I come from Australia to visit the UK - what's the best way to insure a car for just three months a year?

I visit my daughter in UK for about three months each year, sometimes in two separate visits of about six weeks, sometimes for three months. I have a clean Australian driving licence and am aged 80. Buying a car and storing it with my daughter seems to make economic sense as against hiring but I need your advice on how best to insure for one or two periods each year?

Asked on 16 September 2019 by John Cogley

Answered by Honest John
Not having a UK licence, or a permanent abode in the UK will cause you a lot of issues with this. In fact, I will be very doubtfull that you will be able to do it. Your age will also be a significant factor in this, as insurer become more and more reluctant to insure any one over the age of 75.

The only insurer/broker that may be able to assist is www.keithmichaels.co.uk/
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