Does driving get any worse than this? - Random

Ceratinly one of the greatest hits of all time. Imagine if that was a car/motorcylist instead of a lorry.

Does driving get any worse than this? - badbusdriver

Ceratinly one of the greatest hits of all time. Imagine if that was a car/motorcylist instead of a lorry.

While the MGF driver is clearly a muppet of the highest order and needed (this was 7 years ago) to have their license taken away, I can only assume by the thread title that you don't watch much video clips of bad driving/crashes?

This wouldn't even make my top 100

Edited by badbusdriver on 29/01/2024 at 06:40

Does driving get any worse than this? - madf

Seems perfectly normal behaviour to me :-)

Does driving get any worse than this? - Adampr

What a way to interrupt someone's Supertramp session.

Interesting that the driver's airbag didn't go off. Aftermarket steering wheel or karma?

Does driving get any worse than this? - Random
I can only assume by the thread title that you don't watch much video clips of bad driving/crashes?

I have other things I'd much rather be doing. Each to their own. :-)

Does driving get any worse than this? - Engineer Andy

Ceratinly one of the greatest hits of all time. Imagine if that was a car/motorcylist instead of a lorry.

Seen something similar in my home town at a double (min) roundabout, where a car took the left hand turn too fast and swung out wide, side-swiping the car coming in the opposite direction up to the roundabout.

Actually I see that sort of thing a lot at mini roundabouts, but luckily for those involved, there isn't a vehicle in the wrong place on the other side of the road they are turning into when they cross the centre divide.

In this case, the junction is quite wide, so the MGF driver has to been reckless, not just a bit careless. They probably (erroneously) thought that it was a quiet country lane and no-one would be coming and 'went for it'.

Terrible driving. Hopefully the lorry driver passed the footage onto Plod and the driver of the MGF's insurer and they got the proverbial book thrown at them.

As a cyclist, I sadly often see fellow cyclists and bikers do the same in order to keep that 'all important speed up' or through sheer ignorance of the road.

Does driving get any worse than this? - skidpan

Sat at lights on Friday with a clearly marked BMW X5 behind us. A BMW 1 series coupe came from the left and turned onto our road at some speed, on a dry road it was enough to get the rear end twitching, the driver looked like a young lad.

The X5 immediately did a U turn and set off after it.

The 1 series driver was clearly an accident waiting to happen.

Based on 6 years experience of my 1 series to get a BMW to do that requires the traction control to be fully turned off, full throttle and the driver to be a self appointed god. Note that I only tried our on a track, great fun but not for public roads.

Does driving get any worse than this? - Bromptonaut

The unusual thing is it was a left turner running wide. Most things like that are people cutting the corner.

Does driving get any worse than this? - Engineer Andy

The unusual thing is it was a left turner running wide. Most things like that are people cutting the corner.

Are you sure? Sure, big vans and lorries cut corners, mainly in larger urban areas by going on the pavement, but in more rural area, incidents like this where people drive too fast round corners are quite common.

Probably made worse if the road isn't well used and wet/greasy from adverse weather and mud from farm vehicles. I suspect the MGF driver thought their car could've handled it as much as there wouldn't be something coming in the other direction.

Does driving get any worse than this? - Adampr

As they weren't indicating, I suspect they spotted the turning very late and made the (incorrect, stupid) instant decision to try and take it anyway. They probably understeered from braking hard but, given their skill, I doubt that a big drift would have served them any better.

Does driving get any worse than this? - honestjones
The radio commentary was spot on!