What should I have checked on my LPG-converted Subaru Impreza as it reaches 110,000 miles?

I have a 2002 Subaru Impreza saloon 2-litre automatic. I bought it from a main dealer in 2007 and had it converted to run on LPG. I get it regularly serviced and it had all the replacements, such as the timing belt, done prior to my purchase, according to the dealer. It has been a star to date, with only the usual stuff such as brake pads, discs, exhaust and tyres needing replacement. I like the car and I love the fuel costs of around 56 pence a litre for LPG, but it is now nearing 110,000 miles and I was wondering what else might need attention to prevent any major headaches. For example, does the auto box need any servicing requirements or is it a sealed unit?

Asked on 20 July 2010 by Charles Jackson

Answered by Honest John
LPG has a tendency to burn out exhaust valves, so get a compression check.
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