The MoT Files: Top 10 Cars from the 2000s

It's hardly a surprise to see cars that were launched in the later part of the 2000s performing well in this list of MoT performers. But some of the models may surprise you with only two cars from Japanese makes. It's a good indication of how these models will perform in years to come so for used buyers it can be a good gauge of durability.

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Porsche 911 83% pass rate

It's no surprise to see high-priced sports car on this list. Many are used as weekend cars rather than as every day transport plus they tend to have owners who can afford to have them regularly maintained and serviced. The 911 is a lasting icon in motoring circles and a car that holds its value well. As our data shows it's also durable with a strong pass rate.

Click here to see the Porsche 911 MoT File


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