How should I proceed with disputing an unfair parking charge notice issued at a motorway services?

I recently took your advice to another reader regarding his fine for overstaying the permitted two hours at Aldi. In my case I incurred an £80 parking fine (reduced to £50 if I pay early) for staying too long at Heston Services. The parking enforcement company has returned my £10 cheque, stating that this PCN was issued correctly and legally according to DVLA code of practice for the management of camera controlled private car parks. I was using the facilities the entire time and find the parking charge wholly unfair. How would you suggest I proceed? They have given me a further two weeks to pay the reduced fine of £50.

Asked on 2 October 2010 by TS, via email

Answered by Honest John
Ignore it completely. The DVLA has nothing to do with this apart from selling your details to private parking contractors. Alternatively, tell the parking enforcement company that if they want to take the matter further you will meet then in the county court and the hearing has to be convenient to you.
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