Renault Clio - Who is correct - malct

Last year my car failed its MOT test on a ball joint, So i had to get the drivers side wishbone replaced which was a hassle because my car was off the road for a few days. So this time i booked a Free Suspension check at ATS and ATS stated that it needed a new near side spring and wishbone for its MOT, Yesterday i was getting my Aircon Re-charged at Protyre and i got them to check the suspension and they said that everything is OK... So i told them that ATS told me that i needed the near side Spring and Wishbone replaced for the MOT, The lady in the reception got the engineer and he told me that everything is in Good order for its MOT, So i will get the MOT done first without having the Spring and Wishbone replaced for the MOT but i will tell the garage to have parts on hand if it fails the MOT and it can be done on the same day since its in getting a full service after the MOT but who ever is wrong , I will be complaining to them. On another note, After the Air Con Re charge, I was told that it wasn't cool enough and if it remains that way, Then i have to take it back again within 3 weeks and then will make alterations to adjust the Air temp. But least its now working since it stopped working at the end of summer.

Renault Clio - Who is correct - elekie&a/c doctor
Get an mot done and let the tester decide what needs doing . There may be other issues that you don’t know about. As for the ac , you can’t adjust it to make it colder. I suspect it’s got a leak.
Renault Clio - Who is correct - malct

Regards if its a leak, Would this not have been picked up during the time they had the car, It was in for well over an hour and it states that they do checks, If their is a leak, What would the cost be? and i guess i would need to pay for a re gas. Lets hope that all is well , I do have to say that they didn't seem to concerned, Just told me to keep a eye on it and return if it doesn't get colder

Edited by malct on 22/12/2023 at 11:22

Renault Clio - Who is correct - Andrew-T

If their is a leak, what would the cost be? and i guess i would need to pay for a re gas. Lets hope that all is well , I do have to say that they didn't seem to concerned, Just told me to keep a eye on it and return if it doesn't get colder

I put my 207 in for some work including an a/c re-gas. My local indy is an aircon specialist, and he tested before recharging, finding leaks in the condenser, which was replaced after a minor front-end shunt 7 years ago. New condenser (I saw the leaks) fitted with recharge for just under £300, which includes some removal and refitting of bodywork.

He said he found only about 5 grams of refrigerant in the system - refill is about 450 !

Renault Clio - Who is correct - Adampr

As neither garage is conducting the MOT, neither is right or wrong. The person who will determine of there is a problem is the MOT tester.

All I would say in addition is that free safety checks exist to drum up business.

Renault Clio - Who is correct - elekie&a/c doctor
Checking for leaks on ac systems can take hours , and very often it may be necessary to remove certain parts of the car for access. That’s not going to happen in an hour.
Renault Clio - Who is correct - bathtub tom

i will tell the garage to have parts on hand if it fails the MOT and it can be done on the same day

I suspect they'll charge you for the parts, even if they don't fit them.

After the Air Con Re charge, I was told that it wasn't cool enough

I'd suspect a leak.

Renault Clio - Who is correct - edlithgow

i will tell the garage to have parts on hand if it fails the MOT and it can be done on the same day

I suspect they'll charge you for the parts, even if they don't fit them.

This is an excellent tactic if you want to be sure that you fail the MOT for the fault you have committed them to, whether it exists or not.

If you want this work done, get it done. Otherwise wait for an MOT failure.

Renault Clio - Who is correct - malct

Just to update you, The car failed its MOT on the 2 items that ATS reported to me, So Protyre were incorrect/

Renault Clio - Who is correct - mickyh7

Why didn't you just let Protyre MOT the car?

Surely they would have passed it!