How can car passengers combat back and hip pains on long or twisty journeys?

I very much enjoyed your recent 'Comfy Cars' article - and it prompted a query on behalf of my wife, and possibly many other passengers who suffer from back and hip pains, especially after being driven many miles on twisty and bendy roads, plus of course on longer journeys. One obvious difference between passenger and driver is that the latter has a steering wheel to hold which must also be a steadying aid; even using the pedals give a focus and exercise which must be a benefit that the passenger lacks. One immediately thinks of the child's toy steering wheel, but that might alarm other drivers. We have seen adverts for back supports which might help in straight-ahead conditions, but are there any ideas less bizarre than the toy steering wheel, more helpful design features/grips/handles or whatever, that could help aging passengers with back and hip problems be a little more secure on bends and corners?

Asked on 21 January 2012 by SW, Looe

Answered by Honest John
Strangely enough, as a passenger, I often find myself with my left hand (or right hand) hanging onto the grab handle above the door.
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