Dealer sold me a Cat S car, what are my rights?

I bought a car from a dealer a year ago and I've just found out its a Cat S. They didn't tell me this at the time I bought it. Where do I stand with this?

Asked on 6 June 2022 by stephen hailstone

Answered by Dan Powell
If the car has been given a Cat S marker then it will have been previously damaged and repaired by an insurer. It is not illegal to repair and resell Cat S cars but the dealer must disclose any known damage to the vehicle when showing it to any potential customer.

I would advise taking the car back to the dealer that sold it to you and demanding an explanation. If you are happy to keep the vehicle then you can negotiate a partial refund to reflect the Cat S status of the vehicle and lower market value. Or you can demand a full refund, minus a fair deduction for the usage you've already had from the car.

If the dealer refuses to play ball then you'll need to seek legal advice. I would also report the dealer to Trading Standards.

For your consumer rights, see:
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