Our local authorities have spent £840,000 on speed 'tables' on our roads - is this a total waste?

I follow your campaign against speed bumps, potholes and related damage to vehicles with interest and dismay at the attitude of many local authorities. When an apparently pointless and useless traffic diversion was constructed in the vicinity of my home, I was told that the construction cost was approx £60,000. I queried the cost with a local councillor, whilst suggesting that the construction was a waste of money. I was told that people were always complaining to him that such things were a waste of money and did I consider that the similar figures spent on the construction of speed "tables" in the vicinity also constituted a waste of money. There are thirteen of these tables plus the construction, which I originally complained about installed at a total cost of 14 times £60,000 i.e. £840,000. What an appalling waste.

Asked on 4 September 2011 by RH, Smethwick

Answered by Honest John
Completely ridiculous, but a nice little earner for the contractor. Check around the speed tables for damage to the road substructure and to surrounding vehicles from the percussion of vehicles bouncing over them.
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