Middle lane hogs can cause real problems for trailer drivers.

I have been reading the debate about lane hogs on motorways with interest. JB of Altrincham and the party bore in ‘Beef encounter’ don't realise the problem posed by lane hogs to trailer drivers such as me. Trailers are limited to 60mph, 4mph faster than trucks governed to 90kmh (56mph) and are banned from the outside lane. As I see no reason why I should travel at the same speed or slower than trucks I regularly get stuck in the middle lane behind middle lane hogs doing slightly under 60 because their speedo says they're doing 60. I travel at 60 on my accurate satnav. Generally they either refuse to move or do so very reluctantly. I can tell they can't understand why they need to pull over. If they don't, I'm stuck and begin a middle lane tailback that blocks the motorway. I also dislike having to signal that they need to pull over. So no, the problem isn't a minor one. It is an issue about knowledge of road rules and paying attention to the traffic around you, both of which are serious safety issues.

Asked on 19 October 2013 by GE, Feckenham,

Answered by Honest John
Gears in fifth and mind in neutral. Typical members of CLOG ('Centre Lane Owner's Group'). However, you will frequently legally slip past them in traffic when they stick to the centre lane despite the left hand lane that you are in being relatively clear.
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