Changing to EU driving offences - can you shed some light?

I have read that the French authorities are unlikely to chase up a UK registered car caught on a speed camera. However, it appears an EU agreement means this is changing in 2013.

Is this being implemented and has the UK signed up? Will it be retrospective to offences committed in the EU before January 2013; could these now be enforced by DVLA and carry points?

Asked on 5 January 2013 by JT

Answered by Honest John
Has been a cloud on the horizon for a long time, but I think our gov is deliberately delaying implementation. Allowing the French to pursue Brits drivers via Brit courts would be a nightmare. The cases will not be heard in the UK; only the penalties will be meted out. Interestingly the French are abandoning the breathalyser law after the scandal broke that it was only ever implemented to help the manufacturer of the breath bags.
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