mushy peas.

Only the brains of the Right wing conspiracy theorists.

Donald Trumps brains were mushy peas years ago.

What does that say about Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and the rest of the candidates and contenders, especially as how sleepy, creepy Joe Biden now gets the nod for 2020, and that the Dems and their (many) allies in the MSM are encouraging Biden to stay hidden, because every time he goes on TV, his ratings drop.

Biden's the one with the mushy brain, as his TV performances clearly show, never mind the seemingly credible and growing evidence of the Metoo accusation(s) against him and him trying to cover them up, with the Dems, MSM and, ironies of ironies, the Metoo crowd covering for him ('Believe all women'...except when the accused is a leading Democrat candidate for the top job).


Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

What does that say about Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and the rest of the candidates and contenders

Nothing. The subject under discussion is Donald Trump. The weaknesses of his opponents in 2016 or 2020 are neither here nor there.

No more than an attempt to divert the discussion.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

I am enjoying it. It is amazing to see how a few weeks confinement is turning the brains of the population into mushy peas.

As I understood it, Trump Derrangement Syndrome, and its British mutated variant, Boris Derrangement Syndrome (also known as 'Remoaneritis'), has been around since June 2016.

Apparently 52% of the population are immune, with a small, but highly vocal proportion of the other 48% very badly affected, leading to bouts of intense screeching on social media platforms and spontaneous wailing on TV.

There is a cure, but it appears those most affected are of the anti-vaxxer, tin-foil hat persuasion, and cannot bring themselves to sign up at the ballot box.

Some young people affected seem to 'grow out of it' though as the grow up, however it appears to persist in a number of people who like the colour red in the US and, oddly enough, blue in the US, with the opposite for the immune. Greater immunity now appears to spreading into former industrial heartlands. Universities seem to be the worst affected, possibly the epicentre of the pandemic.


Edited by Engineer Andy on 05/05/2020 at 10:41

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - galileo

I am enjoying it. It is amazing to see how a few weeks confinement is turning the brains of the population into mushy peas.

As I understood it, Trump Derrangement Syndrome, and its British mutated variant, Boris Derrangement Syndrome (also known as 'Remoaneritis'), has been around since June 2016.

Apparently 52% of the population are immune, with a small, but highly vocal proportion of the other 48% very badly affected, leading to bouts of intense screeching on social media platforms and spontaneous wailing on TV.

There is a cure, but it appears those most affected are of the anti-vaxxer, tin-foil hat persuasion, and cannot bring themselves to sign up at the ballot box.

Some young people affected seem to 'grow out of it' though as the grow up, however it appears to persist in a number of people who like the colour red in the US and, oddly enough, blue in the US, with the opposite for the immune. Greater immunity now appears to spreading into former industrial heartlands. Universities seem to be the worst affected, possibly the epicentre of the pandemic.


A brilliant diagnosis, Andy, as I would expect from you. My years working in engineering seem to have conditioned me to think in similar ways to you.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Apparently 52% of the population are immune, with a small, but highly vocal proportion of the other 48% very badly affected, leading to bouts of intense screeching on social media platforms and spontaneous wailing on TV. >>

It's very easy, for those who have managed to scrape a narrow win in a close contest, to tell the losing side who are convinced that it will turn out to be a bad result for everyone, to shut up and stop moaning. Tends to just sound like triumphalism, unfortunately.

But just now there are more serious matters to attend to, which may make the result look worse than it did. We need more co-operation with Europe, not less.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

<< Apparently 52% of the population are immune, with a small, but highly vocal proportion of the other 48% very badly affected, leading to bouts of intense screeching on social media platforms and spontaneous wailing on TV. >>

It's very easy, for those who have managed to scrape a narrow win in a close contest, to tell the losing side who are convinced that it will turn out to be a bad result for everyone, to shut up and stop moaning. Tends to just sound like triumphalism, unfortunately.

But just now there are more serious matters to attend to, which may make the result look worse than it did. We need more co-operation with Europe, not less.

Funny how you lot were telling us that when you thought you would win. Besides, people tell me exactly when I said we (or anyone else of the 52%) should end mutual co-operation with Europe? There's a BIG difference between co-operation and co-towing to dictats by unelected bureaucrats and failed politicians trying to grab yet more power for themselves at the expense of the voting public.

You don't need to be locked into a political straightjacket of an organisation to co-operate, to trade freely whilst competing in many areas (which improves both). We were fine about co-operation, just not subjugation.

I and many others of similar opinion take the panemic seriously - a pity that it appears you appear to want to concentrate on fake news, fighting past lost battles and endless screeching about things that in the context of events are unimportant or, worse still manufactured to sell copy or gain political advantage at the cost of our common effort to beat the virus, get the world back on track and hold those responsible for it starting and spreading to account.

My taking the Michael of the Left for their collective screeching concerning the Orange Man and politicising the pandemic (including significantly downplaying China's role and that of their paid-for WHO / UN puppets) and the response just shows that some people don't like hearing the well as having no sense of humour.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

You don't need to be locked into a political straightjacket of an organisation to co-operate, to trade freely whilst competing in many areas (which improves both). We were fine about co-operation, just not subjugation.

Sorry Andy, for a moment there I thought you were talking about England's 'relationship' with Scotland.

I agree. Scotland should be an equal trading partner. Nothing more.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< I and many others of similar opinion take the pandemic seriously - a pity that it appears you appear to want to concentrate on fake news, fighting past lost battles and endless screeching about things that in the context of events are unimportant or, worse still manufactured to sell copy or gain political advantage at the cost of our common effort to beat the virus, get the world back on track and hold those responsible for it starting and spreading to account. >>

You really are exasperating, Andy. I purposely phrased my previous post in an even-handed way, without arguing one way or the other or continuing lost battles. Your response is predictably biased and almost vitriolic. I for one, do not swallow 'fake news', one of the commonest providers of which is a certain president of whom you approve.

It's time for me to stop provoking you into issuing further inflammatory diatribes.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Joe-Alex

Funny how you lot were telling us that when you thought you would win. Besides, people tell me exactly when I said we (or anyone else of the 52%) should end mutual co-operation with Europe? There's a BIG difference between co-operation and co-towing to dictats by unelected bureaucrats and failed politicians trying to grab yet more power for themselves at the expense of the voting public.

I'll nitpick here a bit and say that we do vote for the MEPs. But I do understand and agree with your general point.

You don't need to be locked into a political straightjacket of an organisation to co-operate, to trade freely whilst competing in many areas (which improves both). We were fine about co-operation, just not subjugation.

Something that wasn't explained to the public. Or, if it was, was not done very well at all. The whole damned referendum was handled atrociously by both sides.

I and many others of similar opinion take the panemic seriously - a pity that it appears you appear to want to concentrate on fake news, fighting past lost battles and endless screeching about things that in the context of events are unimportant or, worse still manufactured to sell copy or gain political advantage at the cost of our common effort to beat the virus, get the world back on track and hold those responsible for it starting and spreading to account.

I absolutely loath the term 'fake news'. What do you mean by it? Are you referring to news you don't agree with (a'la Trump-style), politically-opposing news or actual fabricated news (which I would argue is not as common as people would like to believe (it's too easy to research things on the web))?

My taking the Michael of the Left for their collective screeching concerning the Orange Man and politicising the pandemic (including significantly downplaying China's role and that of their paid-for WHO / UN puppets) and the response just shows that some people don't like hearing the well as having no sense of humour.

I really wish you would stop generalizing left-leaning politics. It doesn't consist wholly of fanatical students worshiping Corbyn (I mean, I AM a student, but still...).

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

This is getting in a muddle now - although fortunately still reasonably civilised.

If you click reply on the original post, rather than the one you're directly replying to, then your post will appear at the bottom of the thread.

That way anyone who is enjoying this thread (well, you never know....) can follow it, should they wish to.

ENJOY!? I didn't get where I am today by enjoying myself. Where am i, incidentally?

Oops! I did it again, sorry.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - piggy

A little joke for you about Trump. Please accept my apologies for the rude word at the end. Remember it's only in your imagination that it's rude. Trump to Angela Merkel "Ang, I'm thinking of calling myself king". Merkel replies "But to call yourself king you need a kingdom. Trump replies" OK, I'll call myself emperor then.Merkel replies "But to call yourself emperor you need an empire, maybe the word you're looking for is country!

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

Funny how you lot were telling us that when you thought you would win. Besides, people tell me exactly when I said we (or anyone else of the 52%) should end mutual co-operation with Europe? There's a BIG difference between co-operation and co-towing to dictats by unelected bureaucrats and failed politicians trying to grab yet more power for themselves at the expense of the voting public.

If we are going to include the EU in this debate here is my view.

This is the worst possible time to be breaking our links with our largest and geographically closest trading partner. With the current situation and its lasting effects breaking the partnerships that have been developed over the past 46 years will be economic suicide.

And now to bring the "Donald" into this argument, if we weaken ourselves by bailing out of the EU with a poor or no deal we are leaving ourselves wide open for the USA to force Boris into a deal that is only to the USA's advantage. Hopefully the American population may have realised what a fool Donald is by November and vote him out of power which of course would lessen the danger to the UK but there will still be a fool in charge of the UK and who knows what could happen.

IMHO we should suspend the Brexit debate and negotiations until after the Corona Virus situation has eased to a point that allows us (and other countries) to see what lasting economic damage had occurred. I know this next comment will go down like a lead balloon but when we get to that situation things will look very different to how they looked in June 2016 and considering that the population should be given another opportunity to decide in the very new world we will be in.

In truth it will make very little (or no difference) to me personally. My main pension has a Government guarantee, my 2nd pension is a County Council one so as safe as a pension can be plus I am due for the State Pension next year so my annual income will be very healthy. It the younger people I am thinking of, those that will be working to pay off this tragedy for many years and the last thing they need is Boris and Donald jumping into bed together.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< IMHO we should suspend the Brexit debate and negotiations until after the Corona Virus situation has eased to a point that allows us (and other countries) to see what lasting economic damage had occurred. >>

I wholeheartedly agree. I wanted that before we got the snap election instead. But by the time all the Covid dust has settled, public opinion is likely to have been shaken to quite an extent.

But of course the Brexit zealots will continue to remind us that we got what the (modest) majority voted for in 2016, so shut up and stop moaning. It will then be longer than the normal 5-year span of an elected government, but opinions on Brexit were tablets of stone for some, who would absolutely hate to lose ....

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

You are in effect wanting to re-write the terms of the 2016 referendum, which in what you are wishing for, should have included something like:

“If you vote for Leaving the European Union, do you agree there should be another referendum if there is a major change in the economic situation?”


“If you vote for Leaving the European Union, do you agree there should be another referendum if there is a major change in public opinion?”


“If you vote in the referendum do you agree there should be another referendum if there is a enough fuss made by the losing side?”

It is impossible to imagine a referendum in which those voting either Remain or Leave would be asked to qualify their answers, which would lead to endless arguments about the result, whichever side won.

A much more logical position would be to argue that there should never have been a referendum in the first place, but quite clearly we are in a situation now where the result cannot be simply put to one side. Neither can anyone argue that somehow the result is not valid.

Similar points apply to the 2014 referendum for Scotland's independence from the UK. Those in the SNP wanting a re-run on the basis that the situation has changed since the last time look even more ridiculous because of their oft-repeated words that the original vote was a "once-in-a-lifetime" thing.

People might like to recall the ridicule which accompanied the referendums in Quebec (1980, 1995, with the likelihood of a third had the 1998 general election been won by Bouchard) dubbed the "neverendum". It all looked like one side demanding a new referendum until the result went their way. Far from settling the issue, the legacy of all that has been an ongoing bitterness.

In my view, another referendum on UK membership of the EU would produce exactly the same situation - whichever side won, there would be lasting resentment.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

Similar points apply to the 2014 referendum for Scotland's independence from the UK. T"in the SNP wanting a re-run on the basis that the situation has changed since the last time look even more ridiculous because of their oft-repeated words that the original vote was a "once-in-a-lifetime" thing"

That 'oft-repeated' words is such a bag of urine:

There was also the small matter of the Unionist's VOW:

"Only a small part of the promises made were actually delivered.

PROMISE: We were promised the most devolved administration in the world, “virtual federalism.” There was some further partial devolution of tax and some limited devolution of welfare. Regional administrations in Belgium, Germany and Spain have more autonomy than us.
RESULT: Didn’t happen.

PROMISE: The Smith Commission proposed that UK legislation state that the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government were to be permanent institutions.
However, the Scotland Act 2016, while stating that any abolition should be subject to a Scottish referendum, institutes a weak statutory mechanism, and states no provisions or guarantees for such a referendum. Neither does it make duties of Crown Ministers in this respect publicly answerable to the Scottish electorate. And we’re still “devolved” not “autonomous” - so it can all be taken back anyway.
RESULT: Didn’t really happen.

PROMISE: It was proposed that Scottish Ministers be fully involved in agreeing the UK position in EU negotiations relating to devolved policy. Instead, we got Brexit.
RESULT: Didn’t happen.

PROMISE: We were told that pensions would be safe if we stayed in the UK. In July 2017, the government announced its intention to increase the state pension age from 67 to 68 between 2037 and 2039, which is seven years earlier than previously planned.
RESULT: Definitely didn’t happen.

PROMISE: We were told that we would be “valued partners” in the UK. Cameron then introduced “English Votes for English Laws (EVEL)” This effectively creates barriers against any Scot becoming Prime Minister, and bars Scottish MPs from participating in any legislation that is deemed “English” even when such laws may have a knock-on effect in Scotland. Also, we voted against Brexit, but are being dragged out of the EU anyway.
RESULT: Never happened.

PROMISE: David Cameron promised during the independence referendum renewables would benefit from £millions of UK investment. After the 2015 General Election he cancelled the Renewable Obligation subsidy scheme, costing Scotland 5500 jobs in the renewable energy sector and an estimated loss of £3 billion in investment.
RESULT: Didn’t happen."

So you see, broken promises means a whole different situation.

Alistair Darling famously said, only by voting NO can Scotland stay in the EU...

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"That 'oft-repeated' words is such a bag of urine:"

In that very article these words appear: "It is true that during the independence referendum campaign, both Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon used the phrase “once in a lifetime opportunity” or “once in a generation opportunity”...

So I’m not sure what your point is.

No doubt a Unionist point of view might mention the dodgy financial claims made by the other side about the viability of Scotland as an independent nation.

But, detail apart, your post perfectly illustrates the point I was making. Your smouldering sense of the unfairness of the situation means that only one outcome would satisfy you. If a majority of Scots voted against independence in another referendum you still wouldn't be satisfied.

The "broken promises" argument can of course also be applied to the Brexit referendum.

Personally, on a political level I don't care about the issue of Scotland's independence. If there is another referendum and a majority votes to leave the Union I shall think it's a pity that the Scots have succumbed to memories of the old enmities of centuries ago - because that is what I think is fuelling the independence movement. In the greater scheme of things I don't think it matters very much.

Edited by FP on 07/05/2020 at 21:45

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

Scottish independence has nothing to do with grievance for many. It is simply a wish for our small country to be accountable for itself like most others.

If we are a net drain on UK's finances, set us out on our own feet and let the other nations prosper too.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

No decision made by any electorate is permanently immutable or irreversible. After all, we voted IN a few decades ago, but voting OUT was perfectly fine in 2016. So a certain passage of time validates a rethink - but how long is it ?

Actually, I wasn't hoping to get the decision reversed, tho I would have been happy if it was. I just wanted official proof that the majority still wanted to leave. A lot of water had gone under the bridge in those three years, and we all had a clearer idea of what was at stake. But no, the Brexiteers had got what they wanted and they didn't want to risk a reversal.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

No decision made by any electorate is permanently immutable or irreversible. After all, we voted IN a few decades ago, but voting OUT was perfectly fine in 2016. So a certain passage of time validates a rethink - but how long is it ?

Actually, I wasn't hoping to get the decision reversed, tho I would have been happy if it was. I just wanted official proof that the majority still wanted to leave. A lot of water had gone under the bridge in those three years, and we all had a clearer idea of what was at stake. But no, the Brexiteers had got what they wanted and they didn't want to risk a reversal.

The difference was that in 1976 the government (notionally Tory) and Liberals lied about the real reason for joining and the motives behind the EEC, and in 2016 we'd seen through those lies, despite practically ALL the political parties/establishment being for Remain.

Let's see what the next 36 years bring on our own, but remaining allies with European countries, freely trading and co-operating on areas of mutual interest.

Obviously The Orange Man isn't as dangerous today. Will he be tomorrow? Tune in to find out. Oddly enough, it appears that some more dirt chucked his way has not stuck, because it was all made up by the Dems and their FBI chums:

All the while, Sleepy, Creepy Joe appears to get every more senile and the allegations against him (on both the assault and Ukraine front) get ever more credible, all the while the mainly left wing MSM ingores both stories in favour of more OMB rants and lies.

Biden can't hide forever. Trump is going to make mincemeat of him in the debates (assuming Biden makes it that far).

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Biden can't hide forever. Trump is going to make mincemeat of him in the debates (assuming Biden makes it that far). >>

Sorry, Andy - Trump can't 'debate' either, so it will be a non-event. Unless he changes his ways unexpectedly, Trump will continue to toss out invective and irrelevancy. Witness today's snide remark about his own agent's Moonface husband. What sort of remark is that from a would-be statesman ?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

Again, you throw stuff by Tim Pool at us as if it was some sort of conclusive proof.

Your post it seems is largely a campaign speech for Trump. Even the phrase "sleepy creepy Joe" is straight out of Trump's vocabulary. Throw in a predictable reference to "the mainly left wing MSM" and OMB.

Confident prophecies like "Trump is going to make mincemeat of him in the debates" sound like a the words of a WWE superstar before he makes an idiot of himself.

Even the idea that Trump can gather together a coherent argument in a debate seems pure fantasy to me.

You seem totally in thrall to the whole Trump mind-set - the jargon, the dubious assertions etc. How very typical of the American right wing. How vacuous.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

The difference was that in 1976 the government (notionally Tory) and Liberals

Despite seeming to consider yourself an expert in matters of the EU I think you need a bit of education.

Labour gained power in Feb 1974 when the Cons (led by Edward Heath) lost their majority and failed to gain support from the liberals to continue in office. Another election was held in October 1974 and Labour got a very slim 3 seat majority.

Labour was not happy with the terms that Heath had negotiated for joining the EU back in 1973 and after some renegotiation held a referendum in June 1975 where 67% voted to remain.

By 1977 the 3 seat majority had disappeared thanks to by election losses and Jim Callahan formed the Lib/Lab pact to keep the government in power.

So basically you were wrong on several counts

  1. in 1976 Labour was in power
  2. there was no Conservative/Liberal pact
  3. and even if you simply got your parties wrong the labour/liberal pact did not happen for a further year.
Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Labour was not happy with the terms that Heath had negotiated for joining the EU back in 1973 and after some renegotiation held a referendum in June 1975 where 67% voted to remain.

I'd develop that a bit further.

The Labour party in 73/4 was split over Europe in much the same way that the Tories were 20 years later. Some members of the front bench, Roy Jenkins, Shirley Williams and Tony Crosland were pro Europe. Others like Barbara Castle, Tony Benn and Peter Shore were anti. The backbenches were similarly divided.

The plan for 'renegotiation' followed by a referendum was driven as much by that schism as by views in the country at large.

Having secured a deal with the other eight members Wilson allowed his Cabinet to join either the Yes or No campaigns as per their own views. The newly elected Conservative leader, Margaret Thatcher did the same. Both leaders took a back seat with the 'Better In' campaign fronted by Roy Jenkins and Ted Heath. Castle, Benn, Shore and others including Eric Varley and Michael Foot campaigned for no.

Unlike in 2016 the media were pretty well universal in supporting the Yes campaign. The result was 67/33 for Yes.

My view is that Cameron, under siege form the antis in his party, thought he could pull of the same trick as Wilson. In the event he could achieve very little in renegotiation, at least in part because he'd been disruptive in various areas of EU policy and had taken his party out of the Centre Right grouping and thrown in his lot with the more avowedly rightist parties. He had no good will and no allies when he needed them most.

Furthermore when it came to the campaign he didn't get the help from LAbour that Wilson had thirty years before. The election of Corbyn, along with a perception that Labour's catastrophic loss of seats in Scotland was because they'd got into bed with the Tories over the 2014 Scottish Referendum put paid to that. A poor campaign based on the project fear theme that won helped them in the 2010 and 15 elections and arguably in the Scots Referendum got no traction in large swathes of the country where living standards were static or falling.

With a positive campaign and Labour leading from the front might have got a different result (but it ws never going to be a 75 style decider).!

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

The difference was that in 1976 the government (notionally Tory) and Liberals

Despite seeming to consider yourself an expert in matters of the EU I think you need a bit of education.

Labour gained power in Feb 1974 when the Cons (led by Edward Heath) lost their majority and failed to gain support from the liberals to continue in office. Another election was held in October 1974 and Labour got a very slim 3 seat majority.

Labour was not happy with the terms that Heath had negotiated for joining the EU back in 1973 and after some renegotiation held a referendum in June 1975 where 67% voted to remain.

By 1977 the 3 seat majority had disappeared thanks to by election losses and Jim Callahan formed the Lib/Lab pact to keep the government in power.

So basically you were wrong on several counts

  1. in 1976 Labour was in power
  2. there was no Conservative/Liberal pact
  3. and even if you simply got your parties wrong the labour/liberal pact did not happen for a further year.

I was talking about who supported us originally entering the (then) EEC in 1973, and yes, the Labour party (forming the largest group in the government) in 1976 wanted to leave.

Please show me exactly when I said there was a Con-Lib pact or coalition government of them. I never mentioned any General Election. I merely stated they were of the same mind as regards joining and staying in the EEC and hence on the 'Remain' side during the 1976 referendum.

And for someone (wrongly) moaning about facts, the EU wasn't in existence back then - it was the EEC.

Stop trying to gaslight me - you're better than that.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Again, you throw stuff by Tim Pool at us as if it was some sort of conclusive proof.

Your post it seems is largely a campaign speech for Trump. Even the phrase "sleepy creepy Joe" is straight out of Trump's vocabulary. Throw in a predictable reference to "the mainly left wing MSM" and OMB.

Confident prophecies like "Trump is going to make mincemeat of him in the debates" sound like a the words of a WWE superstar before he makes an idiot of himself.

Even the idea that Trump can gather together a coherent argument in a debate seems pure fantasy to me.

You seem totally in thrall to the whole Trump mind-set - the jargon, the dubious assertions etc. How very typical of the American right wing. How vacuous.

Ah, the childish insults without factual information (I bet you didn't even watch Tim's videos, did you?). I wondered when it would come to that. About the same level of 'debating' I get from Momentum trolls on newspaper comments sections.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

To revert to topic, a 'polemical new book' is reviewed in today's Times (Review section) about the performance of the current US president. It's written by a professor of international politics and writer for the Washington Post, entitled The Toddler in Chief, and reviewed by Justin Webb. I suggest (almost) everyone adding to this thread might enjoy the review, which ends (I paraphrase a little) -

If Americans decide to re-elect Trump, then they, not he, would be proved to have been infantilised. The thought occurs, though: might they want to keep him in office for fear of what he might do if he loses ?

Worth a read perhaps ....

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

To revert to topic, a 'polemical new book' is reviewed in today's Times (Review section) about the performance of the current US president. It's written by a professor of international politics and writer for the Washington Post, entitled The Toddler in Chief, and reviewed by Justin Webb. I suggest (almost) everyone adding to this thread might enjoy the review, which ends (I paraphrase a little) -

If Americans decide to re-elect Trump, then they, not he, would be proved to have been infantilised. The thought occurs, though: might they want to keep him in office for fear of what he might do if he loses ?

Worth a read perhaps ....

The Washington Post - that bastion of non-partisan politics, along with the New York Times, CNN and MSNBC.

How about this developing story then...

(and yes, it's a valid link, just the shortened YT version direct from the video's 'Share' tab)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Brit_in_Germany

Fox News, that bsstion of truth.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< The Washington Post - that bastion of non-partisan politics, along with the New York Times, CNN and MSNBC. >>

Well well, what a surprise - something appears I disagree with, must be more fake news. Very like Trump, the expected knee-jerk reaction.

I doubt there is a truly non-partisan source of news - it's just that you always assume that differing opinions from yours have to be partisan.

Edited by Andrew-T on 09/05/2020 at 13:43

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"How about this developing story then..."

And yet another link to Tim Pool. Whom we are supposed to trust more than "MSM".


Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

From the Irish Times

April 25, 2020
By Fintan O’Toole


Over more than two centuries, the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger. But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the US until now: pity.

However bad things are for most other rich democracies, it is hard not to feel sorry for Americans. Most of them did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016. Yet they are locked down with a malignant narcissist who, instead of protecting his people from Covid-19, has amplified its lethality. The country Trump promised to make great again has never in its history seemed so pitiful.

Will American prestige ever recover from this shameful episode? The US went into the coronavirus crisis with immense advantages: precious weeks of warning about what was coming, the world’s best concentration of medical and scientific expertise, effectively limitless financial resources, a military complex with stunning logistical capacity and most of the world’s leading technology corporations. Yet it managed to make itself the global epicentre of the pandemic.

As the American writer George Packer puts it in the current edition of the Atlantic, “The United States reacted ... like Pakistan or Belarus – like a country with shoddy infrastructure and a dysfunctional government whose leaders were too corrupt or stupid to head off mass suffering.”

It is one thing to be powerless in the face of a natural disaster, quite another to watch vast power being squandered in real time – wilfully, malevolently, vindictively. It is one thing for governments to fail (as, in one degree or another, most governments did), quite another to watch a ruler and his supporters actively spread a deadly virus. Trump, his party and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News became vectors of the pestilence.

The grotesque spectacle of the president openly inciting people (some of them armed) to take to the streets to oppose the restrictions that save lives is the manifestation of a political death wish. What are supposed to be daily briefings on the crisis, demonstrative of national unity in the face of a shared challenge, have been used by Trump merely to sow confusion and division. They provide a recurring horror show in which all the neuroses that haunt the American subconscious dance naked on live TV.

If the plague is a test, its ruling political nexus ensured that the US would fail it at a terrible cost in human lives. In the process, the idea of the US as the world’s leading nation – an idea that has shaped the past century – has all but evaporated.

Other than the Trump impersonator Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, who is now looking to the US as the exemplar of anything other than what not to do? How many people in Düsseldorf or Dublin are wishing they lived in Detroit or Dallas?

It is hard to remember now but, even in 2017, when Trump took office, the conventional wisdom in the US was that the Republican Party and the broader framework of US political institutions would prevent him from doing too much damage. This was always a delusion, but the pandemic has exposed it in the most savage ways.

Abject surrender
What used to be called mainstream conservatism has not absorbed Trump – he has absorbed it. Almost the entire right-wing half of American politics has surrendered abjectly to him. It has sacrificed on the altar of wanton stupidity the most basic ideas of responsibility, care and even safety.

Thus, even at the very end of March, 15 Republican governors had failed to order people to stay at home or to close non-essential businesses. In Alabama, for example, it was not until April 3rd that governor Kay Ivey finally issued a stay-at-home order.

In Florida, the state with the highest concentration of elderly people with underlying conditions, governor Ron DeSantis, a Trump mini-me, kept the beach resorts open to students travelling from all over the US for spring break parties. Even on April 1st, when he issued restrictions, DeSantis exempted religious services and “recreational activities”.

Georgia governor Brian Kemp, when he finally issued a stay-at-home order on April 1st, explained: “We didn’t know that [the virus can be spread by people without symptoms] until the last 24 hours.”

This is not mere ignorance – it is deliberate and homicidal stupidity. There is, as the demonstrations this week in US cities have shown, plenty of political mileage in denying the reality of the pandemic. It is fuelled by Fox News and far-right internet sites, and it reaps for these politicians millions of dollars in donations, mostly (in an ugly irony) from older people who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus.

It draws on a concoction of conspiracy theories, hatred of science, paranoia about the “deep state” and religious providentialism (God will protect the good folks) that is now very deeply infused in the mindset of the American right.

Trump embodies and enacts this mindset, but he did not invent it. The US response to the coronavirus crisis has been paralysed by a contradiction that the Republicans have inserted into the heart of US democracy. On the one hand, they want to control all the levers of governmental power. On the other they have created a popular base by playing on the notion that government is innately evil and must not be trusted.

The contradiction was made manifest in two of Trump’s statements on the pandemic: on the one hand that he has “total authority”, and on the other that “I don’t take responsibility at all”. Caught between authoritarian and anarchic impulses, he is incapable of coherence.

Fertile ground
But this is not just Donald Trump. The crisis has shown definitively that Trump’s presidency is not an aberration. It has grown on soil long prepared to receive it. The monstrous blossoming of misrule has structure and purpose and strategy behind it.

There are very powerful interests who demand “freedom” in order to do as they like with the environment, society and the economy. They have infused a very large part of American culture with the belief that “freedom” is literally more important than life. My freedom to own assault weapons trumps your right not to get shot at school. Now, my freedom to go to the barber (“I Need a Haircut” read one banner this week in St Paul, Minnesota) trumps your need to avoid infection.

Usually when this kind of outlandish idiocy is displaying itself, there is the comforting thought that, if things were really serious, it would all stop. People would sober up. Instead, a large part of the US has hit the bottle even harder.

And the president, his party and their media allies keep supplying the drinks. There has been no moment of truth, no shock of realisation that the antics have to end. No one of any substance on the US right has stepped in to say: get a grip, people are dying here.

That is the mark of how deep the trouble is for the US – it is not just that Trump has treated the crisis merely as a way to feed tribal hatreds but that this behaviour has become normalised. When the freak show is live on TV every evening, and the star is boasting about his ratings, it is not really a freak show any more. For a very large and solid bloc of Americans, it is reality.

And this will get worse before it gets better. Trump has at least eight more months in power. In his inaugural address in 2017, he evoked “American carnage” and promised to make it stop. But now that the real carnage has arrived, he is revelling in it. He is in his element.

As things get worse, he will pump more hatred and falsehood, more death-wish defiance of reason and decency, into the groundwater. If a new administration succeeds him in 2021, it will have to clean up the toxic dump he leaves behind. If he is re-elected, toxicity will have become the lifeblood of American politics.

Either way, it will be a long time before the rest of the world can imagine America being great again.


O'Toole's views are worth at least as much as the other stuff referred to in this thread.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

Please show me exactly when I said there was a Con-Lib pact or coalition government of them.

You said in your post made Friday 8th May at 13.48

"The difference was that in 1976 the government (notionally Tory) and Liberals"

I rest my case on that one since I have clearly posted the dates when the Conservatives and Labour were in power and in 1976 it was Labour with no support form any other party.

And for someone (wrongly) moaning about facts, the EU wasn't in existence back then - it was the EEC.

I call it the EU because some of the younger forum members might not be aware that what we call the EU today was the EEC and before that the Common Market.

Regarding the post above

From the Irish Times

April 25, 2020
By Fintan O’Toole

an excellent piece of journalism.

But lets not forget that Boris and his mates are guilty of exactly the same errors. They kept telling us we were 2 weeks behind Italy and did nothing until the brown do do hit the fan when the number of cases shot up. Myself and the Mrs were stunned when football matches with packed crowds were allowed to carry on, we said at the time play them behind closed doors but it was clear after the event even that would have been pointless with people already infected in the back rooms etc.

Hindsight is a wondrous thing but Donald and Boris both had the benefit of seeing what had happened elsewhere and both buried their heads in the sand.

Boris will no doubt blame his advisers but since Donald either sacks or ignores his who can he blame.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< But let's not forget that Boris and his mates are guilty of exactly the same errors. They kept telling us we were 2 weeks behind Italy and did nothing until the brown do do hit the fan when the number of cases shot up. >>

So let's imagine the opposite scenario - immediate panic stations, complete precautions, and then nothing happens. We would be on here moaning about a police state and storms in teacups. The decision makers are on a hiding to nothing, while those of us with axes to grind and 20:20 hindsight have nothing to lose.

But - deliberately or not - Trump imagined, or told the nation to imagine, that it couldn't happen in the big US of A.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

So let's imagine the opposite scenario - immediate panic stations, complete precautions, and then nothing happens.

It was clear to me what was happening in Italy, Spain and France and it was also clear from graphs in the press (but I suppose they could have been fake news) that the graphs looked very similar with the UK just 2 weeks behind. We may be an island but since nothing was being done to prevent the spread of the virus into and around the UK it was inevitable that it could only get worse, far worse as it tuns out.

But surely only an idiot (Trump is a perfect example) could say that attempting to save lives is a bad thing. And in a pandemic only an idiot would start moaning about police states etc.

The whole VE day celebrations puts this into perspective. Between 1939 and 1945 60,000 civilians were killed in the UK. Between February and May 2020 over 30,000 citizens have been killed by covid.

Trump is without doubt dangerous but Boris and friends were negligent at best.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< But surely only an idiot (Trump is a perfect example) could say that attempting to save lives is a bad thing. And in a pandemic only an idiot would start moaning about police states etc. >>

I would accept a modification of your statement: that attempting to save lives to the exclusion of everything else, is a bad thing. And some people will moan about absolutely anything that irks them - whether that defines them as idiots, I don't know.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Maybe we should stay inside and live off the magic money tree until a vaccine is found.

Fair enought about my words earlier - I meant to say that the government when we went in was notionally Tory (as Ted Health was barely one, as subsequent years proved), i.e 1973 - I mixed up the dates as I was also referring to the referendum, which was held in 1975.

I would hope that 'younger members' would have learned 'something' about the history of the EU/EC/EEC/Common Market/previous incarnations to relaise what the EEC was.

'The Irish Times'. Wow. Not one UK news outlet you could refer to. And given your previous comments, forgive me for not putting that much stock in your very selective quotations.

Funny how you and yours selectively use stats to make out that the UK (and by implcation, the PM/Tories) are 'the worst' - just like those biased so-called journalists from the BBC, CH4 News, Sky News and the left wing media generally. On a per capita basis, we're actually doing not as bad as Spain, Italy and France, and the US is doing nowhere near as badly.

However you cannot solely base the analysis on a) where we are now and b) just a per capita basis. There are many factors that have made the situation different in every country, but then when have such things (like facts) got in the way of a leftist wanting to trash a conservative politician or government.

I also don't ever recall anyone on the left (politicans or otherwise) having some igenious 'plan' for the UK, both well before the panedmic begun or since, apart from staying at home and doing nothing until a vaccine comes along, which, given the (lack of) success in developing ANY significant one for that family of virus before, is nowhere near a certainty.

'More socialism' (making the current siutaion permanent) and state surveillance is not the answer, nor are trade unions wanting unachieveable 'safety precautions' the way to go so they can be paid 100% state salaries for doing nothing (including school teachers refusing to teach online for fautous reasons).

You see - you cannot at the same time say the Swedish model and that of South Korea is the way to go, especially as we're only a couple of months into the pandemic coming up to the summer, when those previously heavily locked down, suppressing the virus will inevitably have to re-open their borders to a significant degree to keep their economies alive, meaning infections there will go up, and because few have caught the virus (and thus have some immunity), far more will be susceptible.

On the other side, the Swedish model was not proven (by the science) when they went their own way, meaning there still are unknowns still to be uncovered. Funny how I don't see you lot going after the French, Italian or Spanish governments (all leftists or centre left) for their response, and yet all three have suffered similar death rates to use.

The Left hasn't found a way out of all this. At least the political Right is trying to come up with solutions to the problems, including the significant and numerous failures of the civil service in the management of the pandemic.

You talk about 'hindsight', but us being a couple of weeks behind at the start made almost zero difference, given that any sort of pattern took at least a month to emerge, and even then it obviously wasn't clear. IMHO, most governments (including their experts) have been 'winging it' because, especially in the West, they thought that a flu pandemic was 'the one' and planned for that.

I personally believe you appear to spend a great deal of your time thinking of ways to bash the Tories/the PM and Trump, presumably because you can think of nothing better to do. Why not use your intelligence to come up with some creative ways of resolving genuine problems (spending more money and 'getting a grip' aren't, BTW), given that politicians have very little power in reality, especially in the UK, to manage tasks and sack/replace incompetent civil servants (other than their permanent secretary, and even then only via the Cabinet Secretary).

Your criticism of the Tories and Trump is actually a backhanded one of the civil servants who carry out the policies. Ministers and presidents don't specifically say how every underling is supposed to do their job, otherwise why have middle/upper civil service management?

The problem is that they've done such a bad job, politicised their 'profession' and made it so unattractive for the genuine 'best and brightest' (who 95%+ of the time go into the private sector) that all that is left are mainly the useless from the start, yesterday's men/women, political sychophants and private sector failures who are good at self-promotion and concealing their failures.

Why would anyone working in the pricate sector want to work in that environment? I've personally worked (on projects) alongside many such types, and a few good ones, who often left the civil service because they were fed up at how it was run (by other senior civil servants and the unions).

Yes, the politicians will have to share some of the blame in all this but frnakly they are way down the list of responsibility:

1. The Chinese government (more evidence of their incompetence in lab security and their subsequnt cover up and lies come in on a daily basis);

2. The WHO (doing the bidding of the Chinese);

3. Our incompetent civil service management (including planning), from top to bottom;

4. The media, who have made the situation far worse by lying, scaremongering, doing unwarranted hit pieces and granstanding for, what, click, £££, political points-scoring, notariety in the business, touing for their next job, all of the above;

5. Politicians. Note I don't just include government ones, given Starmer's 'promise' of 'constructive criticism lasted less than one day, the Nats and Welsh Labour (funny how no-one on the Left criticises them , given things are, in many ways, worse than in the rest of the UK (aside London [where's the heavy and deserved critism of Citizen Khan?] and other long time Labour areas) despite them having a lower population density, less international travel into their nations and greater spending per capita (thanks to the generous English).

I can just imagine the response if this was during WWII and those currently moaning, leaking and lying had done the same back then. We would've lost.

Stop screeching about Trump, Boris and Brexit all day and do something more productive. Everyone else is.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< 'The Irish Times'. Wow. Not one UK news outlet you could refer to. And given your previous comments, forgive me for not putting that much stock in your very selective quotations. >>

Why belittle the Irish Times ? It's a respectable newspaper from a neighbouring English-speaking nation. And on what basis belittle almost anyone with a different opinion as being a 'leftist' ? Most of your posts describe in great detail why nearly everyone else is doing a lousy job, which (almost by implication) you know how to do a lot better. If they were unelected, that's a no-no; and if they were elected it was not usually with the intention of dealing with a novel pandemic, so they shouldn't be judged too harshly for that.

You've finally got the Right government with a solid majority that you asked for, so let's have less grumbling about leftists, as they can't take much blame for what is happening.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - nick62


That rambling post smacks of someone trying to justify to themselves that they were right to vote for the incumbent government (and by default, this charlatan of a PM).

This country has got the government it deserves, I'm just glad that I'm not hard-up enough to struggle as bad as many whilst this "lot" are in power.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

A pity your quote was just an opinion piece and contained zero facts of note. It could've saved you several minutes worth of typing. Who next - Rachel Maddow? I note nobody from your side has refuted any of the reports I referred to, including everything that has now said the Russiagate stuff was all made up rubbish. MSNBC had the gall yesterday to say that all this was becuase Putin asked for it.

Now who wears the tinfoil hats?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

Stay Alert, guys.

Your country needs lerts.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

Stay Alert, guys. Your country needs lerts.

Yes, I remember that one too. But it works better following BE ALERT, does it not ?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

Stay Alert, guys. Your country needs lerts.

Yes, I remember that one too. But it works better following BE ALERT, does it not ?

Once a lert, always a lert?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

I note nobody from your side has refuted any of the reports I referred to, ...

That may mean one of two things: EA can gleefully assume that all his points are irrefutable, while the rest of us will know that most of them are too daft to be worth arguing about. Everyone is happy. :-)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

I note nobody from your side has refuted any of the reports I referred to, ...

That may mean one of two things: EA can gleefully assume that all his points are irrefutable, while the rest of us will know that most of them are too daft to be worth arguing about. Everyone is happy. :-)

Err, no - all that means is that you are increasingly resorting to hyperbole and personal opinion rather than facts, and when faced with some that refute your side's arguments and validate my side's, you either go 'I see no ships' or trash the sources, despite then showing factual proof.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Err, no - all that means is that you are increasingly resorting to hyperbole and personal opinion rather than facts,



Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

I note nobody from your side has refuted any of the reports I referred to, ...

That may mean one of two things: EA can gleefully assume that all his points are irrefutable, while the rest of us will know that most of them are too daft to be worth arguing about. Everyone is happy. :-)

Err, no - all that means is that you are increasingly resorting to hyperbole and personal opinion rather than facts, and when faced with some that refute your side's arguments and validate my side's, you either go 'I see no ships' or trash the sources, despite then showing factual proof.

You don't see the irony in your own post do you? LOL

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

I note nobody from your side has refuted any of the reports I referred to, ...

That may mean one of two things: EA can gleefully assume that all his points are irrefutable, while the rest of us will know that most of them are too daft to be worth arguing about. Everyone is happy. :-)

Err, no - all that means is that you are increasingly resorting to hyperbole and personal opinion rather than facts, and when faced with some that refute your side's arguments and validate my side's, you either go 'I see no ships' or trash the sources, despite then showing factual proof.

You don't see the irony in your own post do you? LOL

I'm not the one living and seemingly commenting in a bubble, and how is refuting arguments with facts ironic? Unlike many on the Left, I actually read articles and opinion pieces of people I disagree with. I also never just take the word of my main news sources as gospel, unlike some here. The only place I use tin foil is on baking trays.

Sounds like this 'discussion' has run its course, given whatever facts emerge, those running the narrative ofthe OP won't ever change their mind.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

I note nobody from your side has refuted any of the reports I referred to, ...

That may mean one of two things: EA can gleefully assume that all his points are irrefutable, while the rest of us will know that most of them are too daft to be worth arguing about. Everyone is happy. :-)

Err, no - all that means is that you are increasingly resorting to hyperbole and personal opinion rather than facts, and when faced with some that refute your side's arguments and validate my side's, you either go 'I see no ships' or trash the sources, despite then showing factual proof.

You don't see the irony in your own post do you? LOL

I'm not the one living and seemingly commenting in a bubble, and how is refuting arguments with facts ironic? Unlike many on the Left, I actually read articles and opinion pieces of people I disagree with. I also never just take the word of my main news sources as gospel, unlike some here. The only place I use tin foil is on baking trays.

Sounds like this 'discussion' has run its course, given whatever facts emerge, those running the narrative ofthe OP won't ever change their mind.

Still waiting for you to let us know about the progress on the wall. You keep failing to and have ignored it.

All you do is ramble on, quote Tim Pool, tell people that they don't read anything, and call people funny names - not sure you ever want a discussion?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Still waiting for you to let us know about the progress on the wall. You keep failing to and have ignored it.

All you do is ramble on, quote Tim Pool, tell people that they don't read anything, and call people funny names - not sure you ever want a discussion?

I've largely given up trying to debate with Andy for same reasons.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Brit_in_Germany

Have we had "discombobulator" yet?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Sounds like this 'discussion' has run its course, >>

I think that happened several days ago ....

<< given whatever facts emerge, those running the narrative of the OP won't ever change their mind. >>

My impression is that Andy's mind is made up at least as firmly as anyone else's, but he is disappointed (to use no stronger word) having failed to persuade us all to like Trump, who continues to act idiotically in front of camera. Those performances have not been filtered by biased journalism, though they may possibly have got undue prominence.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

My impression is that Andy's mind is made up at least as firmly as anyone else's, but he is disappointed (to use no stronger word) having failed to persuade us all to like Trump, who continues to act idiotically in front of camera. Those performances have not been filtered by biased journalism, though they may possibly have got undue prominence.

His performance the other day with a journalist who had the audacity to ask him a serious question was a case in point.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

My impression is that Andy's mind is made up at least as firmly as anyone else's, but he is disappointed (to use no stronger word) having failed to persuade us all to like Trump, who continues to act idiotically in front of camera. Those performances have not been filtered by biased journalism, though they may possibly have got undue prominence.

His performance the other day with a journalist who had the audacity to ask him a serious question was a case in point.

'A serious question'? You've got to be kidding me...

Get a life. There's more to it than repeating 'Orange Man Bad' all day. I note that note one of you dare criticise Winnie the Pooh, presumably because either you fear what he might do to you, or you agree with his actions. Trump is bombastic on TV. Xi is a danger to the entire world. Get your priorities right.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

'A serious question'? You've got to be kidding me...

Get a life. There's more to it than repeating 'Orange Man Bad' all day. I note that note one of you dare criticise Winnie the Pooh, presumably because either you fear what he might do to you, or you agree with his actions. Trump is bombastic on TV. Xi is a danger to the entire world. Get your priorities right.

China is dangerous, very dangerous (and Pooh by association). So is Putin for that matter.

Boris is a grade A weapon too.

Anyone else you feel we haven't covered?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< 'A serious question'? You've got to be kidding me... Get a life. There's more to it than repeating 'Orange Man Bad' all day. >>

The seriousness of the question is a minor point not worthy of discussion. How Trump responded to it is what matters.

I can only recall your good self referring to Orange Man Bad - I certainly haven't. And finally, my life is perfectly fine, I don't need to get another.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

'A serious question'? You've got to be kidding me...

Get a life. There's more to it than repeating 'Orange Man Bad' all day. I note that note one of you dare criticise Winnie the Pooh, presumably because either you fear what he might do to you, or you agree with his actions. Trump is bombastic on TV. Xi is a danger to the entire world. Get your priorities right.

Only you have called Orange Man Bad - you like to give people names - why is that? Also pretty sure calling a Chinese person 'Whinnie the Pooh' is pretty racist - and should be well beneath you.

Also I don't see that anyone has stuck up for the Chinese President? Why have you made that up?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Err, no - all that means is that you are increasingly resorting to hyperbole and personal opinion rather than facts, and when faced with some that refute your side's arguments and validate my side's, you either go 'I see no ships' or trash the sources, despite then showing factual proof. >>

That almost amounts to an insult, Andy. I don't think you can recognise hyperbole if it hit you between the eyes, and I try to avoid it. You have successfully refuted nothing in this whole discussion, though there has been a lot of denial and a hefty seasoning of unfounded accusations about others' assumed political leanings, all based on their differences from your own. It's interesting that you talk about 'sides', imitating how many Americans view their elections, rather like a Cup Final.

'Factual proof' - don't make me laugh any louder. it may hurt. You have all the Facts, everyone else just has misguided opinions.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"'The Irish Times'. Wow. Not one UK news outlet you could refer to. And given your previous comments, forgive me for not putting that much stock in your very selective quotations."

Given that your darling Tim Pool is American, I'm not sure what point you're attempting to make here.

"Funny how you and yours selectively use stats to make out that the UK (and by implcation, the PM/Tories) are 'the worst' ..."

You've lost me there. I've said nothing of the sort. I imagine in your head you've done a little side-step and now "you and yours" refers to anyone who opposes your views. As I've noted before, it's stereotypical (and lazy) thinking.

Most of the rest of your post of Sun 10 May 2020 14:24 is just the usual rambling opinionated stuff.

However - "I personally believe you appear to spend a great deal of your time thinking of ways to bash the Tories/the PM and Trump, presumably because you can think of nothing better to do" is an especially ridiculous statement. Bearing in mind I have not "bashed the Tories" (but perhaps you're just referring to "you and yours" as per my point above), the reason I seem to be bashing Trump is because you keep coming up with ridiculous ways of endorsing him.

It offends my sense of justice and morality that anyone is prepared to put forward vacuous justifications for this appalling individual and escape being held to account.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Zippy123
I never understood why the far right use the confederate and Nazi flags. We beat them 2/0!

I also hear that after protesting their right to go the the hairdressers and sod anyone else’s health, drink drivers are now thinking of protesting as well as it’s their right to be on the road and anyone who gets run over or killed had it coming to them for being commies that couldn’t afford a stronger car!
Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"My impression is that Andy's mind is made up at least as firmly as anyone else's, but he is disappointed (to use no stronger word) having failed to persuade us all to like Trump, who continues to act idiotically in front of camera. Those performances have not been filtered by biased journalism, though they may possibly have got undue prominence.His performance the other day with a journalist who had the audacity to ask him a serious question was a case in point.

'A serious question'? You've got to be kidding me...

Get a life. There's more to it than repeating 'Orange Man Bad' all day. I note that note one of you dare criticise Winnie the Pooh, presumably because either you fear what he might do to you, or you agree with his actions. Trump is bombastic on TV. Xi is a danger to the entire world. Get your priorities right."


I'm afraid this perfectly illustrates your apparent inability to have a proper discussion. Or is it that you're desperately trying (and failing) to defend the indefensible? Someone suggests Trump's behaviour in press conferences is idiotic when asked a question by a journalist. You don't deal with that - you deflect the point by attacking the journalist. Whatever the journalist asked, that is not the issue, which was Trump's reaction.

You also love to shelter behind the clichés of the right: "Orange Man Bad" and now "Winnie the Pooh". Presumably you hope to add a little bit of nastiness to colour people's perception of who you're talking about.

"Trump is bombastic on TV. Xi is a danger to the entire world. Get your priorities right." "Bombastic" is not the correct word - you're trying to reduce Trump's egregious behaviour to something trivial. A lot of this thread has tried to point out to you that Trump has far more serious faults than that. And by accusing those who have criticised Trump for what he is and you for supporting him of not attacking Xi Jinping you are again trying to avoid the point.

Edited by FP on 13/05/2020 at 18:52

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Avant

"Sounds like this 'discussion' has run its course...." (Engineer Andy, above)

Amen to that.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

Today's revelations about the departing activities of the Democrats must increase the likelihood of Trump coming back in November, more's the pity. But I guess backroom shenanigans must be part & parcel of most politics, so no-one should be too surprised.

My B-in-L is married to an American and my wife has some transatlantic 'penpals', all of whom consider Trump to be a national embarrassment.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy


Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP


Another example of an empty right-wing slogan and if it's meant to be a contribution to this debate it must be the most useless so far.

"My B-in-L is married to an American and my wife has some transatlantic 'penpals', all of whom consider Trump to be a national embarrassment."

I'm very wary of stereotypes. However, the American wife of a friend of mine (who has lived in the UK for a number of years) once told me that I would probably find many Americans very naive.

I contribute to TripAdvisor from time to time and a group of TA regulars met in a London pub a few months ago for a lively lunch. The bulk of us were Americans, from various parts, but united in enthusiasm for the UK. Inevitably the conversation turned to Trump. I was prepared to avoid saying what I really felt, to save their feelings. However, one guy covered his face and said something to the effect that Trump made him embarrassed to be American. The rest agreed.

Clearly these examples are statistically irrelevant, but on the way home I reflected on how divided against itself and how isolated from the rest of the world America has become. While that may have been true for some while now, there is no doubt it has become more marked since Trump has been in the White House. And I think that was the first time I actually felt pity for America.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

.... on the way home I reflected on how divided against itself and how isolated from the rest of the world America has become. While that may have been true for some while now, there is no doubt it has become more marked since Trump has been in the White House.

I think it may have 'been divided' for quite a while, and isolated from the rest of the world too, partly because it is bounded by large oceans and populated mostly by the descendants of people who moved there to escape their homelands. It was divided in the Civil War in the 1860s which maybe left scars, and it is enormous, which may stifle any wish to know much about other countries. Many, maybe most, Americans have no passports.

GW Bush reputedly had a very sketchy knowledge of world geography, which was rather a disadvantage regarding Middle East problems in which he had an interest. What's more, America largely missed out on the 19th-century European colonisation spree, perhaps because they had unpleasant memories of having been a colony :-)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

.... on the way home I reflected on how divided against itself and how isolated from the rest of the world America has become. While that may have been true for some while now, there is no doubt it has become more marked since Trump has been in the White House.

I think it may have 'been divided' for quite a while, and isolated from the rest of the world too...

I have this nagging feeling that there is another country attempting this. Dashed if I can remember the name of it though.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302


This is a good example showing your lack of willingness to debate anything - you just like to throw-out a rubbish soundbite and move on.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

I think people have missed EA's enjoyment of winding up some site users .

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

I think people have missed EA's enjoyment of winding up some site users .

No, he's not wound anyone up - he's just failed to convince people of his views and he does not like it so he just spouts out a load of nonsense instead.

Losing a discussion and then 'pretending' to wind people up sounds something like Donald Trump would do...

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

I think people have missed EA's enjoyment of winding up some site users .

I did wonder if EA was carrying on a wind-up, but I decided he is a sane person with some divergent views which he likes to pursue vigorously. That is how he seems to me from his posts on other threads, anyway. :-)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut


Can anybody articulate what Obamagate actually is? It's certainly beyond the capacity of the 'Bad Orange Man' to explain it.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 15/05/2020 at 09:26

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

"Can anybody articulate what Obamagate actually is?"

As I understand it, the term, capitalised and including hashtag and exclamation mark, first appeared in one of Trump's many tweets at the weekend, thus:


The (unproven) story is that Obama, along with Biden and others, planted the claim that Trump was colluding with Russia to win the 2016 election. Trump's opponents then used this as a justification to frame some of Trump's circle - including, after investigation, Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. The decision by the US Justice Department to drop perjury charges against Flynn was based on the dodgy logic that, as the investigation relied on a falsehood, Flynn's guilty plea should be ignored.

Clearly this is a kick-back against the move to impeach Trump and some form of retaliation was expected. The irony of the narrative seems to escape Trump and his supporters, who maintain the Russia collusion was untrue; nonetheless, this "Obamagate" story relies on rather less evidence than underpinned the impeachment charges.

All in all, it's a classic Trumpian diversion tactic designed to focus his supporters' attention on the supposed evil of his opponents, much as Hillary Clinton was villified before. In addition, Obama has recently made stinging criticisms of Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis - probably unwisely, as it plays into Trump's hands, which although they may be tiny, are adept at manufacturing lies and half-truths.

Edited by FP on 15/05/2020 at 11:58

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet

worth a read, assuming you have an open mind, if you haven't don't bother

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

worth a read, assuming you have an open mind, if you haven't don't bother

Those ad hominem arguments about the way he looked and carried himself are pretty objective, aren't they?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

worth a read, assuming you have an open mind, if you haven't don't bother

I read it with an open mind and rapidly dismissed it.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 15/05/2020 at 18:03

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - madf

worth a read, assuming you have an open mind, if you haven't don't bother

I read it with an open mind and rapidly dismissed it.

It was a long load of biased moaning which was apparently written by someone harbouring a lot of grudges..

"A time to hate"...Yeah a great way to run the country.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< It was a long load of biased moaning which was apparently written by someone harbouring a lot of grudges..

"A time to hate"...Yeah a great way to run the country. >>

You have to allow for three things: (1) he's a lawyer, (2) he's Jewish, and (3) he's from California. Most important of all, he's a Jewish American lawyer. A very special kind of person.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet

<< It was a long load of biased moaning which was apparently written by someone harbouring a lot of grudges..

"A time to hate"...Yeah a great way to run the country. >>

You have to allow for three things: (1) he's a lawyer, (2) he's Jewish, and (3) he's from California. Most important of all, he's a Jewish American lawyer. A very special kind of person.

And you're the one disappointed in me? 2.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< And you're the one disappointed in me? >>

Kindly point out anything offensive in my earlier post. If anything can be read into it, it might just be complimentary. As I think is your habit, you read much more into anything you see than it contains. I was looking for possible reasons for the views in the Spectator article.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet

<< And you're the one disappointed in me? >>

Kindly point out anything offensive in my earlier post. If anything can be read into it, it might just be complimentary. As I think is your habit, you read much more into anything you see than it contains. I was looking for possible reasons for the views in the Spectator article.

Allowing Luke to convey this better than i ever shall

''Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye?''

I am not in the least offended by your post, though its interesting you comment that A he's Jewish, B a Lawyer, and worse still apparently a combination of the two and hailing from California to boot whatever any of that was supposed to mean.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

GB, I was only emphasising three points made clear in the article, which may explain the attitudes expressed in it. That character combination does not make up a typical man in the street, even an American street.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

<< It was a long load of biased moaning which was apparently written by someone harbouring a lot of grudges..

"A time to hate"...Yeah a great way to run the country. >>

You have to allow for three things: (1) he's a lawyer, (2) he's Jewish, and (3) he's from California. Most important of all, he's a Jewish American lawyer. A very special kind of person.

What's being Jewish got to do with anything? Sounds very Corbynesque/Livingstonesque in implication. Seems like the Left still has a 'Jewish problem' even though Old Cob has departed the scene.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< What's being Jewish got to do with anything? Sounds very Corbynesque/ Livingstonesque in implication. >>

Stop being perverse and provocative, Andy. Much of the linked article revolved about being a rabbi. And you may infer what you like - in my case you are barking ..... up the wrong tree.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Stop being perverse and provocative, Andy. Much of the linked article revolved about being a rabbi. And you may infer what you like - in my case you are barking ..... up the wrong tree.

The biographical footnote tells us quite a lot about the author's position on Zionism and on Middle East politics.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Stop being perverse and provocative, Andy. Much of the linked article revolved about being a rabbi. And you may infer what you like - in my case you are barking ..... up the wrong tree.

The biographical footnote tells us quite a lot about the author's position on Zionism and on Middle East politics.

IMHO, that you and Andrew-T brought it up in the first place says about yours. Playing the man, not the ball.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

IMHO, that you and Andrew-T brought it up in the first place says about yours. Playing the man, not the ball.

I didn't bring it up, I responded after the writer's background was raised.

And as for man not ball then we're back in mote/beam territory.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

worth a read, assuming you have an open mind, if you haven't don't bother

What you mean is that if we aren't going to agree with it we should not bother reading it.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

What a load of biased bolox.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Worth a read as a counterpoint to the alt-right stuff.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet

Worth a read as a counterpoint to the alt-right stuff.

Pot kettle and black spring to mind, but otherwise what would be expected from the left.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Pot kettle and black spring to mind, but otherwise what would be expected from the left. >>

If that Spectator nonsense chimes with your own views, GB, you disappoint me. It's unadulterated invective - certainly not inviting any kind of balanced discussion.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Zippy123

<< Pot kettle and black spring to mind, but otherwise what would be expected from the left. >>

If that Spectator nonsense chimes with your own views, GB, you disappoint me. It's unadulterated invective - certainly not inviting any kind of balanced discussion.

Some of the comments after the piece are downright offensive.
Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

Worth a read as a counterpoint to the alt-right stuff.

Pot kettle and black spring to mind, but otherwise what would be expected from the left.

What you need is an open mind

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

Haha! He talks up his "super duper" missiles.

What an ass.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - madf

Haha! He talks up his "super duper" missiles.

What an ass.

"The United States would be defeated in a sea war with China and would struggle to stop an invasion of Taiwan, according to a series of “eye-opening” war games by the Pentagon."

Overwhelmed by huge numbers of Chinese short...(rather like WW2 where Germany had technical superiority but far fewer of the weapons like tanks, planes etc..)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Worth a read as a counterpoint to the alt-right stuff.

Pot kettle and black spring to mind, but otherwise what would be expected from the left.

What you need is an open mind

Oh, the irony of that statement from your good self.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Oh, the irony of that statement from your good self. >>

When might we expect to hear (read) 'My mind is more open than yours' Nya-nya-ni-nya-nya ... ?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Worth a read as a counterpoint to the alt-right stuff.

The Left on ObamaGate (despite actual hard evidence emerging): Nuffin' to see here. Move along! Move along!

The Left on Russiagate (despite no evidence emerging and Democrat-leaning investigators finding nothing and being implicated in being biased):

YouTube is great sometimes!

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

The Left on ObamaGate (despite actual hard evidence emerging): Nuffin' to see here. Move along! Move along!

Where might one find this hard evidence?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Zippy123
How sad it must be; believing that scientists, scholars, historians, economists and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, whilst a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your beacon of truth and honesty.
Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy
How sad it must be; believing that scientists, scholars, historians, economists and journalists have devoted their entire lives to deceiving you, whilst a reality TV star with decades of fraud and exhaustively documented lying is your beacon of truth and honesty.

Some scientists, scholars, historians, economists and journalists. You guys only see reality through your own ideological lens, which seemingly has a very limited angle of view.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T
Some scientists, scholars, historians, economists and journalists. You guys only see reality through your own ideological lens, which seemingly has a very limited angle of view.

Why are you convinced that your view of reality is so much better than everyone else's ? Especially given your distaste for any views from the 'Left' ? Perhaps your views don't count as an ideology ?


Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

The Left on ObamaGate (despite actual hard evidence emerging): Nuffin' to see here. Move along! Move along!

Where might one find this hard evidence?

Not in any of the media outlets you will only read or view, that's for sure (hence the meme video). Apparently they haven't even heard of the story, and still think that Putin bought the 2016 election.

Maybe they (and, it appears, many others) need to take their tin foil hats off, step out of their ideological bubbles into the real world and open their eyes for that's gonna happen (hence the second YT video I referred to).

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Not in any of the media outlets you will only read or view, that's for sure (hence the meme video). Apparently they haven't even heard of the story, and still think that Putin bought the 2016 election.

There seems to be a reasonable conclusion that Putin thought it was in Russia's interest to have Trump rather the Clinton win in 2016. There's evidence that bots run from Russia were in play during the election.

The question is whether or not it was a conspiracy to which Trump, his family and others in his circle were a party too.

I'm still curious about real evidence that Obamagate is anything other than 'a hashtag in search of a crisis'. I'm looking for rational, believable evidence not the 'it's true because I assert it to be' stuff we've seen so far from (eg) GB.

Maybe they (and, it appears, many others) need to take their tin foil hats off, step out of their ideological bubbles into the real world and open their eyes for that's gonna happen (hence the second YT video I referred to).

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - daveyjp

It appears by self medicating with a drug which has some serious side effects (assuming of course he is self medicating and not just continuing to make stuff up as he thinks about it) he is now only being a danger to himself.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

It appears by self medicating with a drug which has some serious side effects (assuming of course he is self medicating and not just continuing to make stuff up as he thinks about it) he is now only being a danger to himself.

...and yet the combo of the medicines he is using are now being used in trials in the UK on NHS staff. Yes, it's a risk (to him) doing this, but it's untimately his decision. Besides, he does have a vice President should he become ill. Now imagine if Joe Biden was in charge - God help us all. Half the time he doesn't know what day of the week it is, who he's talking to or what it's about, going off screen and mumbling into his phone.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver


Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Now imagine if Joe Biden was in charge - God help us all. Half the time he doesn't know what day of the week it is, who he's talking to or what it's about, going off screen and mumbling into his phone. >>

I am prepared to concede that DT may know what day of the week it is. I'm not sure how you are certain that JB doesn't. And I am also not sure that mumbling into a phone is a worse trait than issuing a stream of public Twitter messages mostly maligning people in positions of authority.

Your personal bias apparently in favour of DT shows poor judgment. I am glad not to be an American voter asked to choose either of them.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

It appears by self medicating with a drug which has some serious side effects (assuming of course he is self medicating and not just continuing to make stuff up as he thinks about it) he is now only being a danger to himself.

...and yet the combo of the medicines he is using are now being used in trials in the UK on NHS staff. Yes, it's a risk (to him) doing this, but it's untimately his decision.

It is up to him what he does personally but he does not need to tell anyone - being the US president he encourages other people to do it. Do you think someone with the responsibility and influence the president of the US has should be self medicating a drug which at the moment has no scientific basis for helping with CV19?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Not in any of the media outlets you will only read or view, that's for sure (hence the meme video). Apparently they haven't even heard of the story, >>

A possible explanation for your observation may be that reputable journalists try to confirm stories they hear before rushing to publish. Perhaps no confirmation was easily available.

That's my conspiracy theory anyhow.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

I know some will doubt this site but I use it to see if I can find out the truth:

The news on it, tends to be newsroom sourced so not too trustworthy (depending your viewpoint ;) ).

As it's American it does have a US slant but I still find it pretty useful.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< Maybe they (and, it appears, many others) need to take their tin foil hats off, step out of their ideological bubbles into the real world >>

I want to know more about these tinfoil hats we keep hearing about. Do I have to make one, or can I get one somewhere ?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

I like these:

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

An interesting piece in The Times the other day shed some light on DT's behaviour. Apparently when in his thirties he was 'mentored' by a lawyer named Cohn, who taught him how to win: never admit anything, never apologise, do anything and everything needed to win. I can certainly see these traits (which they have clearly become) in today's US president, in fact it is rather like standard Russian behaviour which we have become accustomed to, since Khrushchev and probably earlier. It does seem to force DT into rather a lot of U-turns.

I suppose it should stand him in good stead when meeting Putin or Xi. I wonder if either of those are regarded in the same way as we see DT .....

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

An interesting piece in The Times the other day shed some light on DT's behaviour. Apparently when in his thirties he was 'mentored' by a lawyer named Cohn, who taught him how to win: never admit anything, never apologise, do anything and everything needed to win. I can certainly see these traits (which they have clearly become) in today's US president, in fact it is rather like standard Russian behaviour which we have become accustomed to, since Khrushchev and probably earlier. It does seem to force DT into rather a lot of U-turns.

I suppose it should stand him in good stead when meeting Putin or Xi. I wonder if either of those are regarded in the same way as we see DT .....

Isn't that mentoring strategy that of any politician from the last 25 years?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - madf

The Left on ObamaGate (despite actual hard evidence emerging): Nuffin' to see here. Move along! Move along!

Where might one find this hard evidence?

And answer was there none.

People who claim things and then do not produce the evidence when challenged have no credibility...

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

It appears by self medicating with a drug which has some serious side effects (assuming of course he is self medicating and not just continuing to make stuff up as he thinks about it) he is now only being a danger to himself.

...and yet the combo of the medicines he is using are now being used in trials in the UK on NHS staff. Yes, it's a risk (to him) doing this, but it's untimately his decision.

One man (with a unique grasp of reality) taking a drug and a medically supervised trial are two very different things.

The NHS trial will ensure that participants are closely monitored and the doses administered will be strictly controlled.

There is nothing controlled with "the Donald" and that is a very dangerous for the rest of the world.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Joe-Alex

The man is a damned maniac. Not that Hilary would have been any different (IMO).

His suggestions regarding combating Covid-19 were the ramblings of a mad man.

I wouldn't say he is the most dangerous, but he is in the top 5 for sure.

In my opinion it goes like this:

1. Xi (China) - their entire government is psychotic.

2. Putin (Russia) - A megalomaniac who hates the west because why the hell not?

3. Kim Jung Un (N.Korea) - A psychopath with no concern for anyone or anything other than himself and his image.

4. Trump (North America) - I believe he's genuinely insane. Invented the insidious term 'fake news'.

5. ??? (Syria) - Murdering dictator but no risk to rest of the world.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

1. Xi (China) - their entire government is psychotic.

2. Putin (Russia) - A megalomaniac who hates the west because why the hell not?

3. Kim Jung Un (N.Korea) - A psychopath with no concern for anyone or anything other than himself and his image.

I suggest very few of us here can have a clear picture of what China is like inside. It appears to be a traditional but modernised communist society where everyone has to toe the line. Psychotic - I'm not sure.

Mr Kim disappeared for a while recently. Maybe he had a dose of Covid, and some believe he is clinically obese and may not last long.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Joe-Alex

1. Xi (China) - their entire government is psychotic.

2. Putin (Russia) - A megalomaniac who hates the west because why the hell not?

3. Kim Jung Un (N.Korea) - A psychopath with no concern for anyone or anything other than himself and his image.

I suggest very few of us here can have a clear picture of what China is like inside. It appears to be a traditional but modernised communist society where everyone has to toe the line. Psychotic - I'm not sure.

Mr Kim disappeared for a while recently. Maybe he had a dose of Covid, and some believe he is clinically obese and may not last long.

They have 'reeducation centers' for people who don't tow the party line in any way. They have a government created (or sanctioned) app which encourages its citizens to show how loyal they are to Xi and the communist party by reading and viewing content about him. The more they read/view, the more loyalty points they score (and it is mandatory for millions of government workers). He is literally creating a cult of personality around himself. It is practically Orwellian.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Joe-Alex


And just so you don't think I'm making this up:

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< And just so you don't think I'm making this up: >>

You're not making it up, you are quoting a piece in the NY Times. In my earlier post I wanted to suggest that we only see/hear a partial picture of what China is like for its citizens. We probably get the juiciest bits, for obvious reasons. So life in China may be worse, or just possibly a bit better, than our filtered view.

Those filters were applied to the recent virus outbreak, which is today's main topic for China-beating, along with Hong Kong of course. Your image of Xi's culture is much the same as that in N.Korea, and (maybe a bit less blatantly) in Putin's Russia. It is part of institutionalised communism, where (as Orwell famously said) all are equal but some much more equal than others.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

Seems that we should be including Boris's mate Dominic Cumming to the list of idiots/dangerous people.

What he has done is inexcusable and Boris must remove him from any position of influence in the party or country.

Failure to do this will elevate Boris on my list (if that is possible, "the Donald" will always be no 1 idiot).

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

What he has done is inexcusable and Boris must remove him from any position of influence in the party or country.

Inexcusable - probably; understandable - maybe. But to play devil's advocate, if that had been some unrecognisable person, nothing may well have happened. DC was foolish to try to get away with it, and thoughtless not to take role-model approach.

I would like to see him leave Downing Street, he's rather like Rasputin giving lopsided unelected advice. He even makes an effort to appear disreputable, as Rasputin did.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

if that had been some unrecognisable person, nothing may well have happened.

That is without doubt true and I suspect many "ordinary" people have done similar and have not been spotted.

But 2 other people in high profile government jobs have been sacked for not complying with the lock down thus its only fair that this person, although not elected, should go.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

Fake news. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Joe-Alex

Seems that we should be including Boris's mate Dominic Cumming to the list of idiots/dangerous people.

What he has done is inexcusable and Boris must remove him from any position of influence in the party or country.

Failure to do this will elevate Boris on my list (if that is possible, "the Donald" will always be no 1 idiot).

I mean, I don't think it was inexcusable if he literally traveled from one house to another, but it was an extremely foolish decision to make. I'm on the fence whether he should lose his job though. On one hand, he made a mistake, on the other, he is in a position of influence and power and people will look to him as a role model of sorts.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - madf

Seems that we should be including Boris's mate Dominic Cumming to the list of idiots/dangerous people.

What he has done is inexcusable and Boris must remove him from any position of influence in the party or country.

Failure to do this will elevate Boris on my list (if that is possible, "the Donald" will always be no 1 idiot).

I mean, I don't think it was inexcusable if he literally traveled from one house to another, but it was an extremely foolish decision to make. I'm on the fence whether he should lose his job though. On one hand, he made a mistake, on the other, he is in a position of influence and power and people will look to him as a role model of sorts.

I think that "don't do as I do, do as I say" is fine for Goverment ministers and their helpers..

After all, rules are just for the voters dumb enough as a group to voite for them..And many will vote for them again...and again.


Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet

Our landscape must be changing out of all recognition, with so many mole hills being inflated to mountains.

I hold no candle for the tory party nor the other identical party that once inhabited the opposition benches come to that, but our fellows in the electorate continue voting for what they are told are the least worse options of people who should never be allowed anywhere near the reigns of power.

Just look at what they have done to what was once this free country, a country i was born into that was a vertiable Jerusalem in my childhood, now a cowed population many of whom are barely capable of knowing what to think any more, beholden to that idiot box in the corner or the printed versions of the same messages from the ministries of truth to tell them what they should be thinking doing and saying.

The media is jumping up and down making another mountain of of yet another molehill, so the usual suspects can be relied on to parrot their lines, it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad.

For goodness sake people wake up, switch off that idiot box in the corner, stop reading and listening to the mainstream media, at first it might be similar to battery hens freed from their awful prisons (remember we are also innocent prisoners now), but after a few weeks like those bewildered chickens a return to normality comes.

Yes i know i've just wasted another 5 minutes of my life, come the next election, the whole country will go out and vote exactly the same way and once again expect a different result, we always get the govts the electorate deserve.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

I think you may have got up too early today, GB, you're sounding more cantankerous than usual :-) Fings ain't what they were in my young day ....

<< ... our fellows in the electorate continue voting for what they are told are the least worse options >>

You're forgetting that most voters here don't vote FOR a party, they vote AGAINST one they have grown to dislike.

<< The media is jumping up and down making another mountain of of yet another molehill, >>

In absolute terms it is a molehill, the problem is the particular mole causing it got found out, a mole (perhaps an apt term) maybe responsible for some of the advice behind it.

<< stop reading and listening to the mainstream media >>

So that you have no idea how the pandemic is developing? Go out and do exactly what was done before March ? That seems rather irresponsible, but maybe ignorance is bliss.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

From the perspective of watching this play out in Scotland. The Tories and other parties demanded that the Scottish CMO leave her post due to visiting her second home in Five. She did.

It's the outright hypocrisy here that stinks.

Where is Boris Johnson? Why doesn't he regularly face up at briefings? What is his position on the Cummings situation?

Can he also tell us more about the border that N.I. will have despite strenuous assurances to the contrary?

Why did the Tories vote to prevent the bill upholding our food standards for imports that matches those our own producers must meet?

I don't care for Labour or Liberals but I really worry where the Tories are taking us all.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Seems that we should be including Boris's mate Dominic Cumming to the list of idiots/dangerous people.

What he has done is inexcusable and Boris must remove him from any position of influence in the party or country.

Failure to do this will elevate Boris on my list (if that is possible, "the Donald" will always be no 1 idiot).

I mean, I don't think it was inexcusable if he literally traveled from one house to another, but it was an extremely foolish decision to make. I'm on the fence whether he should lose his job though. On one hand, he made a mistake, on the other, he is in a position of influence and power and people will look to him as a role model of sorts.

I think that "don't do as I do, do as I say" is fine for Goverment ministers and their helpers..

After all, rules are just for the voters dumb enough as a group to voite for them..And many will vote for them again...and again.


Like all those who voted Labour in 2017 and 2019 knowing what its leader and policies were, or in the US who say they'll vote for Biden even if he's guilty of sexual assault, fondling young girls on live TV, dodgy dealings in the Ukraine and senile.

It works both ways. :-)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Like all those who voted Labour in 2017 and 2019 knowing what its leader and policies were, or in the US who say they'll vote for Biden even if he's guilty of sexual assault, fondling young girls on live TV, dodgy dealings in the Ukraine and senile.

It works both ways. :-)

Corbyn was an honest and sincere man misplaced (almost by accident) into the role of Labour Leader. There was nothing in the 17 or 19 manifestos that unduly frightened me as old fashioned 'Croslandite' left.

There's no proof so far that Biden is guilty of anything more than a 'man of his era' in his contacts with women. Still less of dealings in the Ukraine or that he's senile.

As ever I'd ask for sources, and I mean where to find this stuff no the usual line about not finding it on MSM, CBS and the rest.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Avant

I think that's fair comment on Jeremy Corbyn. He's a decent but weakish man, not really a leader, who would have been in thrall to the far-left who got him elected, more so than any manifesto would reveal.

As a centrist who simply wants a competent goverment, I have great hopes for Sir Keir Starmer, who with luck may measure up to Clement Attlee, who was surely as great a man as Winston Churchill. Churchill himself said 'History will be kind to me. I intend to write most of it myself.' He did and it has been.

I read somewhere in the Times that Keir Starmer admires Harold Wilson. Not a bad model: Wilson was beset by economic crises in both the 60s and 70s and wasn't very successful in dealing with them. But history is being kinder to him because he quite rightly refused to send British troops to Vietnam.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

I was a long time member of the Labour Party until 1998 when Tony Blair introduced the tuition fees that were first suggested and reported on by the Tories in 1996. For me it was a step to far for a government that supposedly stood for equality and in the past had introduced a great many education reforms. At the time I was not popular with the local party but I guess those views may have changed over time but since I no longer have contact with any members who knows, its probably considered the norm now after 22 years with a younger group running the district party.

Since Blair none of the leaders have inspired much confidence and certainly none have been capable of uniting the party. Hopefully Keir Starmer will show up better in the long term, he seems to be doing OK but with Boris and friends on the other side that should not be difficult.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

I think that's fair comment on Jeremy Corbyn. He's a decent but weakish man, not really a leader, who would have been in thrall to the far-left who got him elected, more so than any manifesto would reveal.

As a centrist who simply wants a competent goverment, I have great hopes for Sir Keir Starmer, who with luck may measure up to Clement Attlee, who was surely as great a man as Winston Churchill. Churchill himself said 'History will be kind to me. I intend to write most of it myself.' He did and it has been.

I read somewhere in the Times that Keir Starmer admires Harold Wilson. Not a bad model: Wilson was beset by economic crises in both the 60s and 70s and wasn't very successful in dealing with them. But history is being kinder to him because he quite rightly refused to send British troops to Vietnam.

I don't trust Starmer one bit (another slippery lawyer with no real convictions [no wonder he was so chummy with Blair & Co]) - his promise of 'constructive criticism' of the governments efforst during the pandemic lasted less than 24 hours, as shown by the ridiculous and shameful party politicking that followed and Rachel Reeves dodgy list of PPE 'providers', or Rebecca Wrong-Daily's now deleted tweet about 'SAGE' (when it was the leftist alt-Sage), etc, etc.

Don't forget his stance on Brexit and his two-facedness on schools reopening - how very Blairite of him.

And for Corbyn - he may well have been sincere (that doesn't make him 'decent' - just deluded) in his beliefs, but that doesn't make any of the credible, as did his pretence of stamping out anti-semiteism in the Labour party, regularly truning a blind eye to it and, IMHO putting people who are anti-semitic in charge of 'enquiries' (in reality whitewashes) into it in the Party.

The type of person I would've wanted to lead the Labour Party, to hold any government to account, to challenge them at elections and that actually knows what ordinary people think would be someone like Kate Hoey or John Mann, both of whom I would always call 'honourable members' (even when I didn't agree with them. But of course no Brexiteer or person who is dead set again the anti-semites and identity politics will get a look in for the foreseeable future, which is why both of them retired.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< I don't trust Starmer one bit >>

That's him done then.

But seriously, any party leader needs some 'gravitas' to cut it in parliament, which is something Boris is finding it hard to simulate. Keir manages it rather better. But maybe now that debates are happening in cyberspace that ingredient may become less essential. With gravitas comes a bit of credibility (which Andy will not fall for, of course); once that is established, things may start to move forward.

The missing ingredient in government just now is relevant experience.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

But seriously, any party leader needs some 'gravitas' to cut it in parliament, which is something Boris is finding it hard to simulate. Keir manages it rather better. But maybe now that debates are happening in cyberspace that ingredient may become less essential.

I'd call that the other way. Johnson is suffering badly in Commons set pieces without Ministers alongside to prompt him and the baying crowd behind. That's why Moggy wants to revert to normal after the recess.

Lot of opposition and not 100% clear J R-M will prevail.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Avant

"The missing ingredient in government just now is relevant experience."

Exactly. To be any use as a politician one should have had experience in some field or other. Keir Starmer has the advantange of having been a successful barrister and then DPP. Not sure about journalism, but possibly Boris couldn't have held down any other job.

At least ministers have to be MPs. Most US presidents have been senators or state governors.....and as we can see now that sort of experience should have been mandatory.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

This seems a good piece about Trump and his handling of the crisis:

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Brit_in_Germany

I quite liked this one:

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

<< I don't trust Starmer one bit >>

That's him done then.

But seriously, any party leader needs some 'gravitas' to cut it in parliament, which is something Boris is finding it hard to simulate. Keir manages it rather better. But maybe now that debates are happening in cyberspace that ingredient may become less essential. With gravitas comes a bit of credibility (which Andy will not fall for, of course); once that is established, things may start to move forward.

The missing ingredient in government just now is relevant experience.

Apparently that 'gravitas' didn't get him that far at PMQs this week when Starmer (at the end of his honeymoon period) was more than found wanting when the PM upped his game, bearing in mind he is still recovering from a life-threatening illness (just in case you forgot, or was it all a lie?).

Odd how for people who think the OM is the second coming of that nasty piece of work from Germany that you seem fine about the subject, enough to talk about the leader of the Labour party as if you were shatting at the bar.

He can't be that dangerous then if that's the case.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

Apparently that 'gravitas' didn't get him that far at PMQs this week

LIES, LIES LIES. There has been no PMQ's this since Parliament is in recess.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Apparently that 'gravitas' didn't get him that far at PMQs this week

LIES, LIES LIES. There has been no PMQ's this since Parliament is in recess.

I see, so I reply about PMQs a week ago (given the debate was to do with things happeneing LAST week) and you call my comments out as LIES, rather than a small error (where have we seen THAT of late?). Nice. Maybe you should work for the tabloids or TV News - you'd fit in nicely. I bet you've never made such a 'mistake'? Oh, wait a minute...

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - madf

Apparently that 'gravitas' didn't get him that far at PMQs this week

LIES, LIES LIES. There has been no PMQ's this since Parliament is in recess.

I see, so I reply about PMQs a week ago (given the debate was to do with things happeneing LAST week) and you call my comments out as LIES, rather than a small error (where have we seen THAT of late?). Nice. Maybe you should work for the tabloids or TV News - you'd fit in nicely. I bet you've never made such a 'mistake'? Oh, wait a minute...

You said "this week"..

Your personal invective is uncalled for .

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Apparently that 'gravitas' didn't get him that far at PMQs this week when Starmer (at the end of his honeymoon period) was more than found wanting when the PM upped his game, bearing in mind he is still recovering from a life-threatening illness (just in case you forgot, or was it all a lie?).

There were no PMQs this week as the Commons is in recess. Committees though are still working, perhaps to remind Boris and Rees-Mogg where recess differs from prorogation.

If you mean last week then yes, observers marked it as closer to a draw. Don't think any commentators found Starmer 'wanting' though.

If one were cutting the PM some slack for his performance in front of yesterdays' Liaison Committee then you might want to rely on his illness. However the bluffing and pfaffle waffle were of one with his other performances when actually stretched. His lack of knowledge/preparedness on the subject of people with No Recourse to Public Funds was almost toe curlingly embarrassing.

It's no co-incidence that, after nine months in office, this is his first encounter with the Committee (which should see him four times a year) and that he visibly cavilled and obfuscated about his next meeting.

Odd how for people who think the OM is the second coming of that nasty piece of work from Germany that you seem fine about the subject, enough to talk about the leader of the Labour party as if you were shatting at the bar.

He can't be that dangerous then if that's the case.

I genuinely do not understand your point here.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 28/05/2020 at 17:36

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

Apparently that 'gravitas' didn't get him that far at PMQs this week when Starmer (at the end of his honeymoon period) was more than found wanting when the PM upped his game, bearing in mind he is still recovering from a life-threatening illness (just in case you forgot, or was it all a lie?).

There were no PMQs this week as the Commons is in recess. Committees though are still working, perhaps to remind Boris and Rees-Mogg where recess differs from prorogation.

If you mean last week then yes, observers marked it as closer to a draw. Don't think any commentators found Starmer 'wanting' though.

Oh dear. I bet those same 'commentators' thought that 48 was more than 52, or that winning the Electoral College is not grounds for becoming president of the US.

If one were cutting the PM some slack for his performance in front of yesterdays' Liaison Committee then you might want to rely on his illness.

So much for 'we're all in this together' and 'constructive criticism' (that lasted less than a day). The MPs, particularly the Labour ones, were just granstanding because they had a captive audience and a weary PM who frankly is grwoing tired of all this rubbish when he has better things to be doing with his time.

However the bluffing and pfaffle waffle were of one with his other performances when actually stretched. His lack of knowledge/preparedness on the subject of people with No Recourse to Public Funds was almost toe curlingly embarrassing.

pfaffle. How petty to invoke his middle name in a childish name-calling rant when, again, he cannot know everything and is obviously still recovering from his illness. I would've had more sympathy with the MPs had they actually bothered to make some decent points and asked pertiant question that were useful in improving how government works, rather (e.g. Evette Cooper) than making partisan political points.

Please give me ONE example of the government making political capital out of their COVID-19 response, especially at the Daily News briefing or at Committee Meetings. I would say that they have had to hold back and be VERY restrained, whilst being attacked for partisan reasons by the media and Opposition.

It's no co-incidence that, after nine months in office, this is his first encounter with the Committee (which should see him four times a year) and that he visibly cavilled and obfuscated about his next meeting.

The meeting was a complete waste of his time, given the granstading and party-politicking (including by remoaner Tory rivals like Jeremy Hunt) by the Cmtte members.

Their display, as is theirs and the media's on Cummings, is all about Brexit and getting their revenge and money/power and NOTHING to do with the running of our government.

Odd how for people who think the OM is the second coming of that nasty piece of work from Germany that you seem fine about the subject, enough to talk about the leader of the Labour party as if you were shatting at the bar.

He can't be that dangerous then if that's the case.

I genuinely do not understand your point here.

I meant the PM, not OM (typo). As for the rest...I think my typing skills had been reduced generally as I was in need of sustinance. Sorry.

I think I was generally saying that people make Boris (and Trump) to be the second coming of Hitler, whilst simultaneously making out the Labour leader as some brilliant chap to lead us into the promised land. He's a slick lawyer with no real beliefs other than getting power - remind of anyone (Bliar [no typo])?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - thunderbird

More pointless waffle form Andy. Just go and crawl under a rock with all your right wing mates.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Engineer Andy

More pointless waffle form Andy. Just go and crawl under a rock with all your right wing mates.

As opposed to your lefty mates (many of whom are screeching here 'Orange/Boris Man Bad' on a daily basis. I didn't bring the subject up - you lot did.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

More pointless waffle form Andy. Just go and crawl under a rock with all your right wing mates.

As opposed to your lefty mates (many of whom are screeching here 'Orange/Boris Man Bad' on a daily basis. I didn't bring the subject up - you lot did.

The only person screeching names like that on here is you - I do find it odd you use names for every leader/MP etc rather than their real names.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

<< How petty to invoke his middle name in a childish name-calling rant >>

I give up, that is just rich alongside other posts in this thread. One has to just laugh. You can't call it hypocrisy, just pot and kettle. Only the writer is allowed to call names, not his critics.

<< I think I was generally saying that ... >>

That sounds as if you can't be quite sure either. Some of us have lost track from time to time too.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Avant

I think I should copy over something I said in another thread....

Anyone whose post has already gone on for half a page (or half a screenful) has got to ask themselves 'Have I really got anything more to say that's useful?'

When I used to run courses on effective writing, I would always begin and end wth 'THINK OF THE READER'.

To be fair, the great majority of us do.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

Oh dear. I bet those same 'commentators' thought that 48 was more than 52, or that winning the Electoral College is not grounds for becoming president of the US.

I'm not going to dissect this but a few bullet points:

  • Appearing before select committees is part of how Ministers, including the PM, are held to account. It's part of out unwritten Constitution. The fact that Johnson finds such accountability tiresome and tries to avoid it tells us a lot. Yvette Cooper was simply trying to resolve a difference between channels of official advice. Boris couldn't answer.
  • I entirely accept that the man on the Clapham Omnibus will not have much idea about No Recourse to Public Funds. The PM however should know. Aside from anything else he represents a constituency with a significant Asian community, it must have turned up in constituency cases. It's become an issue in this crisis because of the unforseen consequence of mass unemployment. He should have been briefed. The fact he waffled and mentioned Universal Credit, the very benefit where this problem bites, tells us he dosn't do detail or preparation.
  • The Government don't need to use the daily news briefing to criticise Labour, They're in power; action is in their hands They've used that to political advantage in the last week announcing track/trace and easements to lockdown prematurely so as to try and distract from Cummings.
  • This is beggar all to do with Brexit revenge though loss of international co-operation with our immediate neighbours is exposing the folly of that policy.
  • I don't see Boris as a second Hitler at all, just a buffoon. Trump's actions however do have uncomfortable chimes with Weimar Germany. I think the constitutional checks balances will probably be enough to counter that but he's doing his best to void them eg by packing the Supreme Court and voiding changes made post Watergate to curb excesses of excutive power.

Edited by Bromptonaut on 30/05/2020 at 14:08

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Avant

Yes, I'm sure you're right there. One probably shouldn't take the comparison too far, but it does seem that both Trump and Hitler are/were mentally unstable enough to be dangerous. The difference is that Hitler was consistent in his evil purpose, unlike Trump who is erratic and for whom 'evil' is too strong a word.

Boris is eccentric but I don't think he's unstable. He has academic intelligence but is too mentally lazy to be bothered with detail. That's where he falls short of his hero Winston Churchill - who left much of the daily running of the country to Clement Attlee, but thank God he knew all right what was going on in the war. In 1951-55 he wasn't the greatest peacetime leader, possibly because he was too old and worn-out.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

I don't think Andy is a troll - not in the accepted sense of someone using the internet deliberately to wind up people, provoke them into an emotional reaction.

In fact, if he was he would be less troubling. I have a feeling that he believes what he puts, at least while he's actually writing it. Sincere misguided people (e.g. religious fanatics) are a cause of much misery.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet

I haven't been following this thread because basically its boring, but i happened to just check in the last couple of posts and i'm frankly surprised at the now obvious bullying and personal insults directed towards Engineer Andy (EA by the way not AE) have been allowed to continue by our moderator, who should i have thought been impartial here.

Have you people had a good look at yourselves in the mirror recently, pots kettles and black spring to mind where comparison to religious fervour is concerned, the left generally do have form for this.

Avant, i think i can see why ORB no longer wished to participate in certain threads, i too will be keeping out of anything political from now on, there's little point in such yah boo discussions, leave the mob free to enjoy their echo chamber, the TDS echo chamber in this case, no better an example than Hilter/Trump comparison, a charge unworthy of this forum and deserves no further comment.

Edited by gordonbennet on 30/05/2020 at 19:04

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - alan1302

I haven't been following this thread because basically its boring, but i happened to just check in the last couple of posts and i'm frankly surprised at the now obvious bullying and personal insults directed towards Engineer Andy (EA by the way not AE) have been allowed to continue by our moderator, who should i have thought been impartial here.

Have you people had a good look at yourselves in the mirror recently, pots kettles and black spring to mind where comparison to religious fervour is concerned, the left generally do have form for this.

Avant, i think i can see why ORB no longer wished to participate in certain threads, i too will be keeping out of anything political from now on, there's little point in such yah boo discussions, leave the mob free to enjoy their echo chamber, the TDS echo chamber in this case, no better an example than Hilter/Trump comparison, a charge unworthy of this forum and deserves no further comment.

If you have not been following the thread because it is boring - how do you know it's boring as you've not been following it?! :-) And you've said you would not post anything political before so am sure you will post some more.

I do agree it is not worthwhile discussing with the likes of Andy and yourself as you are totally closed off from any other point of view.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Bromptonaut

I haven't been following this thread because basically its boring, but i happened to just check in the last couple of posts and i'm frankly surprised at the now obvious bullying and personal insults directed towards Engineer Andy (EA by the way not AE) have been allowed to continue by our moderator, who should i have thought been impartial here.

Andy's not exactly whiter than white when it comes to debate; he's not bothered about using ad-hominems and insults when it suits him. That much is demonstrated by his responses to me in this debate and in others around (eg) EU/May's Deal and Smart Motorways. I don't think Avant has erred either way, just let us get on with it.

On reflection you might be right about comparing Trump with Hitler; Mussolini might be nearer.

It was actually Andy who demonstrated the Godwin principle by mentioning AH in the fist place.

PS: I know what an echo chamber is but what does TDS signify?

Edited by Bromptonaut on 31/05/2020 at 16:16

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - FP

TDS most probably means "Trump Derangement Syndrome", which like OMB ("Orange Man Bad") is contemptuous shorthand/jargon used by right-wingers to refer to criticism of their idol.

It's more evidence (in my view) of thinking saturated in right-wing concepts or memes, thinking which conceives of everything in black and white, ("you're either with us or against us") - in general a polarisation which is rooted in the divisiveness which has characterised Trump from the start.

Part of that thinking is to believe, or at least state, that everyone who disagrees with the excesses of the right is a kind of mirror image of themselves and must be of the extreme left, something that irritates me because, apart from its illogicality, it's something that in no way fits me personally.

A footnote: just because Andy's posts defending Trump and other right-wing issues have aroused much protest and counter-argument does not mean he's been bullied, nor does the fact that he's in the minority here. There's a difference between robust argument and bullying. If you want to see that, and also the effect of weak moderation, you have only to look at a certain other off-shoot motoring website.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

TDS most probably means "Trump Derangement Syndrome", which like OMB ("Orange Man Bad") is contemptuous shorthand/jargon used by right-wingers to refer to criticism of their idol..

The online abbreviation translators confirm the meaning of TDS, but they haven't caught up with OMB. However they provide an obvious alternative : One Man Band, which might apply quite well to DT ?

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Joe-Alex

Strange how this site got rid of one troll only to find itself with another one in the shape of AE ! He seems to have far too much time on his hands. His overly long epistles are increasingly boring. Anyone who tries to defend the indefensible needs a new hobby

It isn't right of you to call Engineer Andy a troll* for holding views that are not aligned with yours. He has defended his position staunchly, as have those who disagree with him.

We need opposing views otherwise, as has been mentioned before, this (forum area) becomes nothing more than an echo chamber.

*I assume you are referring to EA and 'AE' was a typo as I don't see anyone here with those initials.

Edited by Joe-Alex on 31/05/2020 at 04:14

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Andrew-T

Boris is eccentric but I don't think he's unstable. He has academic intelligence but is too mentally lazy to be bothered with detail.

Avant, I echo your pen-picture of our prime minister. What worries me is that enough voters in this country seem so poor at judging character that they will happily support the idea of a complete amateur in charge - presumably to Get Brexit Done originally. All very much a pale imitation of what happened in the US some time earlier.

It's no good being led by someone who is mainly just looking for adulation.

Edited by Andrew-T on 01/06/2020 at 09:23

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Avant

"I haven't been following this thread because basically it's boring, but i happened to' just check in the last couple of posts and i'm frankly surprised at the now obvious bullying and personal insults directed towards Engineer Andy (EA by the way not AE) have been allowed to continue by our moderator, who should i have thought been impartial here."

I agree with you that it's boring, and you really can't expect me to read through every word of every post, as I don't suffer from insomnia. To doubt my impartiality is unworthy of you.

I have skimmed through it regularly and up until yesterday, although there was strong disagreement, it stopped short of being personal. I've deleted the post accusing Andy of being a troll, and now notice there's something about lies from yesterday which should be ignored.

Usual warning - I'll close this thread in 24 hours from now unless anyone can provide strong reasons for it to continue.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - groaver

Usual warning - I'll close this thread in 24 hours from now unless anyone can provide strong reasons for it to continue.

Why so soon? ;-)

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - gordonbennet
To doubt my impartiality is unworthy of you.

Usual warning - I'll close this thread in 24 hours from now unless anyone can provide strong reasons for it to continue.

From your own previous post Avant.

''probably shouldn't take the comparison too far, but it does seem that both Trump and Hitler are/were mentally unstable enough to be dangerous''

That Hitler reference is is unworthy, yes i know you didn't start the Hitler comparison.

Is Donald Trump the most dangerous man on Earth - Avant

Resisting any temptation to have the last word, I'll just say Enough.