Low Emissions Cow? - sammy1

Farmers will be ordered to feed cows 'methane suppressants' to stop them belching (msn.com)

Could this be a late April fool? Must be surely?

Low Emissions Cow? - Heidfirst


Low Emissions Cow? - sammy1

More additives in our food and I wonder how they they will check if farmers are complying with the new additives. What are they going to to about the melting Tundra and the methane stored within? A few cows will make no difference at all. I expect us humans will have something in our breakfast cereal next. It must be an April fool who dreamt this up

Low Emissions Cow? - Terry W

They are currently drafting adverts for cow emissions enforcement officers.

A reasonable level of fitness is required to navigate cow filled fields sniffing at regular intervals to identify possible flatulence.

They will be equipped with a flatulence sensing device which needs to be deployed close to a cows rear end to get a reliable reading and determine whether prosecution is appropriate.

Main perks of the job are free wellies and a car allowance.

Low Emissions Cow? - primus 1

Wonder if they’ll get a pat on the back for a job well done..?

Low Emissions Cow? - Andrew-T

They will be equipped with a flatulence sensing device which needs to be deployed close to a cows rear end to get a reliable reading and determine whether prosecution is appropriate..

I think the device should be applied to the other end ? Belching, I believe ?

Low Emissions Cow? - Adampr

More additives in our food and I wonder how they they will check if farmers are complying with the new additives. What are they going to to about the melting Tundra and the methane stored within? A few cows will make no difference at all. I expect us humans will have something in our breakfast cereal next. It must be an April fool who dreamt this up

All explained here:. www.ft.com/content/73e5f1fc-76ac-48b0-871a-7fa4e8b...b

Low Emissions Cow? - sammy1

Presumably these additives do not apply to organic cows or is organic milk production going sour.

Low Emissions Cow? - Adampr

It's garlic and citrus

Low Emissions Cow? - Ethan Edwards

Well that's a simple fix. Just fit all cows with a cow-talytic converter. Have to prevent them being jacked up in the street and bits sawn off. ...

Edited by Ethan Edwards on 02/04/2023 at 23:32

Low Emissions Cow? - Crickleymal

Well that's a simple fix. Just fit all cows with a cow-talytic converter. Have to prevent them being jacked up in the street and bits sawn off. ...

Don't cow-talytic convertors contain heavy mootals?

Low Emissions Cow? - paul 1963

Quite clearly a load of Bull....

Low Emissions Cow? - sammy1

Quite clearly a load of Bull....

Pull the udder one!

Low Emissions Cow? - Ethan Edwards

Well that's a simple fix. Just fit all cows with a cow-talytic converter. Have to prevent them being jacked up in the street and bits sawn off. ...

Don't cow-talytic convertors contain heavy mootals?

Boom boom!

Low Emissions Cow? - Brit_in_Germany

Whatever happened to the cowabunga?

Low Emissions Cow? - Adampr

Whatever happened to the cowabunga?

I imagine itta shotta outta pretty quickly.