Concorde-smeary windows - Matt 35
Re my post about using WD40 to remove sticky label residue - I noticed some suggestions about using acetone and nail varnish remover.
Be careful - some years ago at Heathrow, two guys were cleaning the wings of a Concorde when one of them noticed that the cleaning fluid smelt like vodka and tonic.
They drank about six glasses each and went home.
Next day, one of them got up for a P and fell on his arse - noticed that he had 8 small wheels on each foot and that his ears were flat against his head.
He called his mate from Heathrow and asked what was going on.
Mate replied 'I dont know, but whatever you do, don't fart, I am talking to you from Kennedy New York!'
Use WD40!
Re: Concorde-smeary windows - Dave Lacey aka Dr Dave
Ha! Nice one!