Chat GPT - galileo

Has anyone used ChatGPT to answer a forum question and copied and pasted the answer?

Would we spot this, given the reputed performance of this?

Chat GPT - movilogo

If the response is factual and helpful then how it matters?

Chat GPT - bathtub tom

I suspect it's being done already and contacted the mods suggesting so. Another contributor has stated they think so also.

Chat GPT - mcb100
When I asked Chat GPT if I could use it to contribute to a forum -

‘As an AI language model, ChatGPT can generate text responses based on the input it receives. Therefore, it is technically possible to use ChatGPT to comment in a forum, but it is important to note that ChatGPT's responses are generated algorithmically and may not always accurately reflect your intended message or the appropriate tone for a forum post.

Additionally, some forums may have rules or guidelines regarding the use of AI language models for posting, so it's important to check the terms of service and community guidelines before using ChatGPT in a forum.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether using ChatGPT to comment in a forum is appropriate and effective for your needs. If you do decide to use it, it's important to use it responsibly and with awareness of its limitations.’.
Chat GPT - mcb100
Or, if you ask it for good car YouTube channels -

‘Yes, there are many good car YouTube channels. Some of the most popular ones include:

Doug DeMuro: A channel that features reviews of all kinds of cars, from exotic supercars to daily drivers.
MotorTrend: This channel provides a variety of content such as car reviews, racing, and car culture.
Jay Leno's Garage: A channel where comedian Jay Leno gives an up-close look at his vast car collection, and interviews other car enthusiasts.
Engineering Explained: A channel that explores the science and engineering behind cars and other vehicles.
ChrisFix: A channel that provides detailed tutorials and guides on car maintenance and repairs.
TheStraightPipes: A channel that features in-depth reviews of all kinds of cars, from luxury sedans to off-road vehicles.
Donut Media: A channel that produces a range of car-related content, including car reviews, history, and culture.
These are just a few examples, but there are many other car channels on YouTube that cater to different interests and tastes.’
Chat GPT - Adampr

We do get the occasional one. I'm not sure what they're for, presumably probing for weaknesses. They're waiting their time as I am no more interested in Escorts in Dubai than I am in Astras in Port au Prince.

Chat GPT - sammy1

We do get the occasional one. I'm not sure what they're for, presumably probing for weaknesses. They're waiting their time as I am no more interested in Escorts in Dubai than I am in Astras in Port au Prince.

I must be a bit slow but I do not understand this. Are you saying an AI response has been posted here? I would not know it if I saw it. May be if Cambridge Council had consulted AI they would not have built their roundabout but there again they may have made it twice the size!

Chat GPT - Adampr

We do get the occasional one. I'm not sure what they're for, presumably probing for weaknesses. They're waiting their time as I am no more interested in Escorts in Dubai than I am in Astras in Port au Prince.

I must be a bit slow but I do not understand this. Are you saying an AI response has been posted here? I would not know it if I saw it. May be if Cambridge Council had consulted AI they would not have built their roundabout but there again they may have made it twice the size!

Yes, quite frequently. There was an Ana something within the last few weeks that was obviously a 'bot'. They respond to posts in a fairly reasonable way but have no nuance around context and language.

Chat GPT - Xileno

I can't think why anyone would want to type in what ChatGPT or other AI system writes or create a bot to do it. If they were trying to spam then it would be more understandable.

I have blocked one suspect bot but we have no magic way of detecting. All we can see is the registered email address. If members suspect any non-human contributions then please report and we will take a look.

Chat GPT - mcb100
Chat GPT reply to Dutch style roundabouts.
Nothing that’s factually incorrect, but obviously machine generated.

‘I'm sorry to hear that there has been an increase in accidents at the UK's first Dutch-style roundabout. It's important to note that while roundabouts that prioritize cyclists are common in the Netherlands, they are still relatively new in the UK, and there may be a learning curve for drivers and cyclists to navigate them safely.

It's important to investigate the causes of these accidents to identify potential solutions to make the roundabout safer for all users. Some possible factors to consider could be:

Lack of education: If drivers and cyclists are not adequately educated on how to navigate the roundabout, it could lead to confusion and accidents.
Speed: If drivers are traveling too fast, they may not have enough time to react to cyclists entering the roundabout.
Design: The design of the roundabout may not be optimal for the traffic flow, and there may be ways to adjust the design to reduce the likelihood of accidents.
Human error: Accidents can happen due to human error, regardless of the design or education.
It's essential that local authorities and traffic safety experts work together to analyze the causes of the accidents and develop solutions to improve safety on the roundabout. It's also important to continue to educate drivers and cyclists on how to safely navigate the roundabout and raise awareness of the potential risks involved.’
Chat GPT - _

I strongly suspect that there is one poster giving fairly anodyne replies..

There is also this one posting since Dec2022 radio code question.

The serial number for your Ford Transit's 6000 radio can be found on a sticker or label on the radio itself or in the owner's manual that came with the vehicle.

If you are unable to locate the serial number, you can try the following steps to retrieve it from the radio:

  1. Turn on the radio and hold down the buttons 1 and 6 or 2 and 6 (depending on the model of your radio) at the same time.

  2. The radio's serial number should display on the screen or be announced through the speakers.

Once you have the serial number, you can contact a Ford dealership or a specialized radio code service provider to obtain the radio code. They may require proof of ownership and identification before providing you with the code.

Edited by _ORB_ on 26/04/2023 at 19:48

Chat GPT - paul 1963

I strongly suspect that there is one poster giving fairly anodyne replies..

I agree ORB....

Chat GPT - Xileno

Not any more. Ana William has now left the building.

Will probably get an AI generated complaint now :-)

Chat GPT - sammy1

Not any more. Ana William has now left the building.

Will probably get an AI generated complaint now :-)

Well I must be slow!! It sure had me fuelled made more sense then some though! I wonder if Ana saw its end coming? Must have done! Been posting on and off for a while

Chat GPT - _

On one of the early postings I did say that we were watching. That was after one of our regulars said it was possible canned pork.

Edited by _ORB_ on 26/04/2023 at 21:23

Chat GPT - Andrew-T

<< It sure had me fuelled ... >>

I am still trying to work out whether this was intentionally clever or just a bit dim ?

Chat GPT - _

<< It sure had me fuelled ... >>

I am still trying to work out whether this was intentionally clever or just a bit dim ?

Fuelled or fired up ?

Not dim at all.


Chat GPT - skidpan

<< It sure had me fuelled ... >>

I am still trying to work out whether this was intentionally clever or just a bit dim ?

Fuelled or fired up ?

Not dim at all.

Probably another AI post. I think the word missing from their dictionary is "fooled", i.e. "it sure had me fooled"

Chat GPT - Xileno

sammy is a regular contributor so probably predictive text putting 'fuelled' in. We know what he means.

If people read a post that they suspect is AI generated then just report it to the mod email or use the Offensive button, it all goes to the same inbox. We will then take a look.

Chat GPT - Andrew-T

sammy is a regular contributor so probably predictive text putting 'fuelled' in. We know what he means.

If Sammy is using predictive text, we are lucky that having started a word "fu.." we didn't get something worse :-)

Yes, I assumed I knew what he meant, hence my (fairly) innocuous remark.

Chat GPT - sammy1

Fuelled was deliberate. Trying to poke fun at the oh so clever AI hence the overuse of punctuation. ANA sends regards and would like to know what predictive text is?