Renault Clio - Insurance renewal , Main driver? - malct

About 4 years ago, I transferred my NCD to my wife who has only passed her test 2 years earlier.

at the time i was fully retired and my wife was using the car for work, So she was the main Driver

Recently i have just taken on a part time job in the next town and i have been catching the bus but i am planning on sharing the car for work with my wife since i am a named driver. (She works 6am to 2pm and i work 4pm to 7pm)

This means that we need to increase the number of miles that we travel from 6,000 to 12,000 , My wife travels around 16 miles a day and i will be travelling 20 miles a day, Her job is Full time and like i said , I will be part time. plus my wife will use the car for shopping a couple of times a week.

My issue is

1. Since i do the more miles for work, Will that make me the Main driver and if so, Will the insurance company want to change the named driver?

2 With both Husband and wife sharing the same car for commuting , Will this be a issue? The Car is insured for my wife to commuting, But unsure if this applies for a named driver to used the car for commuting .

The car is insured fully compressive with Protected NCD

Reason why i am asking, I had issues 4 years ago when i told the insurance company that my wife was doing most of the miles with using the car for work when it was coming up to renewal and they cancelled the policy there and then and then transferred my NCD to my wife and made her the main driver.

I just need to make sure that i have doubled checked everything before phoning the Insurance company since i believe looking at the quote below, The insurance company may not allow my wife to transfer the NCD back to me, So any advice would be great .

Maybe i am worrying over nothing, But better checking first

many insurance providers will let you transfer your no-claims bonus to another person. But there may be specific criteria. For example, many will only let you do it once, and only transfer it to a spouse or partner, and you won't then be able to use that NCD on another policy

Renault Clio - Insurance renewal , Main driver? - KJP 123

Reading the first line I was confused; how can you do that? It is explained later.

I have wondered about this as an academic exercise before. A man has two cars; a new one and an old one. He does not want to leave the new car at the station five days per week so uses the old one. His son uses the old car at weekends. So the father drives the car five days per week and his son two; but the father’s weekly mileage is only fifty miles in that car and his son’s more.

So who is the main driver?

Also interesting about commuting: if commuting has been added to the policy does it apply to all named drivers or just the main driver?

Say I bought a new car, an expensive investment, so I want it insured in my name so that if it is stolen I get the pay-out. But I no longer drive so the main driver is my daughter and my son is a named driver.

Is it possible to be the policyholder when not a driver?

Renault Clio - Insurance renewal , Main driver? - RT

Is it possible to be the policyholder when not a driver?

Yes it is - a few years back I had to surrender my licence because of health issues - after discussion with my broker and insurer I remained the policyholder while my wife remained a named driver - I was specifically excluded on the cover note- however this may be down to the broker's negotiation skills.

When DVLA allowed me my licence back, my insurer simply put me back on cover

Renault Clio - Insurance renewal , Main driver? - Palcouk

Its all dependent on what the insurance company says, you cannot second guess their decision.

Renault Clio - Insurance renewal , Main driver? - malct

I have just spoken to my insurance company.

Because i will be driving 3 more miles a day than my wife, I will become the main driver and i would have to take out a new policy with NO NCD which i would not do since we need our 9 years inc in case of a accident

They won't even allow the transfer from my wife back to me.

Basically, The only thing that i can do is catch a bus once a week in order that my wife uses the car more than me commuting to work.

Regarding my wife using the car more for Shopping, That doesn't matter, Its the person who uses the car the most for work purposes

I might have to try and speak with other companies to see if i can get a better deal

Regards doing nothing and taking a chance, Well read this

Edited by malct on 05/12/2022 at 10:11

Renault Clio - Insurance renewal , Main driver? - Bromptonaut

As others note it's certainly possible for a vehicle to be insured in the name of a person who, for health reasons, cannot drive. I worked for a while with people lacking mental capacity, for example after a brain injury who needed live in care. They had money from a compensation award to pay for this. A car was bought, insured as owned by the injured person and with their carers as named drivers. Done through a broker though, I doubt we'd have had much help from the company that would nowadays be cheapest on Compare the Market etc.

Depending on how long it is before they can end the current policy without massive loss the OP needs to look elsewhere.

It may however be worth escalating the query with the current insurer. At the moment I assume they've just got the approach of a phone agent with a script and a fear of getting it wrong.

Main driver should not really an issue between a couple of similar age and driving record and both in straightforward clerical, managerial retail or whatever employment. Different if one of you is a jockey or a stage performer! That and 'fronting' for a much younger driver are the point at which main user becomes an issue. One insurer, Admiral, will treat a younger driver as the main user even if they're patently not. I found this adding my son to my policy si he could use my car on domestic duties while on University vac.

My OH and I both have cars owned and insured in our own names and as named drivers, including commuting and business use, on each others policies. That way we can use each others if needs be, for example if car is in for a service. However, if an insurer looked only at mileage I might be the main driver of her car as it's the one we use for caravan trips and some other holidays and I do pretty well all the driving then. On the other hand she has 'care and control' of it far more days than I do.

When she claimed there was no 'stewards inquiry' over main driver.

Renault Clio - Insurance renewal , Main driver? - malct

On a good note , aviva are willing to transfer the NCD over to me

Renault Clio - Insurance renewal , Main driver? - jp2021

Contact a couple of local insurance brokers - not 'computer says no ' price comparison sites.

We have companies who would give 5 plus years intro discount without altering your wifes policy- or transfer the ncd back. No problem car is in her name and you are marginally the main user- easy to note on policy and commuting by both no problem at all

I get fed up with staff at insurers who seem to know very little , creating problems and cost where there is no need. Dont put up with it