Deauville Honda 650cc NTV - Deauville carb balancing - Gregory II

II am having problems with balancing the carbs on my bike. For the life of me, I cannot find the points where I can measure the ratio on the gauges. Can someone help me with this please? The Haynes manual mentions where to find these but I cannot find them on my bike.

I will post some pictures when I am able to do this!

Thanks for your help.!

Deauville Honda 650cc NTV - Deauville carb balancing - Stormy Steve

Hi Gregory.

I own an NTV650,same as the Deauville minus the fairing.Assuming you've all ready removed the fairing.

If you look under the main frame rail.The vacuum take off point.For the front cyinder is found .On the right hand side of trhe bike,on the inlet stubb in front of the carburettor.It's a small allen key.

The rear cylinder take off point is found on the left side of the bike.On the inlet stub,in front of the rear carb.

You'll need to remove the tank,& you'll need a very long screw driver.To reach the ballance scew.Is down the hole in the middle of the air box.

Hope this helps.
