The DVLA have removed C1 category from my licence - is there any way of reinstating it?

I passed my practical driving test on 10/10/1996 and my theory test (as it had just come in then) on the 18/02/1997, and have recently noticed that, even though I am sure I had every category (grandfather rights as it is known) on my provisional licence, that I have not got any of these categories on there any more. I have spoken to the DVLA a number of times after noticing this a few years later (as I wanted to become a paramedic and they do not take us on in Essex unless we have a C1 category on the licence) and they say that the 'grandfather rights' were taken away on the 01/01/1997. In theory I did pass my test before the date quoted but it was obviously the theory test that took me past it and I desperately want to get the C1 put on there without paying the £800 I have been quoted. Is there anything I can do?

Asked on 28 May 2010 by Emmap28

Answered by Dan Harrison
It looks like the DVLA have taken the view that you didn't gain your licence until you had passed both parts and therefore passed after 1 January 1997. I don't think you've got much option but to take the C1 test. It may be worth posting the question onto our Forum to see if anyone else has had a similar problem:
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