Our car was hit in traffic but we had forgotten to renew the insurance - will the other insurer still pay for repairs?

My wife was hit from behind and shunted into the car in front, which shunted into a car in front of it. The impact was low and everybody stated they had no injuries. The driver who hit my wife admitted liability at the scene and later her insurance company sent out texts accepting liability to my wife and the drivers of the other two cars. They also rang all three drivers and offered to deal with their claims directly to keep the cost down and avoid the need for them to contact their insurance company. The problem is when I checked I had missed the insurance renewal for my wife’s insurance which is in my multi car policy. It had expired over two weeks ago. I spoke to our insurance to get insured straight away and they basically said tough about the period between the renewal date and contacting them to reinsure. I realise I have massively blundered and we have never been without insurance in over forty years of driving. My question is what now? The insurance company of the driver who hit my wife has admitted liability, but what are we now liable for?

Asked on 22 November 2019 by Steve podge

Answered by Honest John
In your specific situation, take up the offer from the at-fault insurer. They are still liable for the exact same amount as they would have been had you have been insured. Your lack of insurance does not negate the claim. However, your insurer should have contacted you in writing by law to remind you of the policy about to lapse.
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