Ask Honest John

Most recently answered scratch removal questions
There are many products that advertise the simplicity of masking or removing scratches on bodywork. Are they as magical as purported to be and if so what product would you recommend?
I have recently bought an 8 month old used car from a dealer. Under certain sunlit conditions I notice small scratches on the windscreen. It looks like it has been cleaned with a cloth that had a piece...
I read about scratch removing Nano cloths, do they really work?
I have a black car and find that minor scratches, which used to be polished out (on oil-based paint) or T-cut could be used, no longer works. I am nervous about using T-cut and ordinary polish doesn't...
I've just bought a 2017 Honda CR-V from Honda Used Approved. How do I go about cleaning and protecting the paintwork? What can I use to take off existing scratches? Thanks.
I'm confused by all the different products advertised for repairing small paint scratches. Can you steer me in the right direction on purchasing something that will remove or improve unsightly small scratches...
Do deep scratch removers really work? And what is the best one if they do?